فرنجية: تحرك عون غير مناسب في الوقت الراهن
Read this story in Englishرأى رئيس تيار "المردة" سليمان فرنجية أن التحرك الميداني الذي يستعد له التيار "الوطني الحر" على ضوء الخلاف الحكومي الحاصل، "غير مناسب في الوقت الراهن".
وقال فرنجية في حديث الى صحيفة "الجمهورية" الاربعاء ان "موقفَنا واضح وقد أعلنَ عنه الوزير ريمون عريجي".
وفيما قال "نحن نعتبر أنّ التحرّك ديموقراطي"، اعتبر فرنجية انه "غير مناسب في الوقت الراهن، والخَيار يعود للمواطن".
ويتحفظ أيضا حزب الله على هذا التحرك رغم تحالفه مع رئيس تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون الذي دعا انصاره للنزول الى الشارع للدفاع عن حقوقهم.
ويصف عون هذا التحرك بـ"معركة المصير". وهاجم امس الثلاثاء الحكومة التي يعتبرها "انقلابية" والتي ستعقد جلسة يوم غد الخميس.
I suggest that people buy a lot of tomatoes, and when the FPM idiots drive up with their orange-clad cars, to throw the tomatoes at them, LOL.
Personally I respect Frangieh for his honesty and transparency. Masalan, he has always said it loud and clear that he is a Syrian lackey,...well... in his own ways calls it family links with the Al Assads. he also knows that reckless moves are wrong which is why he does not hesitate to correct the wrongs of his partisans whenever they go our of line. Now he is one of those people who know Aoun for sure, that Aoun could drag the nation into irresponsible acts which at the same time could trigger very negative reactions from the sides that oppose the FPM. Well, let Aoun now ride the tide alone, he is bankrupt.
correct phoenix, I actually think that Frangieh is actually seeing Aoun shooting himself in the foot, and is patiently shying away from him, thinking this might be an opportunity for him to become a potential candidate... which will not happen either of course...
mark my words aoun will not proceed with the demos, he will claim that he was persuaded to postpone by frangieh, the cardinal etc.
i guess it would be too much to ask of you a blind follower of of a lifelong coward to post the same remark using your regular id.
Patriot thanks for a good input. People like Frangieh cannot be trusted at any moment, given the dire situation in Syria, people like Frangieh could sell Lebanon off at any time. Furthermore, the major powers have been reported as wanting to keep Lebanon out of the Syrian conflict and nowadays want Lebanon to carve its independent way as it should have done 70 years ago. Then M8 and Hezbollah are weaker than they wish to admit, trying to put so much bravado does not hide the fact that things have gone wrong for them, in Syria, Yemen and here in Lebanon. If they still yielded the same power they had some years ago, and Syria was still intact, M8 or Hezbollah would not have waited for Aoun, they would by now have reoccupied downtown Beirut and this time many more places. Their behavior right now means they dare not take anymore risks, that simple. It's the wisdom caused by self inflicted wounds and their consequent pain.
Even Frangieh, who is uneducated, knows that this Aoun boneheaded move is bone headed.
"Giving Christians back their rights?" Indeed. This is Orwellian, BS Speak for Giving Aoun's family positions in the government. ou bas.