جنبلاط ينتقد خطاب نصرالله ضد السعودية: اللهجة الانفعالية لا تفيد

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انتقد رئيس الحزب "التقدمي الاشتراكي" وليد جنبلاط اللهجة الانفعالية في خطاب امين عام حزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله ضد المملكة العربية السعودية متسائلاً "شو صاير عليه؟".

وأشار جنبلاط في حديثٍ الى صحيفة "المستقبل"، الاحد، إلى أن "اللهجة الانفعالية للسيد نصرالله لا تفيد".

واعتبر انه "يجب العودة إلى الهدوء والى المبادرة الخليجية التي يشدّد الملك سلمان بن عبد العزيز على التمسّك بها كإطار للحل السياسي في اليمن".

والجمعة دعا نصرالله "العالم الاسلامي" الى الوقوف بوجه السعودية والقول "كفى"، متهما اياها انها مصدرة "الفكر التكفيري بين الشباب المسلم من أموال بيت الله الحرام".

وفي هذا الاطار، رأى جنبلاط عبر "المستقبل" ان هذا الخطاب "يؤكّد تصريح مستشار الرئيس الإيراني حسن روحاني علي يونسي بأن إيران اليوم أصبحت امبراطورية كما كانت عبر التاريخ وعاصمتها بغداد حالياً، وهي مركز حضارتنا وثقافتنا وهويتنا اليوم كما في الماضي".

وتساءل قائلاً: " إلى أين يريد السيد نصرالله جرّ لبنان واللبنانيين عبر خطابه الموتور بحق المملكة؟"

واضاف: "هل أخذ بالاعتبار ما قد يترتّب على هذا الخطاب من نتائج وخيمة على معيشة حوالى نصف مليون لبناني فتحت لهم المملكة أبوابها، شو صاير عليه؟".

وذكر جنبلاط الى انه "في أوج عدوان إسرائيل في العام 2006 على حزب الله ولبنان، كانت السعودية أول من دعم لبنان وشعبه وساهمت في إعادة إعماره"، متسائلاً: "هل هكذا يكون رد الجميل؟".

وفي السياق عينه، أكد رئيس الاشتراكي عبر "المستقبل" أن اليمن "الذي كان على تماس تاريخي مع السعودية، هو جزء لا يتجزأ من الأمن القومي للمملكة"، خاتماً قوله ان "عاصفة الحزم حق مشروع للدفاع عن النفس، ونحن معها".

وتستهدف الحملة العسكرية للتحالف العربي بقيادة المملكة العربية السعودية منذ 26 آذار الحوثيين الشيعة المرتبطين بايران والقوات الموالية للرئيس السابق علي عبدالله صالح، وذلك تحت اسم "عاصفة الحزم".


التعليقات 21
Thumb EagleDawn 08:24 ,2015 نيسان 19

Nassrallah spoke of Arab unity of Arab pride and condemned KSA for attacking what he called an "Arab" nation while his attending audience were waving Iranian flags during the speech:)))
He also adamantly said Hadi will not return and in an earlier speech he said any solution in Syria cannot exclude Asssad and that Assad was a red line:)))

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 08:32 ,2015 نيسان 19

Time to tell the Mullahs of Iran: enough is enough.

Thumb Mystic 08:34 ,2015 نيسان 19

Time to go back to sleep, watching you peoples comments is getting boring.
What is Jumpy up to now? Still begging for Wahabi dollars that is, soon we will see Geagea jumping up along him with some sort of cheap comment aswell.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 09:14 ,2015 نيسان 19

Mystic - go to sleep buddy. You already made clear your loyalties.

Missing mohammad_ca 10:32 ,2015 نيسان 19

Go to sleep and follow vilayet e faqoh

Thumb ex-fpm 08:59 ,2015 نيسان 19

Watch Nadim Qoteish's pointing out the lies of nassrallah
DNA 18/04/2015 خطاب نصرالله..اليمن وعاصفة الحزم

Missing humble 10:33 ,2015 نيسان 19

I watched the video which shows how Ebola brainwashes its followers. Just unbelievable disinformation and falsification.

Missing humble 10:35 ,2015 نيسان 19

The result of this brainwashing is that people become complete idiots and cannot realize they have become idiots.

Thumb geha 09:03 ,2015 نيسان 19

the question is: what will all the speeches of this nasrallah change in yemen? NOTHING.
but they will have a dramatic effect on Lebanese Shia working in the Gulf for sure.
so the real target of this nasrallah is to harm shia in their livelihood.

Thumb shab 09:36 ,2015 نيسان 19

Not only Jumblat, no one is afraid or fooled by him. Operation Decisive Storm is obviously a success measured by the his hysterical drooling speech. You are nothing but a filthy murdering militia.

Missing humble 10:31 ,2015 نيسان 19

Bravo Jumbo. It is good when you have guts. Never forget those who assassinated your father and those who are helping them.

Thumb EagleDawn 10:59 ,2015 نيسان 19

one cannot even begin to start pointing out the pointlessness and irrelevance of your comment, so instead, i'm gonna share with you a yummy recipe for a white chocolate and blueberry cheesecake:


Thumb EagleDawn 12:04 ,2015 نيسان 19

and the righetous are the followers of the khomeni one. btw SUPERB speech from flamethrower. right there with 'i had a dream' speech.

Missing imagine_1979 11:03 ,2015 نيسان 19

Flame: shepard smith man?....
U could also give us references from russia today or sana...
Stick to coocking reciepies man at least is funny...

Missing imagine_1979 11:24 ,2015 نيسان 19

Not really but shepard smith man?...
Anyway the deal is simple what assad regime did to lebanese is obvious and so no long ago so i wonder how u could forget this...
What iran did by creating funding their sectarian millicia in lebanon is still ongoing till now so i wonder how u cannot see that..
So if saoudia is backing hariri in lebanon i'd rather him than nassrallah kassem and the illuminated fanatics batteling under the banner of ya hussein in syria / irak (this officially) and maybe yemen....and god knows where..

Missing imagine_1979 11:28 ,2015 نيسان 19

One more thing flame: do u know the alternative to hariri in tripoli that hezbos are backing? Do u know who is hachem minkara? Do u know who is billal chaaban? Why go for the conspiracy theories and omit the obvious?
Really falme don't u feel that hezbos are dragging us more and more into shit? Into this retarded war on the succession of the prophet?... U still think that ya hussein banner and iran flags helps?...

Missing imagine_1979 15:14 ,2015 نيسان 19

Well flame no one is winning anything here it's a farum to share opinions not a voting contest (by the way i never voted here i usually write what i think)
And in general i have no problems guys wearring robes and long beards (let them be christian jews muslims or qhatsoever) as long as they stick to religion and donnot have fanatic political ideas because then they speak in the "name of god" making debate with them irrelevant...

Missing imagine_1979 15:20 ,2015 نيسان 19

And by the way why do tend not to go in a conversation and try only to change the subject? Try to pull some debate man it would really be intersting u know sharing some ideas man...
Anyway the weather is nice try to enjoy ur weekend man, take it easy, don't get too tense..

Missing humble 11:36 ,2015 نيسان 19

How can a normal being defend the Butcher? There can be not one defense argument in favor of this criminal.

Missing peace 12:30 ,2015 نيسان 19

M8ers suffer from stockholm syndrom... they want the butcher back in Lebanon to humiliate and torture lebanese again...didn't they thank him for all what he did for Lebanon? LOLLLL

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 12:25 ,2015 نيسان 19

Lebanon houran sayedan moustakilan ,the problem is you ,our so called muppets (politician ) whenever outside pull the string you bark
we need real statesman by Lebanese for Lebanese and only Lebanon and then we deal with others according to Lebanese interest not their(muppets) own interest
god bless democracy