اتصالات بين بكركي وروما للبحث بإمكان زيارة البابا للبنان
Read this story in Englishتجري "اتصالات بين البطريركية المارونية والفاتيكان للبحث في امكان التحضير لزيارة يقوم بها البابا بنيدكتوس السادس عشر الى لبنان في العام 2012" حسب ما كشفت مصادر كنسية لبنانية لـصحيفة "السفير".
وحسب الصحيفة، تاتي الزيارة "في اطار الاستراتيجية الجديدة التي يعتمدها الفاتيكان لحماية الوجود المسيحي في لبنان والمشرق وتنفيذا لمقررات السينودس الذي عقد العام الماضي حول الشرق الاوسط في روما".
وأوضحت المصادر ان "الاولوية التي يعمل على اساسها الفاتيكان والبطريركية المارونية في هذه المرحلة تركز على حماية الوجود المسيحي بعد التطورات الحاصلة في الدول العربية والخوف على الوجود المسيحي".
وأشارت المصادر للصحيفة عينها الى ان "المواقف التي اطلقها البطريرك الراعي في باريس وبيروت وأميركا تنطلق من المعطيات التي يمتلكها الفاتيكان حول المخاطر التي تواجه الوجود المسيحي في المنطقة وأن اولوية اي تحرك هي كيفية حماية الوجود المسيحي سواء على مستوى المواقف او الأداء أو المبادرات وأن هناك تنسيقا كاملا بين البطريركية المارونية والفاتيكان في هذا الاطار".
ولفتت المصادر الكنسية الى ان "ما يقوم به البطريرك الماروني ينطلق من روحية تطبيق "الارشاد الرسولي" الذي اعلنه البابا يوحنا بولس الثاني خلال زيارته لبنان في العام 1997 وبعد عقد السينودس الخاص بلبنان بين عامي 1991 و1996 والذي لم يطبق في السنوات الماضية لا بل تم تجاوزه".
hitlerjugend is coming to lebanon. i guess gemayel will tell him how phalange originated.
and lady gaga will tell him that his anti-lebanese forces never changed that original roots
I love watching the Christian right scramble. They were just attacking the Patriarch and by extension his common views with the Vatican and now they will welcome him and play innocent. WAKE UP, you no longer have any clout, you divided amongst yourselves and sold yourselves to Hariri dynasty. you're wahabi lackeys
@independent "his common view with the Vatican"? The Vatican was concerned with what the Patriarch was saying. Stop making stuff up.
The only threat to Christians in the Middle East is the Iranian Project of Chaos, death, and destruction in the wider diverse Middle East, called the ISLAMIC middle east, which translates into inducting (and Qom training, brainwashing, radicalizing and finally zombifying) the Arab Shiites to inciting Sunnis to attack Christians and getting the Free world to come in and consume a lot resources in fighting Iran fueled Sunni extremism and then picking up the Pieces and creating the Iranian style criminal theocracy in the wider ME when the free world pulls out. This plan compliments the criminal Dictators such as Assad that have long used state resources to divide and conquer their people..So if they are busy hating each other no one would hold the dictator accountable for his uselessness in developing the country and his deep rooted corruption culture that his regime has nurtured to stay in power. This goes for seemingly secular (Alawite) dictatorship or all out religious dictatorships.
jabalamel interesting so the pope is a nazi funny how none of the pretend christians like the shiite phenicien called you on it, i wonder what the Pope thinks about the whereabouts of the long ape ,moussa sadr and his two accompanying chimpanzees yaakoub and badreddin, I bet as they were decompose their odor improved.
The Pope's main goal for his possible trip to Lebanon is doomed to fail because converting Hariri's Christian Sunnis back to the faith is out of the question. Why? Because the Catholic Church neither has nor is willing to spend millions on losers who would sell their own mothers cheap. Also, the Church will not accept that these politically and morally dead and soul-less individuals continue to limp along life with their soul balloons filled with fart. They are doomed to go to hell, where they should spend another eternity as punishment for the hell that they have and continue to put us through every single minute of every day.