الجيش ينفي وجود أي خلل في الاسلحة الفرنسية التي تسلمها

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نفت قيادة الجيش وجود أي خلل في صواريخ "ملان" التي تسلمها من السلطات الفرنسية، وذلك بعد تقارير قالت ان الصواريخ الفرنسية "قديمة العهد وغير مطابقة للمواصفات".

وأوضح الجيش في بيان صادر عنه الامر. وأكد أن "هذه الصواريخ هي من مخازن الجيش الفرنسي، وقد أجرت الأجهزة المختصة في الجيش اللبناني كشفا دقيقا على هذه الصواريخ لدى تسلمها وتبين عدم وجود أي خلل تقني أو صناعي فيها".

عليه، دعت قيادة الجيش "وسائل الإعلام مجددا بضرورة توخي الدقة في تناول أي معلومات تتعلق بالجيش والعودة إلى هذه القيادة للتأكد من صحة هذه المعلومات قبل نشرها".

وكانت "السفير" أفادت أن صواريخ الـ"ميلان" البالغ عددها 47 صاروخا والتي تسلّمها الجيش في نيسان الفائت، "قديمة العهد". وقد تم احضارها بحسب الصحيفة على عجل من المستودعات، لتواكب زيارة الوزير الفرنسي الى لبنان.

وقالت مصادر واسعة الاطلاع لـ"السفير" إن لديها معطيات تفيد بأن "الرطوبة" تسرّبت الى بعض هذه الصواريخ، وأن عددا منها قد يكون غير صالح للاستعمال، موضحة ان للجيش الحق في استبدال الصواريخ المشكو منها بأخرى "مطابقة للمواصفات".

الا ان مصادر فرنسية مواكبة لملف تسليح الجيش أكدت للصحيفة عينها ان الصواريخ لتي سُلِّمت الى لبنان نُقلت من مخازن الجيش الفرنسي، ومن غير الممكن ان تكون معطوبة، لافتة الانتباه الى انه في أسوأ الاحتمالات ربما يكون هناك نقص أو خلل ما في الجانب المتعلق بالتجهيز، وليس في الصواريخ بحد ذاتها.

يشار الى انه بعد معركة عرسال الدامية بين الجيش ومجموعات مسلحة قدمت المملكة العربية السعودية للجيش هبة بقيمة مليار دولار ثم ثلاثة مليارات لشراء أسلحة فرنسية. واستلم الجيش الدفعة الاولى من الاسلاحة التي هي ضمن الـ 3 مليار.


التعليقات 32
Default-user-icon MonsieurVoltaire (ضيف) 09:07 ,2015 حزيران 17

Merci tendre maman France pour les petards pouris !!

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 09:35 ,2015 حزيران 17

qelle honte la France

Thumb Mystic 11:06 ,2015 حزيران 17

Ofcourse this is what I've wrote from the beginning, the Saudi purchased french weapons gets delivered directly from their scrapyards and landfills, yet many Lebanese takes it as if it were pure gold and shiny. Saudi Arabia might aswell feed us from their dumpsters, Saudi-owned Lebanese will continue to eat anything they receive and imagine it is fresh.

Thumb Mystic 11:28 ,2015 حزيران 17

Even soldiers in the Army tells me these weapons are just for show, none of it gets used in the field. Everything are purely for Saudis political interests to bribe their owned politicians in Lebanon.

Thumb Mystic 13:27 ,2015 حزيران 17

The Resistance liberated Lebanese land and continues to do so today. How come your beloved U.S that is supposed to be the main backer of our armed forces, never equips the LAF with more sophisticated weaponry? You should rather blame them. But ofcourse you will never blame the masters of your agenda.

Thumb Mystic 13:39 ,2015 حزيران 17

Otherwise the U.S should stop their arms embargo on Lebanon, and let Iran equip the LAF officially instead of miscalculated Saudi/French deals.

Missing maroun 12:07 ,2015 حزيران 17

Assafir said ..enough said..its only for M8 idiots who believe there own propaganda.

Missing maroun 12:14 ,2015 حزيران 17

one should wait for the official statement from the army..then i would believe

Missing maroun 12:09 ,2015 حزيران 17

its for the M8 idiots who believe there own B/S

Thumb canadianpaul 12:24 ,2015 حزيران 17

Garbage produced and delivered by Assafir Trash and consumed by Mowaten, Southern, Mystic, and friends. Seriously, who writes this filth? And who, in his right mind, believes it?

Thumb Mystic 12:54 ,2015 حزيران 17

Yeah you should know about lies texas, you are the expert. Even denying your own words in the past. Something that is very low and pathetic.

Thumb Mystic 13:31 ,2015 حزيران 17

Texas, your infinite words & comments of garbage never states any facts, you also like to invent your own "truths". You are one of those that lost all credibility, even Naharnet that is on your side banned you several times already. They seem to understand that your statements are false and baseless.

Thumb Mystic 13:32 ,2015 حزيران 17

You do not give Naharnet good enough saudi propaganda.

Thumb freedomarch 13:42 ,2015 حزيران 17

Army الجيش تذكّر وسائل الإعلام توخّي الدقة في تناول أي معلومات تتعلق بالجيش 

صدر عن قيادة الجيش – مديرية التوجيه التوضيح الآتي:
نشرت إحدى الصحف المحلية الصادرة بتاريخ اليوم في افتتاحيتها، معلومات نقلاً عن مصادر غير محدّدة، أشارت فيها إلى أن دفعة الصواريخ نوع "ميلان" التي تسلّمها الجيش من السلطات الفرنسية مؤخراً في إطار الهبة السعودية، هي قديمة العهد، وأن بعضها غير مطابق للمواصفات. 
تؤكّد قيادة الجيش أن هذه الصواريخ هي من مخازن الجيش الفرنسي، وقد أجرت الأجهزة المختصة في الجيش اللبناني كشفاً دقيقاً على هذه الصواريخ لدى تسلّمها، وتبيّن عدم وجود أي خلل تقني أو صناعي فيها. 
تذكّر قيادة الجيش وسائل الإعلام مجدداً بضرورة توخّي الدقة في تناول أي معلومات تتعلق بالجيش والعودة إلى هذه القيادة للتأكد من صحة هذه المعلومات قبل نشرها.

Thumb freedomarch 13:46 ,2015 حزيران 17

KHAMINAI. prostate problem, all fida his "nuts" , hope all the sick Aoun, Khaminai, will be ok soon, vitamin D For Nasroolah, little sun underground.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:02 ,2015 حزيران 17

(1). Dry sh*t always floats to the surface, right? True to this, now that the Lebanese Army is moving forward, distancing itself from being dragged into Hezbollah's wars, refuses to buckle under Aoun the claoun's pressure, being fully capable of defending the nation, it's perfectly simple to understand, now the Lebanese Army is the focus of of the Hezbollah-led M8 distortion propaganda machine. It will miss no opportunity to castigate the army, it will miss no opportunity to cast doubt over the army's capacity, it will keep casting doubt over whoever comes to help the army and by default the Lebanese State. Well, what is now getting more apparent by the day, is this:

Thumb Mystic 14:18 ,2015 حزيران 17

Phoenix the ones you support, castrated the LAF already with their empty promises. You say you do not wish to be dragged into a war with the takfiris, Arsal is Lebanon phoenix I thought you phalangists took pride in our land, yet you have no problem keeping the army out of action.
Maybe it is those mighty Saudi cash you admire so much that makes you write these insane things.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:25 ,2015 حزيران 17

Mystic, let not bitterness twist neither your mind nor your tongue. Let not the realities of your lost dreams transpose you into such statements devoid of facts. LF, Kataeb, Mustaqbal and in fact M14 have long since been calling for the state to fulfill its role, thus we're talking of the army. The army has now entered Arsal, now before you keep accusing so randomly reading from a pre-prepared text why not read from the bigger picture? When Hezbollah does not listen to the voices of moderation, don't you think that the radicals will come to try and upstage the moderates? hasn't it happened and thankfully the moderates got back their role again? You keep talking of Saudi cash when Iran was so blatantly flashing its own cash on you people, and the irony was that it was as always, US Dollars. Then if I may ask you, who is the biggest money counterfeiters in the region, and this even surpassing Israel? Iran.

Thumb freedomarch 14:33 ,2015 حزيران 17

Hizbollah, thinks Other Shi3a and most m14 are Tekfiris right, proving that he, just like his master,iran Islamic Rep Public, are real tekfiris. In Your beloved Iran, people are being Hanged, if the disagree with Khaminai rule, similar example where Nasroolah rules here in Dahyeh, etc, all tekfiries want to get rid of their opponents, all want to Kill them, all use force, all are lunatics. And hot headed just like you. Hizbo.

Thumb Mystic 15:07 ,2015 حزيران 17

Funny thing Phoenix, you claim to be sole Lebanese and a devoted Christian yet you have no problem taking money and giving support to the same ones that funds the massacres of Christians over the border. You mind your own words dear friend, because you will be the one regretting your support to those people. You believe with Hezb gone and if the takfiris won, you would be in a better position?

Thumb Mystic 15:10 ,2015 حزيران 17

Could jumblat prevent the druze massacre in Syria? No, neither will Geagea and Hariri be able to when it happens to their people here.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:02 ,2015 حزيران 18

Mystic, when you see me taking money from anyone then say what you wish, otherwise keep your peace and clear your conscience. I have seen you say things that would make a child laugh, yet I never commented on you personally. The money I earn is clean money and this is something neither you, nor your boss Sayed Hassan, nor Aoun or any of the like can claim. I work very hard to provide myself and my loved ones with a life of quality. Some years ago, I branched out my telecoms business into Africa and just like here I make no distinction of race, gender, creed or sect, in fact there are many Shiites in my expat Lebanese staff, two were taken just last week. Next time Mystic, make sure you talk facts instead of gibberish, and if you need a good job, just apply.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:03 ,2015 حزيران 17

(2). That Hezbollah is weakening and not as it want us to believe, that it is strong, its will is being contested ever more strenuously worldwide, especially in Lebanon and that it is now only a question of time when some inevitable facts will glare at every single Lebanese. Now see how the M8 thumbing brigade will get into crazy action, plus those shameful cowardly deranged multiple trolls, one look at their language confirms this popular sentiment in Lebanon: Thanks God M8 doesn't rule, thanks God.

Missing Ghazanfar 17:04 ,2015 حزيران 17

The talk about Iran offering to arm the Lebanese army is nonsense, mere media flatulence by a gassy hajj. If Iran was really serious about arming the Lebanese army there is a simple elegant way to do it without Lebanon risking international sanctions, and here it is


Missing peace 17:46 ,2015 حزيران 17

we don't expect less from M8ers and hezbi lovers to belittle and mock the lebanese army.... they pretend to support it but facts prove the contrary... pityful antilebanese people....

Thumb freedomarch 19:01 ,2015 حزيران 17

I can be a close friend with an open minded Iranian but not with Kassim, Qawok or Yezbik in a military gear aiding ASSAD FORCES of Syria claiming all Syrians people fighting The Regime are extreme takfiries. Stop mixing the obvious, no one accent or want these idiots to exist, neither hizbolah and it's way of mixing politics with aiding a dectatorial regims in Syria and their masters in Iran.

Missing peace 18:01 ,2015 حزيران 17

hey ignorant... the army denied all your hezbi BS... now go and play with your doll, the only thing in which you excel...


Thumb freedomarch 18:48 ,2015 حزيران 17

God bless all those who are defending Lebanon Army and security forces from all sources of evil let it be Tekfiris sunni first and chi3a also first, Sectarian people like Aoun ies first and Jraisati second, thieves all, who ever they are ... Lebanon is for all yet is not for everyone to abuse.

Thumb freedomarch 19:00 ,2015 حزيران 17

I am be a be a close friend with an open minded Iranian but not with Kassim, Qawok or Yezbik in a military gear aiding ASSAD FORCES of Syria claiming all Syrians people fighting The Regime are extreme takfiries. Stop mixing the obvious, no one accent or want these idiots to exist, neither hizbolah and it's way of mixing politics with aiding a dectatorial regims in Syria and their masters in Iran.

Missing peace 00:31 ,2015 حزيران 18

good if you are smarter than the army itself... pityful.

Default-user-icon Guest (ضيف) 08:09 ,2015 حزيران 18

Miss Tic ?Are you accusing the Lebanese Army of spreading lies? simple answer of YES/No is needed.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:04 ,2015 حزيران 18

Portuguese Trick, every line of yours says how much you wish misfortune for our beloved army. But that won't happen, so stop pretending you're Portuguese, man, you boring us.