بوغدانوف: تمسك عون بترشحه للرئاسة سيمد أمد الفراغ وسيخسره مواقع أخرى

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رأى نائب وزير الخارجية الروسي ميخائيل بوغدانوف أن تمسك رئيس تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون بموقفه الرافض للانسحاب من المعركة الرئاسية "من شأنه أن يؤدي إلى خسارته لمواقع أخر"، وسيمد أمد الفراغ الرئاسي.

وقال بوغدانوف في حديث الى صحيفة "الأخبار" الجمعة أن رئيس بلاده فلاديمر بوتين مهتما "بالانتخابات الرئاسية في لبنان وحريص على انتخاب الرئيس في أقرب وقت ممكن، خاصة أنه الرئيس المسيحي الوحيد في المنطقة".

وذكر بموقف بوتين المؤكد ان بلاده ستبذل جهودها المكثفة مع كافة الاطراف المعنية الدولية منها والاقليمة وتحديدا مع ايران لتسهيل انتخاب رئيس جديد وذلك في لقاء مع مع رئيس الحكومة الأسبق سعد الحريري في مدينة سوتشي في أيار المنصرم.

وإذ لفت بوغدانوف الى أن "الموقف الروسي واضح لناحية ضرورة انتخاب رئيس توافقي في لبنان"، أبدى استغرابه "لتمسك العماد ميشال عون بترشيحه بعد مرور كل هذا الوقت الطويل، ومع علمه بعدم إمكانية انتخابه لسدة الرئاسة، لأن فريقاً سياسياً كبيراً في لبنان لا يوافق عليه ولا يعتبره توافقياً".

وأضاف "هذا الأمر ينطبق أيضاً على (رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية) سمير جعجع الذي يعارضه فريق سياسي آخر كبير في البلد، ما يجعل انتخابه أمراً متعذرا".

عليه، رأى بوغدانوف ان على عون "افساح المجال أمام غيره من المرشحين ويسمح لشخصيات مسيحية أخرى معروفة بالترشح، أو على الأقل المبادرة مع حلفائه إلى تأمين النصاب في مجلس النواب اللبناني لكي ينتخب النواب من يرونه مناسباً للرئاسة".

وبحسب بوغدانوف "جعجع مستعد لسحب ترشيحه في حال قرر الجنرال عون التخلي عن ترشيحه، وفق ما أبلغه الرئيس الحريري للمسؤولين الروس خلال اجتماعاته معهم الشهر الماضي".

واكد ان "روسيا على مسافة واحدة من كافة الأطراف السياسية في لبنان، وتربطها علاقات جيدة مع كافة الأسماء المرشحة للرئاسة كالعماد عون والدكتور جعجع أو الوزير السابق جان عبيد والوزير السابق سليمان فرنجية أو قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي".

وأضاف أن بلاده "يهمها انتخاب الرئيس المسيحي والتوافقي في أقرب فرصة ممكنة، خاصة في الوقت الذي يتعرض فيه المسيحيون في العديد من الدول العربية وخاصة العراق وسوريا لشتى أنواع الضغوط والاعتداءات التي أدت إلى هجرة العدد الأكبر منهم".

وأبلغ بوغدانوف الجانب الايراني أن "التمسك بترشيح العماد عون هو أمر غير مفيد ولا يساعد على تسهيل انتخاب الرئيس، بل من شأنه إطالة أمد الفراغ في سدة الرئاسة، ما قد ينعكس سلباً على استقرار لبنان ومصالح المسيحيين فيه".

ونبه من أن "تمسك العماد عون بموقفه الرافض للانسحاب من المعركة الرئاسية من شأنه أن يؤدي إلى خسارته لمواقع أخرى، كقيادة الجيش وغيرها من المواقع المهمة".


التعليقات 22
Missing humble 10:03 ,2015 حزيران 19

Everyone knows the psychological mental illness of this man. Even Ebola and the Butcher have a file on him and they know how to manipulate him.
He is unstable and have almost daily neurasthenic crisis for even small issues. He cannot control his impulses. No one dares open his mouth.
Can such a man be at the TOP of a country?
Anyone who wants a fool is a fool himself.

Thumb Mystic 10:37 ,2015 حزيران 19

Russia is about to sell Saudi Arabia heavy missile launchers that will be available for Saudi Arabias nuke rockets bought from Pakistan. Maybe that deal is the reason for Russias reported stance. Russias can always be bought.

Missing humble 12:35 ,2015 حزيران 19

They always have an explanation by a "conspiracy theory".

My "conspiracy theory" is that Israel and Iran work hand in hand to divide the whole region into "minority community states" : Kurds, Alawites, Druze, Shiites, Jews, and Christians. These "minority states" will then ally against the "Sunnis" who will be in a divided Saudi Arabia between Najdis and Hijjazis.
Since Israel cannot appear as the leader of this plot; that is why it has been entrusted to Iran.

Thumb megahabib 12:40 ,2015 حزيران 19

So is that why Israel and Saudia hold meetings, and are both allies of the US? How the hell does that make sense?

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:31 ,2015 حزيران 19

Mystic don't worry about KSA's supposed nuclear missiles, there is no way they will ever get them. Saouds are good obedient puppies so the USraelis like them, but they will only trust them as far as they can throw them. There is no way on earth they will let these clueless idiots get their hands on such dangerous weapons, it would be a nuclear disaster waiting to happen.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:49 ,2015 حزيران 19

Ah dear dear Mystic, you had to find a justifiable yellow explanation, what matters is your dear Claoun must remain above all suspicions when in fact he is the very element of suspicion.

Thumb lebnanfirst 11:08 ,2015 حزيران 19

The frustration of HA and Aoun's followers is palpable at this point. Not a surprising turn of events given the game of big nations though it is unfortunate that the common man/woman always ends up paying for it. Putin doubled down on Syria with insufficient assets to pull it off while simultaneously stirring the pot in Ukraine. Nothing earth shattering there. That it was first reported - indeed reported at all - in Al-Akhbar is telling and that's the real news here.

Default-user-icon +oua nabka + (ضيف) 11:41 ,2015 حزيران 19

the only way to curb outside interference and to curb sterile political debates between lebanese parties is
popular election for presidency
proportionality in parliamentary elections
let the people decide
god bless democracy

Missing humble 13:08 ,2015 حزيران 19

Iran is the newest ally to the US.
You must now forget the "Down with Amriika" and start learning to say "God bless Amriika".
Followers, you are not asked to think. You are asked to follow.

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:52 ,2015 حزيران 19

Yes because we don't take our instructions from foreign powers, unlike m14ers

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:23 ,2015 حزيران 19

Listening and obeying are two different things. M8 has allies and they listen to each other, but each makes his own decisions. Good luck for M14 however disobeying King Salomon Al Saoud

Missing peace 16:53 ,2015 حزيران 19

i suggest you mooowaten to look up for the definition of "pledging allegiance to" as your terrorist party pledged allegiance to iran... it simply means OBEY and not being allied with...
some M8 leaders openly gloat about their allegiance to bashar too... so spare us with your BS and at least assume like a man that M89 is Under the orders of syria and iran! are you ashamed of it? LOL...

no M14 party has ever pledged allegiance to but are simply allied to... even if you disagree but these are facts not dumb twisting of reality like you do....

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:22 ,2015 حزيران 19

Hahahahah peace, yea right, only those pledge are nowhere to be found... except in m14 propaganda lines.

As for your fairytale about m14, do you know hairiri is a saudi national? Meaning Salomon al Saud is his king and he is bound to obey no matter what. Please take your jokes elsewhere, you're ridiculing yourself.

Missing peace 18:01 ,2015 حزيران 19

no where to be found? pityful idiot you are... let me refreash your malfunctionning brain :

baalbek 1989: hezbollah pledged allegiance to the islamist revolution of iran... forgotten ?
frangie and bashar? forgotten?
Psns who believe Lebanon is just a part of syria? forgotten?
and so on.... M8ers are filled with syrian or iranian lackeys....

pityful mooowaten the voice of syria....

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 18:16 ,2015 حزيران 19

momo- every other word that comes out of wiam wahab's mouth and suleiman frangie's mouths are allegiance to bashar. Master splinter, well he is fighting a war in another country because of his allegiance to Iran and Syria. Now you can stand here and spew propaganda all day and night about how this war to protect Lebanon to all the gullible dipsticks who willingly choose to bury their head in the sand rather than accept reality, however that does not change the actuality that your hero is spilling the blood of his followers because he was ordered to do so by Iran.

Thumb farsical.resistance 21:48 ,2015 حزيران 19

unlike m14ers, your instructions from foreign foreign powers


Thumb -phoenix1 13:55 ,2015 حزيران 19

When I said a while ago that the beginning of the end is near for Michel Aoun, then it means that Michel Aoun is now beginning his descent into reality. Like it or not, the Yellow nay-sayer brigade will try to dig a 1000 miles underground to find reasons to deny the undeniable, but their favorite candidate Aoun simply never had it in him cut the cheese and never will. Geagea too, if even better poised, shares the same problem with Aoun. Now comes the other world Super Power Russia to remind us Lebanese that if we Lebanese who being so proficient in screwing up time, that ultimately does not mean that the world can sit and accept it. Whether we like it or not, the time is now drawing near for us Lebanese, especially for both Ms, to understand that they never were sole players and now they're being reminded of it. Aboul Mich, yalla, degage.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:58 ,2015 حزيران 19

And may I remind the Yellow Brigades, that no matter how hard they work at their thumbing game, nothing will change the course of events in Lebanon or in the region, you're wasting your time, useless as usual. Now let's see how the hatred translates into thumbs down. ento m3attareen wou masakeen.

Missing peace 16:56 ,2015 حزيران 19

Russia is now turning its back to its allies? LOL soooo funny!

Missing humble 17:57 ,2015 حزيران 19

I admire your patience, your respect for others (all others including Istikbar idiots), your kindness, your reasoning abilities and certainl your true knowledge of real facts.
However, Milan Kundera said : never discuss with stupid people, they are blind and cannot think.
You also certainly remember the allegory of the "Cavern of Plato". People who are for long time in obscurity cannot see when they come to light.
All these people from Mastyca, to ft, to Southern, to Mowaten and Al...
We should pity them and pray so that one day their loyalty becomes to Lebanon first, foremost and to Lebanon ONLY.

Missing aounophobia 18:25 ,2015 حزيران 19

how can anybody be at the same time 1) a candidate to the presidency, and 2) boycott the elections by preventing quorum?

it's like the guy who is praying god to make him win the loto, but he doesn't buy the ticket lol

Thumb beiruti 15:22 ,2015 حزيران 20

When Khomanie tells him to give it up, then maybe, but then there is the price he will extract from whoever would make the demand. Giving up the candidacy is leverage to win more money, concessions and positions in the government for other family members. It is a "great sacrifice" to Aou for which he will demand great compensation.

This is called blackmail, holding the country hostage to his wallet. It is also the conduct of a traitor, more loyal to his wallet than to his country.