هولاند يعلن انه سيزور لبنان قريبا وسيتفقد "مخيما للاجئين" 

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أعلن الرئيس الفرنسي فرنسوا هولاند الاثنين انه سيزور لبنان وسيتفقد "مخيما للاجئين" فيه، وذلك بعد اجتماعات الجمعية العامة للامم المتحدة في نيويورك.

وسيعقد مؤتمر دولي لدعم البلد لبنان الذي يستضيف نازحين سوريين يمثلون "واحدا من اصل ثلاثة من سكانه".

وقال هولاند في مؤتمر صحافي الاثنين "ساذهب الى لبنان لزيارة مخيم للاجئين لنتمكن تحديدا من مساعدتهم حتى يستطيعوا البقاء هناك بالقرب من المكان الذي كانوا يعيشون فيه قبل بضعة اشهر".

واشار الى ان النزاع في سوريا تاتت عنه "عواقب كبرى" على لبنان الذي يشهد "ازمة سياسية".

وتابع انه في لبنان "لم يتم انتخاب الرئيس والبرلمان يواجه صعوبات في عقد جلساته، علينا ان نقف الى جانب اللبنانيين" ، معلنا انه سيلتقي ايضا السياسيين اللبنانيين خلال هذه الزيارة.

التعليقات 19
Default-user-icon Lebanese Shia and Proud of it (ضيف) 14:34 ,2015 أيلول 07

Mr. Holande you are welcome in your second country Libanon, the land of resistance and brave men. We thank you for being Imam Khomeini's home for 15 years in exile during which he sampled first hand French cuisine and hospitality. He particularly enjoyed Châteaubriand and French red wine. We are forever indebted to you and the French people.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:48 ,2015 أيلول 07

Mr. Hollande, I am one Lebanese who would be most happy if Lebanon becomes a French overseas territory, and by consequence a member of the E.U. We have tried the Arab Union, useless, the Iranians have tried to embrace us, no good either, we can't even vote for a president, we can't even sort out our trash, the mafia has stolen our everything, beaches, lands, mountains, everything. I don't want to leave Lebanon, I want to stay, so please, this is it, just like Martinique, Tahiti, Reunion and other territories, let Lebanon rejoin.

Missing humble 15:02 ,2015 أيلول 07

I second you in your thoughts...fed up with backward cultures...

Default-user-icon mowaten (ضيف) 15:54 ,2015 أيلول 07

phoenix, I am not sure why you are complaining about the lebanese passport. I once was offered the American passport and I declined. On my lebanese passport I can travel to Syria and Iran without visas and as a lebanese shiaa I feel very welcomed.

Missing helicopter 18:21 ,2015 أيلول 07

With help from many Shiites, the Kissinger plan almost worked. More recently with support from HA, Palestinians were able to keep their arms (especially those supported by Assad of Syria (HA's ally). Do you know what Assad's plan is, to control Lebanon by suppressing all who oppose(Christians and non-Christians). Do you know what Iran's plan is, it is to control Lebanon via military supremacy of HA and use it for its proxy wars. Are you willing to put a big X on Berri and Nasrallah to unite with others who are asking for massive resignations and re-election of fresh faces? I would guess not, your sectarian loyalties are just too strong.

Default-user-icon kissinger (ضيف) 18:40 ,2015 أيلول 07

thank you southern for revealing my plan.

Thumb kanaanljdid 20:59 ,2015 أيلول 07

Moi aussi je veux que le Liban retrouve sa grandeur en redevenant français, car c'est seulement à ce moment qu'il a été quelque chose depuis qu'il n'est plus phénicien.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:53 ,2015 أيلول 07

Imagine, Lebanon, a French Overseas territory. No more do we have to carry that sick Lebanese passport. No more having to queue like sick men in embassies and airports having to be frisked from head to toe. Imagine, a Lebanese with a French Shengen passport. Imagine no longer having to have monkeys rule us. Imagine being able to travel anywhere we want. Imagine, 24/7 electricity, superb internet, social security that works, a proper defense system, no more trash but recycling, imagine free school and univ education to those who wish to opt for such, no more militias, no more warlords, no more two systems of justice, no more a Lebanon running a "deux vitesse", imagine driving under a proper road law system and good roads, imagine proper sewage systems, ahhhh, if only we can go out of this nomadic system.

Default-user-icon lebanese Shia and Proud of it (ضيف) 15:12 ,2015 أيلول 07

dream on @finiq not over our dead bodies. As long as we have the resistance none of your zionist dreams will materialize. We are here to stay and you better get used to it.

Thumb -phoenix1 19:56 ,2015 أيلول 08

My middle finger up your resistance, mni7 heyk?

Thumb shab 18:09 ,2015 أيلول 07

And most important, ban on chador and ninja outfit

Missing helicopter 18:24 ,2015 أيلول 07

Got islamization correct, yet he still can not spell christians (intentional errors)

Default-user-icon mrs.flamethrower (ضيف) 15:12 ,2015 أيلول 07

hey @lebjack
do you know where my flamethrower is? He's been missing for a few days....

Default-user-icon illegitimate extra terrestrial southern (ضيف) 15:30 ,2015 أيلول 07

you always know what to say
excellent comments as always

Missing humble 17:34 ,2015 أيلول 07

Paris is in Mecca...the Vatican too...

Thumb joebustani 17:45 ,2015 أيلول 07

3 hours ago LBCI: Shiaa Students who failed the official exams hold a protest in front of the Education Ministry.

Thumb shab 18:09 ,2015 أيلول 07


Thumb -phoenix1 19:55 ,2015 أيلول 08

Tris you're sick.

Thumb -phoenix1 19:56 ,2015 أيلول 08

But your Iranian terrorists are welcome ma heyk? Well, you don't own Lebanon, too bad ya Southern, Hollande will come.