فشل متوقع في انتخاب رئيس للجمهورية والجلسة المقبل في 2 أيلول

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لم يعد من المستغرب إرجاء جلسة انتخاب رئيس للجمهورية، فسيناريو الفشل تكرر الاربعاء أيضا حيث تم إرجاء الجلسة الى الثاني من أيلول المقبل.

وباتت هذه الجلسات التي يدعو اليها رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري تنعقد روتينيا ومع علم مسبق بأن أحدا من النواب لن يحضرها.

فنواب حزب الله وحلفائه باستثناء كتلة التنمية والتحرير لا يحضرون الجلسات، رغم المناشدات الدائمة من قبل جميع القوى والكتل السياسية بالنزول الى المجلس وانتخاب رئيس.

ويتطلب انتخاب رئيس حضور ثلثي اعضاء مجلس النواب (86 من اصل 128)، وهو ما لم يتحقق الاربعاء كالعادة.

وهكذا يستمر الفراغ الرئاسي منذ أيار الفائت. و تتولى الحكومة المؤلفة من ممثلين عن غالبية القوى السياسية ويرأسها تمام سلام، مجتمعة، بموجب الدستور، صلاحيات الرئيس لحين انتخاب رئيس جديد.

ويطال التعطيل أيضا المجلس النيابي وسط جهود مكثفة لاستمرار عمل الحكومة التي ستعقد جلسة لها يوم غد الخميس.


التعليقات 11
Missing phillipo 13:18 ,2015 آب 12

It is about time that the Lebanese Government changed the law so that it will be like the General Meeting of any large company...i.e.
Will take place on....at.....if the necessary quorum is not in attendance at that time then the meeting will be convened one hour later with whatever quantity of voters present being the necessary quorum.

Missing humble 17:07 ,2015 آب 12

This is how most successful organizations function. Another advantage is we can discharge and fire the inept, the inefficient and the idiots...and of course those who are mentally disequilibrated.

Thumb the_roar 17:42 ,2015 آب 12

Phillipo, how dishonest can you be?

how about you write something that resembles the truth?

How about for instance you compare how your nation elects or any democracy that elects their president or PM.

yes allow people to vote..I thought that was the democratic way.
unless you think Lebanon should remain slaves to outsiders then yes your post has some validity.

Missing phillipo 18:20 ,2015 آب 12

1ץ Exactly where is my statement dishonest. I can show you the notifications of AGM's of many international organisations that state exactly as I put it.
2. My country, the UK elects its PM every 5 years.
3. Most countries that have both a President and a PM, then the President is elected by the Parliament, with the number of MP's present on the day of the elction qualifying as a quorum.
4. If you are trying to say that Lebanon should have the President elected by popular vote, then, taking the present deadlock into account, it might be a very good idea.
5. May I ask as to what "slaves to outsiders" you are refering to?

Thumb the_roar 18:33 ,2015 آب 12

slaves in the past to the Syrians & US.

Now KSA & Iran.

Democratic people vote would negate outside influence & have a President elected by Lebanese on time every time.

& thanks for the civil reply Phillipo.

Default-user-icon harry (ضيف) 19:30 ,2015 آب 12

do you think the MPs winow if an mp does his work like taking care of business and attend official meetings like theis last

any MP who does not show up to the parliament ,then he does not get paid
NO PAYCHEQUE how about that?

Thumb -phoenix1 16:19 ,2015 آب 12

I fully agree with you Phil.

Missing humble 17:04 ,2015 آب 12

Thank you Caporal, the dirty traitor, the mareedman...

Thumb -phoenix1 18:21 ,2015 آب 12

JudAoun, Claoun the Alcapaoun.

Default-user-icon kazan (ضيف) 18:50 ,2015 آب 12

The real problem of Lebanon is its religious orientation and focus, as long as this is the case, Lebanon is a country but will never be a nation. All religions are man made , wake up people enlighten yourself, the presidency issue will be solved one day , but as long as this feudal/religious based system exists ,Lebanon will keep sitting on a time bomb.

Thumb beiruti 04:05 ,2015 آب 13

Francisco Frano is still dead, too. No news in either story.