الجامعة العربية: تلقينا من سوريا رسالة تدين "تورط" واشنطن بأحداثها وتطلب وقفه

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أعلنت الجامعة العربية أنها تلقت رسالة من وزير الخارجية السورية وليد المعلم يتهم فيها واشنطن بـ"التورط المباشر" في الأحداث الدموية التي تشهدها سوريا مطالبا الجامعة بـ"إدانة هذا التورط وعمل كل ما يلزم لوضع حد له".

وكانت قد أشارت الوكالة السورية الرسمية للأنباء "سانا" وجه رسائل إلى وزراء خارجية روسيا والصين والهند وجنوب أفريقيا والبرازيل وإلى رئيس وأعضاء اللجنة الوزارية العربية والأمين العام لجامعة الدول العربية والأمين العام للأمم المتحدة ورئيس مجلس الأمن.

وأعلم المعلم هؤلاء "بأنه بعد أن اتخذت الجمهورية العربية السورية خطوة هامة جدا لوقف العنف بأن دعت حملة السلاح إلى تسليم سلاحهم وأن يصار إلى إخلاء سبيلهم فورا فوجئت سورية بتاريخ 4-11-2011 بدعوة الناطقة بلسان وزارة خارجية الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية لهؤلاء المسلحين بعدم تسليم أسلحتهم إلى السلطات السورية".

وأضاف المعلم أن سوريا ترى في هذ الدعوة "تورطا مباشرا للولايات المتحدة بإحداث الفتنة والعنف في سورية التي كلفت الشعب السوري جيشا وشرطة ومواطنين الكثير من الضحايا الأبرياء".

ونقل الوزير للمرسل إليهم بأن "الحكومة السورية قد تعاملت بإيجابية مع مبادرة الجامعة العربية وتبذل كل الجهد لتطبيقها وتأمل منهم أخذ العلم بتورط الولايات المتحدة الامريكية الفعلي بالأحداث الدامية في سورية".

كذلك طلب منهم "إدانة هذا التورط وعمل كل ما يلزم لوضع حد له ومساعدة الحكومة السورية على توفير البيئة المناسبة من أجل تنفيذ الاتفاق الذي جرى بين سورية والجامعة العربية".

التعليقات 12
Missing rognation 18:58 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 07

what a corrupt and deceiving regime.

Thumb chrisrushlau 19:05 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 07

So the deserters are using artillery (mortars?), just like the NTC used artillery in Libya. One side was allowed to use it, but not the other.
That reminds me of Lebanon's electoral law, where some people's votes are worth more than other people's votes. It reminds of me of Israel. It reminds me of slavery.

Thumb shab 19:30 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 07

Lebanon's enemy, the Syrian Sharon

Missing youssefhaddad 20:08 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 07

Dictators do not get it till they finally get it!

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 21:50 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 07

So those are US tanks and airplanes bombing people in their homes? Did the US tell the shabiha to beak and kill?

Default-user-icon Trueself (ضيف) 21:58 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 07

I couldn't come to understand how these people like Muallem act like FMs when their level of rationality is smaller than a child. Is he trying to convince us that the opposition in syria are a bunch of criminals whose main aim is to destabilize Syria and create some sort of havok that would result in the destruction of the Syrian fabric? Hasn't his boss understood that his totalitarian ways are not anymore in vogue and that his fate would be tantamount to that of Gaddafi if he doesn't heed the cries and demands of the people? Muallem is just a messanger! he is neither a decision maker nor is able to move an ashtray without the consent of his boos bashar. I also believe that he's not sleeping at night knowing well ahead that his boss's end s nearer than ever and likewise his fate. I am really astonished at the small mindedness of the Arabs, including the lebanese politicians. I am a Lebanese and ashamed of having lived in lebanon for almost 30 years. A country with no prospects.

Default-user-icon Disgusted (ضيف) 22:03 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 07

3an jad shi bida7ek! Is this letter for real???

Default-user-icon Neal (ضيف) 23:55 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 07

this is free of speech not interference in the internal affair of Syria and of course freedom of speech is nothing you know anything about . if what you say is true why don't you come to the united nation and file a complain about the united state and ask for china and Russia's protection

Missing realist 00:45 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 08

All the more evidence how much teflees the nizam in Syria has reached

Hey Ariel Mualem Sharon, if the US was really interested in taking down your regime you would have been either killed or in Jail by now, the US would use state of the art weapons and planes not those poor msha7areen in bab 3amru. The real protector of your regime is Israel who is tying the US hands.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 02:35 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 08

The guy is in absolute denial of reality. He should know better than most that the US is the main reason that NATO is not right now buzzing the Palace on the Damascus hill. But for Israel's objection to more forceful action against Syria, the US would already being doing that which Moualam charges it with.

Israel has its hands full on its southern border and with Gaza and does not want a change now on its northern borders, preferring to keep Assad in place keeping the peace, than to get the un-Assad breaching it. Assad has said as much in making his plea for survival that the Israeli border would be destabilized.

Rather than condeming the US, Moualam should be thanking the US for forebearing this long from taking action.

Default-user-icon G (ضيف) 07:51 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 08

No wonder we make Syrian jokes looooooooooooooooool

Thumb geha 07:53 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 08

what a surprise! the syrian people is finally fighting back after 8 months!
what did the Assad regime expect? to keep killing unarmed people on a daily basis, and no one to resist?