جلسة انتخاب الرئيس انعقدت بغياب المرشحين.. والحريري: أعمال حزب الله ارهابية في الخارج ولكن لابد من الحوار
Read this story in Englishأُرجئت جلسة انتخاب رئيس للجمهورية الأربعاء التي وصل عدد المشاركين فيها الى 72 نائبا، بغياب المرشحين الرئيسيين للرئاسة.
وتم تحديد 23 آذار الجاري موعدا لجلسة جديدة.
وفي وقت يتطلب انتخاب رئيس حضور ثلثي أعضاء مجلس النواب البالغ 86 نائبا من اصل 128، حضر 72. ويعد هذا الرقم قياسيا مقارنة مع الحضور في الجلسات السابقة.
وبعد انتهاء الجلسة تمنى رئيس تيار "المستقبل" سعد الحريري الذي حضر الجلسة لاول مرة، على "النواب الغائبين أن يقوموا بحقهم الدستوري في الجلسة المقبلة"، قائلا "اليوم اقتربنا من النصاب ووصلنا إلى 72 نائبا نزلوا إلى مجلس النواب لانتخاب الرئيس".
واشار الحريري الى أن "الخلافات السياسية ممكن حلها بوجود رئيس جمهورية أفضل بكثير من الفراغ الحالي". وتابع "لا أريد اتهام الجميع بالتعطيل واتفهم الوزير فرنجية وهناك أمور في حاجة لتبلور عند بعض الأفرقاء. وسأتمسك بترشيحي لفرنجية أكثر بعد هذه الجلسة".
وانعقدت الجلس بغياب مرشح حزب "القوات اللبنانية" ميشال عون ومرشح تيار "المستقبل" سليمان فرنجية الذي أكد امس الثلاثاء عدم مشاركته في الجلسة، قائلا "سعد الحريري في القلب ولكن لن أنزل غداً الى المجلس".
وشدد فرنجية في كلامه على انه لن ينزل الى الجلسة "الا بالتنسيق مع حلفائي في فريق 8 آذار".
وحول قرار دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي الاربعاء تصنيف حزب الله منظمة ارهابية، رأى الحريري ان الأعمال التي يقوم بها "حزب الله" دعت دول مجلس التعاون الى تصنيفه على هذا الشكل، لافتا الى أن "هذا ما حصل مع الجناح العسكري للحزب في اوروبا".
وأضاف أن "ما يقوم به حزب الله في سوريا واليمن أصنفها إجرامية وارهابية"، لكنه شدد على ضرورة الحوار مع الحزب في الداخل.
وقال "نريد التحاور مع حزب الله على أساس التهدئة وعاجلاً او آجلاً سيصل هذا الحوار الى نتيجة".
بدوره، هاجم النائب أحمد فتفت من مجلس النواب الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله منتقدا كلمته التي القاها أمس الثلاثاء.
وراى فتفت أن كام نصرالله "محاولة للتطمين يطبق عليه مبدأ أريد أن أتمسكن في الداخل لأتمكن اقليميا ليعود الى لبنان ويسيطر عليه".
واتسمت كلمة نصر الله الثلاثاء بالهدوء، اكد فيها حرص حزب الله على "استقرار وأمن لبنان وسلمه الاهلي"، مطمئنا جميع اللبانيين أن أحداث سبعة أيار جديدة غير واردة في البلد.
و دعا أنصاره الى عدم النزول للشارع وعدم القيام بتظاهرات "تخدم العدو والخصم"، لكنه أكد عدم السكوت للسعودية داعيا ايها الى مواجهة حزب الله وترك اللبنانيين جانبا.
It is an obligation for all MP's to go to Parliament. Those who don't go are the ones who are destroying the country. Full Stop.
but Lebanon is not Switzerland, Sweden or a European democracy....
*Courtesy of MP Franjieh
Not only those MP's who do not show up are to blame, but they have to be denounced as traitors.
Those arrogant M8 Politicians are of the worst kind. Traitors to the nation. Traitors to the institutions. Traitors to the people...
This attitude has no other name. They have no excuse not to perform their duty. This is outrageous!
It is no more acceptable!
The 2 candidates are from their side for God sake!!!
They want complete surrender and humiliation of M14 before they announce their President ....... and they preach national unity (diarrhea of the mouth)
That is why throughout the Syrian hegemony of Lebanon early days of Hafez Assad, the president was really chosen by Syria before the vote (started with Sleiman Franjieh's election). Prior to that we had real elections with Camile Chamun, Fouad Shehab, and Charles Helou ...... then Hafez ended it all through his proxies in Lebanon (SSNP, PFLP, .... and othrs who are Lebanese by name only)
"but Lebanon is not Switzerland, Sweden or a European democracy,” the Marada chief went on to say, suggesting that the election of a president requires political consensus outside the parliament building".
My fellow countrymen, now you've heard it loud and clear what sort of democracy we have (NONE), so now you know who we're voting for to control our lives and our welfare and our beloved country, just remember that next time you're voting.
who gives these morons the right to control our lives and get paid for it too
Presidential Elections Postponed to March 23 as Hariri Vows to Continue Dialogue with Hizbollah
Hariri vows to continue dialogue with Hezbollah;)
Finally, most of M14 have realized that Caporal is a servant to Ebola, that he has received millions from them, that he is their prisonner and will always be.
let us just hope that he will kick the bucket by the time we finally elect a president
You can not claim to support a secular democratic state while at the same time supporting HA the anti-state. So bigjohn do some soul searching, you needd it
the truth is that the country cannot be a true democracy when you have 40% of Lebanon being an Iranian proxy and another 40% being a Saudi proxy
and to top it off corrupt leaders from all sides
On March 23, 2016 those Lebanese who live in the electoral districts of the of the 14 Deputies who refuse to go to Parliament ought to find them, and under force take them to Parliament, throw them in, lock the door and not let any one out until they have voted. Well they don't even have to vote, we just need a warm body in the chamber to count a quorum.
72 MPs is a very strong showing and if Berri didn't do his usual Machiavellian scheme and introduce the whole 2/3rd farce, we could have had a president today.
Still, March 14 called March 8's bluff out and ironically Berri / Jumblatt helped them do this. March 23rd will not be any different but the traitors to the nation have been called out.
Shame Franjieh didn't make a showing or send an honorary delegate of his to keep his options open. It would be difficult for him to ever make it as president if he doesn't make significant progress to move to the middle ground.
On dialog, it will be more difficult now that the GCC has called Hezbollah a terrorist group. I suspect it will be some weeks before a low key meeting takes place between Nader Hariri and Khalil(s).
"If LEBANON was a parliamentary democracy, you would have one person one vote"
and you wouldn't have an armed foreign militia taking the country hostage of their whims.....
Lebanon is weak because hezbollah keeps it weak! has hezbollah ever done something to improve the economy? NEVER... hezbollah drags Lebanon into wars it is all they do...
Lebanon has everything to make it a rich economy but it does not please neither hezbollah nor israel... both are happy to maintain Lebanon weak!
hezbollah to control it, and israel so they have no economic competition in the region!
hezbollah cannot allow Lebanon to be rich and developped! it would mean their disappearance... so both israel and hezboolah work hand in hand to make sure Lebanon runs into chaos.... with your full support . don't you see you are playing israel scheme while pretending to fight it? LOL
not as many as Iranian souls arming and training HA. Send HA to Iran, Salafis to KSA and then real Lebanese become the majority again.
“We will continue the dialogue because we do not want strife in Lebanon,” he emphasized......
And while u r continuing thee dialogue coward Sa33d, HA is continuing the take over of Lebanon