الحريري يزور اليرزة "تضامنا" مع الجيش ويشيد بقدرة المؤسسة العسكرية على "تحييد نفسها عن العواصف"

Read this story in English W460

زار رئيس تيار "المستقبل" سعد الحريري اليرزة والتقى قائد الجيش جان قهوجي ووزير الدفاع سمير مقبل حيث أثنى بعد اللقاء بقدرة الجيش على التصدي لكل من "يريد تخريب لبنان".

وقال الحريري الاثنين "الزيارة هي تضامنية مع الجيش ولتقديم التعازي بالعسكريين الذين سقطوا في عرسال، ونؤكد ان لدينا جيشا قويا وقوى امنية قوية تحمينا وتحمي لبنان من كل المخاطر".

وفيما اعرب عن ثقته أن "اخواننا العرب لن يتركوا لبنان"، لفت الحريري الى أن "رغم الغاء الهبة السعودية الا اننا نقوم بمسعى لنقول اننا مع الجيش وان الجيش لكل اللبنانيين"، مؤكدا أن "الاخوة العرب لن يتركوا لبنان".

وأشاد الحريري بقدرة "المؤسسة العسكرية على تحييد نفسها عن كل العواصف"، مضيفا "نحن بالمرصاد مع الجيش لكل من يريد تخريب لبنان".

التعليقات 12
Thumb EagleDawn 14:40 ,2016 آذار 14

The army is now stronger as a result of his visit.

Missing coolmec 14:46 ,2016 آذار 14

tric Portugal
Please spare us with your stupid comments. you are a delusional person. General Aoun the supreme commander? elected by acclamation with 90% of Christians?
Please shut up

Missing humble 00:44 ,2016 آذار 15

Tric Trac
Go and play somewhere else...in Lisbon Da7yeh for instance,....and leave the CristHIANS alone.

Thumb Southern...... 14:53 ,2016 آذار 14

those some Arab regimes that Hariri is referring to which include GCC rulers and the ones who depend on their financial assistance are worthless and Lebanon does not need their assistance, therefore the country and its people must rely on themselves and stop begging others... wake up Hariri and stop praising a state which sponsors terrorism, like the terrorist state of Bani Saud.

Thumb Southern...... 15:18 ,2016 آذار 14

Iran sponsors inventions and self sufficiency while Assad defends his country from Saudi terrorism... get it 'airan'.

Thumb Mystic 16:27 ,2016 آذار 14

Hariri is trying to make up for the Saudi boycott on the LAF, by trying to appear supportive of it.

Good show.

Thumb Mystic 17:20 ,2016 آذار 14

It was not Sayed Hassan that stopped the Saudi deals to the LAF, they quit it themselves in order to try and hurt the Resistance reputation.
Well it didn't go out as you planned, even Rifi thought he would get more backup when he resigned, and he ended up being the only one running off.

Missing coolmec 14:59 ,2016 آذار 14

Right on! no reason whatsoever for some Lebanese not paying their electric bill and other

Thumb lebanesenationalist 15:51 ,2016 آذار 14

Say what you want about Hariri, but man does he take a good selfie. You can barely tell..

Default-user-icon Vick (ضيف) 17:03 ,2016 آذار 14

Looks like a selfie picture.:)

Missing humble 00:47 ,2016 آذار 15

Caporal has been begging the Saudis and kissing their hands to get their support, but after he did not receive their OK he re-started insulting them...

Thumb thepatriot 10:54 ,2016 آذار 15

Humble, he did the same with the Syrians at the end of the 80's, he did the same with the US, in the 90's, it's the story of Michel Aoun's life!
He tries to kiss, they realize he's nuts, they drop him, he insults them... over & over & over...story of a failure.