الحريري عبر تويتر: سأصوت لجعجع في انتخابات الرئاسة المقبلة وأكتبها بالحرف الكبير

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أعلن رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري أنه سيصوت لرئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع في الإنتخابات الرئاسية المقبلة عام 2014.

فعندما سئل الحريري في دردشة عبر موقع "تويتر" مساء الخميس "هل ستصوت للدكتور جعجع في انتخابات الرئاسة إذا حصلت على الأكثرية النيابية بعد عام 2013 أم تفضل مارونيا من تيار المستقبل" أجاب: "سأصوت له من كل قلبي وأكتبها بالأحرف الكبيرة".

وعندما سئل من الأقرب إليك بعد الرئيس السنيورة قال "سمير جعجع وأمين الجميل وكثر آخرين".

وشدد الحريري على أن سلاح حزب الله "سيقط وسيلسم للجيش اللبناني" لافتا إلى "خطة موضوعة لإسقاط حكومة الرئيس نجيب ميقاتي لكن لن يتمّ اعلانها الآن والمعارضة لا تراهن على سقوط اي نظام".

وتابع "لا أظن انه يجب الخوف من التغيير لقد عانينا من النظام السوري واعتقد ان المسيحيين هم اكثر من عانوا منه".

وهل لديه ثقة بالجامعة العربية أجاب "المنطقة تتغير بقوة وعليهم فإما أن يغيروا عقليتهم أو لا يثق أحد فيهم".

وعلق رئيس الحكومة السابق على ما حصل في الجامعة العربية الأربعاء ورشق وفد المعارضة السورية في الداخل بالبيض بالقول أن الأمين العام للجامعة العربية نبيل العربي "يستقبل معارضة مرسلة من النظام ومن المؤكد أن هذا غير مقبول عند معظم السوريين".

وعندما سئل كيف تحمي الجنوب من الإسرائيليين كتب "بالجيش اللبناني".

التعليقات 23
Default-user-icon Yousefbeik (ضيف) 23:52 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 10

YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!!!! WOW!!! Obviously Mr. Hariri does not know what kind of a War lord criminal geagea is!!! If that EVER happens, as a Lebanese first and a maronite second I will NOT stand foot on Lebanese soil. Anyways geagea could NEVER become president because of his criminal past. Remember that geagea was pardoned and released and NOT made innocent because he's not.

Default-user-icon M60 (ضيف) 00:11 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 11

I would also vote for Geagea in the presidential elections if he decides to run.

Default-user-icon Dany Zahra (ضيف) 00:11 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 11

Hahaha. Seriously the saad hariri twitter charade is hilarious. No wonder he lost power. Nobody who wants march14 to succeed could possibly want this fool as their leader. A leader that communicates with his his people via twitter? No this is not cool. Yes modern day leaders have twitter, blogs, facebook etc but they dont use it as their main source for speaking with their people. This is crazy. Im sure some ignorant will come defend this fool but just remeber that your the one loosing by having him as your leader. The man can not even read. Seriously ya3ne.

Default-user-icon juan del pueblo (ضيف) 01:51 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 11

Now thats funny right there.

Thumb joesikemrex 03:24 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 11


Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 04:42 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 11

Go Geagea.....we need an intellectual leader that speaks the truth.

Thumb mrbrain 05:12 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 11

This is just to tease Hariris' Opponents...On the other hand what happens online stays online!!!!

Missing hajijas 06:49 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 11

guys seriously, what the hell is wrong with you? why is it that whenever people speak of Jaajaa everyone is disgusted and talk about war crimes and atrocities?
aren't them all war lords? why the hell do you not go and oppose Nabih Berri (among many others) the famous Amal war lord with as much blood on his hands as hakim had? Au contraire, you got so used to seeing him monopolizing the parliament that you see him as some kind of a super hero, while his war opponent Jaajaa that almost perished in jail for years is a despicable criminal. The hell with you little minds !! programmed like a freaking robot to spit praises for your sectarian lords!

Default-user-icon WhyNot (ضيف) 09:24 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 11

Geagea deserves the presidency. He is a true Lebanese. The days of the civil war are long gone. Do you have anything else to criticize the man? What took 20 years to destroy in Lebanon in the civil war, Nassrallah destroyed in 20 days!!! Who is the real criminal here.....

Missing peace 14:27 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 11

those poor little offensed ladies should think before being ridiculous...

what difference is there between voting for geagea and letting berry in his seat for more than 20 years? they are as criminals if we go back to the civil war!

he is as clean as all the other warlords given the general amnesty they all benefited from... so just be serious ok?
think before making yourselves fools here....

Missing future_vision 15:52 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 11

I do not have the patience to argue with people that are stuck on war crimes although every party have is responsible and the lebanese war is very contradictive, I just want to base myself on the stances of Geagea these last 5 years and the idea he defends and am proud to hear Hariri Tweets that and , if it happens, I shout:

" VICTORY !!! ", VICTORY !!! "

Missing jabal 16:19 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 11

Hariri must be bored in Saudi Arabia, although that article was fun :)
I can't wait for the time the people get to vote for the president, since you can't trust any of the MPs not changing their mind when it comes down to a president vote... why does a president have to be consensual!!! The president leads the majoiry like in all countries all over the world!

Default-user-icon basterma (ضيف) 19:09 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 11

Yes they are all warlords... but Geagea is in a class of his own and is indeed a very accomplished warlord: He is the leader of the militia that is responsible for firing the first shots of the Lebanon war, that has many many massacres under it's belt: Black Saturday, Quarantina, Tal el Zaatar, Sabra and Shatila; allying, collaborating and colluding with Israel during the 1982 invasion; indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas in East and West Beirut; need I go on?

He should be the one put on trial at the Hague for war crimes and not being talked about as a potential presidential candidate. Lebanon needs to progress and move forward, not backwards banana republic!

Thumb mrbrain 21:33 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 11

Haha same old same old :) Some people are hailing this statement as if it's going to yield any result...Mr Geagea's dream to become a president will remain a cloud that appears every night between 12 and 17 h...The only chance for him to become a president is when everyone Lebanese dies and he becomes the only occupant of this country...
i am reading a book of Mr George Korm...I pray for the day I see this decent man is, at least, nominated for the presidency....
Mr Geagea president......Keep on dreaming....

Default-user-icon Truly Lebanese (ضيف) 21:51 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 11

Mr Brain

Geagea, as any Maronite could stand for presidency and if he is elected so let it be so..as someone said it is not as shoking as making Berri head of parliement unless you consider that what is alllowed for other sects is not allowed for maronites.

And the guys who criticize the Hakim ..haram although Syria left, you are still brainwashed.

Do you know that Geagea was proposed as minister back in 1991 that he refused in order to stay faithful to his ideas and his people.
Had he accepted syria rule he would have been Minister like Jumblatt, Berri , Hobeika or any other warlord and would have spared himself 11 horrible years in prison

the only thing his ennemies could tell is what he did 30 years ago forgetting what he is doing since 2005.

Did he do crimes..yes..so did jumblatt, berri, aoun, nasrallah, franjieh ..did he pay ..yes..they did not so let all the others spend half of his years in prison before criticising..

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 23:03 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 11

Nothing would gall Aoun more than to see Geagea in the Presidency. Hariri, no doubt has posted this to poke at Aoun who has threatened Hariri's life if Hariri returns to Lebanon.

Thumb shab 23:31 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 11

Yes !! Lebanon needs a president who cares for Lebanon and the free civilized Lebanese

Thumb mrbrain 07:59 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 12

Mr truly Lebanese,
Let me share with you some common sense facts:
Fact# 1: Mr Geagea, Mr Berri, Mr Jumblatt, Mr gemayel, Mr Hobeika ...are Criminals, warlords, Corrupted sectarian Leaders, Feudal leaders, Etc...
Fact#2: Mr Geagea was unlucky to stay Alone in Jail many sectarian leaders should have joined him
Fact#3: you cannot clean up the record of a war criminal…
Fac#t4: Mr Geagea is not Tannios Chahine
Fact# 5: Mr Geagea is labeled criminal by many people let me name few: President Suleiman, Mr Frangieh, Mr Karami , the Chamoun, the ambassadors, the regular people
Fact# 6: Mr Geagea political orientation suits a tiny minority of the Lebanese
Fact #7: Committing atrocities: He won the gold medal
Fact #8: Presidency!!! In his dream
As you can see all the valid facts work against him still most of the Lebanese people refer to the retarded argument that says: because their criminals are free we should free ours….

Thumb mrbrain 08:00 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 12

My Friend all Lebanese, regardless of their beliefs, are suffering. They all share the same problems and they all want to live with dignity and prosperity. This sectarian and feudal system most comes to an end….. if you have the chance to find a replacement for Geagea please do it…Berri , Harriri and Jumblat doesn’t give their people this luxury………..

Thumb mrbrain 08:13 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 12


Missing roger@10452 08:17 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 12

Below is what Geagea will accomplish when he is elected President:
* All weapons will be under the direct control of the Lebanese government
* Disarm and clean up the PLO camps from all the thugs and terrorists
* Complete border demarcation and the return of any occupied Lebanese territories
* Strengthen our Lebanese army so it can protect all of the 10452
* Progressive economic policy to raise the Lebanese GDP and standard of living for all Lebanese
* Expedite the development of oil & gas fields
* Overhaul the Lebanese social security system
* Strengthen the Lebanese University system
* Increase investment in our medical system to improve service and availability to all citizen
* Attract investments from international companies to create more jobs in Lebanon
* Aggressive investment in our infrastructure
* Preserve and protect our banking sector
* Aggressive investment in our industrial and agricultural sectors with tax break and other incentives

Thumb mrbrain 09:06 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 12

* direct control of the Lebanese government : NO REALISTIC
* Disarm and clean up the PLO camps from all the thugs and terrorists: HELLO
* Complete border demarcation and the return of any occupied Lebanese territories : HOW?
* Strengthen our Lebanese army so it can protect all of the 10452: HOW?
* Progressive economic policy to raise the Lebanese GDP and standard of living for all Lebanese :HOW?
* Expedite the development of oil & gas fields: HOW?
* Overhaul the Lebanese social security system: HOW
* Strengthen the Lebanese University system: ONE CAMPUS? and HOW?
* Increase investment in our medical system:HOW?
* Attract investments from international: HOW?
* Aggressive investment in our infrastructure: AGGRESSIVE?
* Preserve and protect our banking sector:HOW?
* Aggressive investment in our industrial and agricultural:HOW

See Roger this proposal fits 10 years old kids...Can you say something realistic instead of portraying Gegagea as being SANTA..pffff

Default-user-icon steve (ضيف) 03:44 ,2014 كانون الثاني 09

what u talking about. Samir gaegea is a bloody man. I defended the rights for christians in lebanon. Unlike michael Aoun a absolute coward for syria and hezzbollua shame. Mr Gaegea never kill innocent christians. Unlike other. ur the man gaegea