عون يؤكد أن حركة "الوطني الحر" "تصاعدية": لسنا خيال صحراء في الحكم

Read this story in English W460

لا يزال رئيس تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون متمسكا بتحركه الميداني ضد سياسة الحكومة محذرا من ان "الحركة تصاعدية"، رافضا التهميش ولافتا الى ان "من يعطل المؤسسات هو من لا يحترم الدستور".

و رفض عون في حديث الى صحيفة "النهار" الثلاثاء اتهام البعض إياه بأنه يتسبب بحراكه الاخير بتعطيل المؤسسات والحياة السياسية تمهيداً لمؤتمر تأسيسي. وقال "أرفض هذا الاستنتاج مطلقاً، من يعطّل المؤسسات هو من لا يحترم الدستور والقوانين ، وأنا أحدّ من تعطيل القوانين والدستور لسبب اننا نفقد معالم الحكم".

وشدد عون على "ان ما أريده هي حقوق المسيحيين الوطنية بالاضافة الى قدرتي على ممارستها".

وأضاف "أنا لست خيال صحراء في الحكم كي لا أستشار في قضايا مهمة".

وإذ أكد أنه لا يريد تغيير الحكومة لانه لا امكان لتأليف بديلة منها، لفت عون الى أن "الوضع الحالي تسمح بإصلاحه اجراءات معينة كي تكمل الحكومة وإذا اكملت عرجاء أمر أو اذا لم تكمل أمر آخر".

وخلص الى القول "سنكون موجودين ولا يتحدونا كي نستقيل اذا رفضنا هذه الممارسات، نحن نتحرك وفق المضمون. الحركة تصاعدية وفي كل مرة أمر جديد".

ويعتصم التيار "الوطني الحر" ضد الحكومة و آلية عملها وضد ما يعتبره تهميشا وانتقاصا من حقوق المسيحيين. ويعترض على مجلس النواب ويطالب بقانون انتخابي جديد. أما المؤسسة العسكرية فتلقى أيضا اعتراضا من عون لا سيما بعد التمديد الذي وقعه وزير الدفاع سمير مقبل لمدة سنة لكل من رئيس الاركان اللواء وليد سلمان ورئيس المجلس الاعلى للدفاع محمد خير وكذلك لقائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي الذي يتهمه عون بانه "الشريك في العملية الانقلابية التي افتعلتها الحكومة" وبانه يقوم "بتسيس الجيش".

ومنذ أسبوع نزل مناصرو التيار بمواكب سيارة من مختلف المناطق الى ساحة الشهداء تلبية لدعوة من عون للتظاهر الى حين استرجاع حقوقهم.

التعليقات 27
Missing lqu7 08:27 ,2015 آب 18

Love him or hate him, the man's got a point. Why is it that 60% of Christian MP's are nominated and voted for by non-Christians? Would fellow Muslims accept this if the Christians did the same? General Aoun is the only person protesting this, and as such he is the bearer of Christian political rights. Even LFers secretly agree with him on this particular issue. Christians must get out of their alley-way politics and agree for once on an issue that affects their very existence in the near future.

Default-user-icon flamethrower with high iq (ضيف) 09:11 ,2015 آب 18

Why is it that 38% of the Lebanese population have 50% of seats in Parliament and the Presidency? Would fellow Muslims accept this?

dear IQ of 7, this is not about Christian rights this is about the Aoun family rights.
You're welcome;)

Missing lqu7 13:13 ,2015 آب 18

Where did you pull the 38% out from? If you want to change the munasafe and the consitution then that is something else. Your obsession with IQ's speaks volumes of your inferiority complex.

Default-user-icon rami.batrouni (ضيف) 09:39 ,2015 آب 18

totally totally totally agree with you about the bearer of christian rights.

Thumb lebnanfirst 11:14 ,2015 آب 18

No disagreement there. The difference is most of those opposing him do not believe he is sincere in raising the issue for its own sake. Most believe that he is raising it simply to ascend to the presidency using it as a stepping stone issue which he will discard the moment he sits on "the chair".

There are ways to achieve that objective from within the system without all the demagoguery and obstructionism he is practicing. Such attitude and behavior led to a civil war in the past and we do not want a repeat.

If he truly believes in democracy, then let the majority decide and head down to elect a president. After that, raise hell if you wish and fight for the Christian rights and all of us Christians will be behind him - but not like this.

Thumb lebnanfirst 11:16 ,2015 آب 18

You see, Aoun's methods are leaving a bad taste in just about e dry sect in Lebanon including at least half of his own sect - Christians.

Missing lqu7 13:15 ,2015 آب 18

If he just wanted the chair then wouldn't it have been easier for him to stay in the M14 alliance? Furthermore, this parliament is considered illegal not just by him, but by the constitution as well. We need a new and fair law first, then parliament elections, and finally presidential elections.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 16:39 ,2015 آب 18

lqu7- you are incorrect on two counts. First, Aoun left M14 because they refused to make him president. (remember their excuse was that they did not want another general at the helm). Second, if Aoun considers this government illegal then he has backtracked on it due to his alliance with HA. he has been quoted as saying this more than once. “I have said that the parliament is illegitimate but it is legal. There is a difference between the two.”

Thumb ex-fpm 11:34 ,2015 آب 18

@lebnanfirst .. it is not as simple as Iqu7 makes it out to be.

Missing lqu7 13:16 ,2015 آب 18

It is much simpler... The Lebanese must agree to a new and fair parliamentary elections law. The rest will follow.

Thumb lebnanfirst 19:24 ,2015 آب 18

@ex-fpm, maybe and maybe not as you say. Whatever it is, the problem lies with Aoun's approach. His demeanor is more like that of a street thug than a statesman and its alienating more and more Lebanese.

He seems to think the road I the residency passes through the alienation of the Sunni Lebanese which in the end dos not do the country as a whole any good.

Default-user-icon the_roar (ضيف) 09:28 ,2015 آب 18

hello lebjack
did you know that FT and I are the two most informative and most voted posters on naharnet by two country miles?

Thumb sophia_angle 09:31 ,2015 آب 18

Allah w Lebnen w Aoun w bassssss !!!!! stay tune the tsunami soon :)

Default-user-icon zainab_angle (ضيف) 09:39 ,2015 آب 18

what about consensus????

Thumb Knight 09:47 ,2015 آب 18

thank Warner Bros for Looney Tunes ;)

Thumb sophia_angle 09:52 ,2015 آب 18

Aoouney tunes :D

Thumb canadianpaul 13:20 ,2015 آب 18

A tsunami of 200 people, LOL. Yalla, rouho ndabo, no one cares about Aoun and his family interests anymore. Except, of course, a few braindead idiots, like you, Sophia!

Thumb -phoenix1 17:00 ,2015 آب 18

Sophia, you'd better buy a good umbrella and a thick blanket because by all accounts winter will come and you won't even notice it came, and why? Because of that Tsunami you still keep in your heart as wishful thinking. Aoun is done and over with, he has marginalized himself by himself, trust me, no one pushed him to shoot himself in the foot, the old grumpy man of your came to believe that he was God, just like his overweight Cleric friend who still can't wiggle out of his underground bunker. Vous etes des depasses, that's all.

Default-user-icon roukuz (ضيف) 09:33 ,2015 آب 18

i wonder where you are and how you are dear flamethrower as you lay in pieces and tranquility at your final resting place..... RIP shia hero

Missing humble 10:46 ,2015 آب 18

L’arrogance est l’arme des incompétents ; les autres cherchent à convaincre.

Missing humble 10:48 ,2015 آب 18

Caporal is terminated. The implosion will take place in a near future.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:32 ,2015 آب 18

Humble, another good one: le nom des fous est inscrit partout.

Thumb ex-fpm 11:34 ,2015 آب 18

there you have it:
الأعور: المطلوب هيئة تأسيسية لاجراء عملية بنيوية للبنان
لفت الأعور في حديث الى “صوت الشعب”، الى ان “”التيار الوطني الحر” ليس في أجواء الاتصالات الجارية لايجاد مخرج لأزمة الحكومة”، مؤكدا ان “المطلوب هيئة تأسيسية لاجراء عملية بنيوية تعيد لبنان الى موقعه الصحيح”، ومشيرا الى أن “الانتخابات الرئاسية مرتبطة في جزء منها بالأوضاع الداخلية وأيضا بالتطورات الإقليمية، ولننتظر كيف ستتجه تلك التطورات”.

Thumb marcus 11:41 ,2015 آب 18

doesn't make you wonder why lebanon is the only country in the world where the presidential elections is tied to regional developments.. what does it say about our politicians!

Default-user-icon the smell test (ضيف) 12:18 ,2015 آب 18

And to defend Christian rights the next street actions will star the same handful of aouni children, the fpm leadership hopefuls and thousands of hezballah black shirts in orange shirts for the occasion.

Missing humble 19:15 ,2015 آب 18

The mareedman called for massive demonstrations. But it didn't happen. The demonstration in the street was the biggest flop and biggest fiasco and shame....they were about 1500 people...ya 3ayb el shuum...at least they should have been 50 000 not to say 100 000.
I have been repeating that there are less and less Christians following a mareedman who is a dog to Ebola.

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 20:19 ,2015 آب 18

This is the logic this Syrian/Iranian boot licking slave wants us to believe, he becomes president, Bassil becomes the highest raking minister in the government and his other son-in law becomes army commander or we as Christians have no rights, anyone that believes in that family affair kinda logic other then illiterates like Southern, mystic bigjohn and mowaten need their heads examined, you couldn't get your son-in law elected MP representing his hometown of batroun and you claim to represent the majority of Christians, Lmfao.