جعجع ينقل الى عون "تشجيع السعودية" للتقارب المسيحي - المسيحي

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نقل رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع الخميس رسالة الى رئيس التيار "الوطني الحر" النائب ميشال عون، تتضمن أجواء الزيارة التي قام بها الى المملكة العربية السعودية منذ أيام.

وزار رئيس جهاز التواصل في "القوات" ملحم رياشي الرابية موفدا من جعجع. بحسب قناة الـ LBCI.

ونقل الى عون رسالة مفادها "تأكيد دعم السعودية وتشجيعها للتقارب المسيحي - المسيحي اللبناني".

والتقى جعجع منذأيام الملك السعودي سلمان بن عبد العزيز وكذلك ولي ولي العهد في الرياض.

وزيارة رياشي الى الرابية تأتي في سياق وثيقة "اعلان النوايا" التي اتفق عليها الطرفان، حين زار جعجع الرابية، والتقيا حينها بحضور النائب ابراهيم كنعان أيضا.


التعليقات 11
Thumb saturn 11:54 ,2015 تموز 23

Was there someone barking about orders from Iran?

Thumb -phoenix1 18:34 ,2015 تموز 23

Dear Sophia, to begin your post the way you did is an ample reflection, as dejectionate as the posts that emanate from FPM partisans. To construe your approach in this way is to defeat the little goodwill still shown towards your side. Fortunately for your side, those you oppose are good folks, unlike your angry lot. Anger coupled with defeat are a deadly cocktail if you didn't know.

Thumb saturn 18:37 ,2015 تموز 23

sophia_angle, it's sad you Aounis don't always know who's with you and who's against you.

I don't have bosses and "your" Aoun and "hakimak" and all the "leaders" can get lost.

Missing coolmec 13:34 ,2015 تموز 23

I don't mind reading why ask why's comment It certainly makes sense and I agree with him

Thumb beiruti 15:38 ,2015 تموز 23

Sure, why not support LF-FPM dialogue and rapproachment? Where will it lead? No where. No one can work with Aouni, they are an inert political force. They are like water not like milk. If you work all day to churn milk, you can eventually make butter. But if you work 100 days churning water, at the end, its still just water. FPM - Dih ou mai mai.

Missing rami.batroun 17:40 ,2015 تموز 23

You are calling a bloc of 27mps an inert political force? What arrogance. Typical mustaqbal. Refuse to acknowledge others in the country and pretend that it's all yours. Fpm will continue to be a thorn in your side if you think you can usurp the country.

Thumb beiruti 04:01 ,2015 تموز 24

Yes inert. You do know what that means, right? It's a chemical term. It means that it's an element that cannot mix with other elements to make compounds bigger than itself. parliament is 128 MPs. 27 who do nothing but say "no", if they show up and who never show up, yep, that's inert. Doesn't mix with others.

Missing rami.batroun 17:40 ,2015 تموز 23

You are calling a bloc of 27mps an inert political force? What arrogance. Typical mustaqbal. Refuse to acknowledge others in the country and pretend that it's all yours. Fpm will continue to be a thorn in your side if you think you can usurp the country.

Thumb -phoenix1 18:36 ,2015 تموز 23

Rami, must we be condemned indefinitely to remind you that this bloc now rests peacefully in the back-shelves of history? It's 2015 dear friend, if the political process was normal, by this time your side would have been seriously dented, just don't kid about your current sad predicament, that all.

Thumb ado.australia 17:27 ,2015 تموز 23

lets hope this is the continuation of real rapprochement and understanding. The end result being a united front to fortify the constitution and national pact! Lebanon will never exist unless the national pact and full and real Lebanese agreement is truly implemented! Without christians there is no Lebanon! Its not about the current demographic that dictates the national pact and constitution. Lebanese in Lebanon and outside Lebanon are the factors not illegals and foreigners! 1.5 million syrians and 500k Palestinians have no say in Lebanon and never will have!

Thumb -phoenix1 18:40 ,2015 تموز 23

Ado, I lend my voice to yours, this is what it should be. I am like you, in spite of the wedge that still divides us as Christians, our only way forward is for us to unite and get rid of all this animosity, the anger, the acrimony, the rancor, the abrasiveness, the inertia, the rigidity, the friction, in fact everything that works against us and our unity. We can belong to the party of our choosing, but as of now we must at all cost show maturity and a clear sense of purpose, that is if we still intend to continue living in Lebanon, the other options means leaving and living in painful regret.