لندن: نعمل مع واشنطن والرياض على رد دولي مشترك على مؤامرة إيران

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صرح وزير الخارجية البريطاني وليام هيغ الخميس ان "المؤامرة الايرانية" التي تحدثت عنها واشنطن تشكل "تصعيدا كبيرا في دعم ايران للارهاب".

وقال هيغ ان لندن على "اتصال وثيق" مع السلطات الاميركية وتعمل على اعداد رد دولي مشترك لواشنطن والاتحاد الاوروبي والسعودية على هذه المؤامرة التي تنفي طهران وجودها.

التعليقات 32
Thumb geha 15:26 ,2011 تشرين الأول 13

bye bye hizbushaitan

Thumb jabalamel 15:39 ,2011 تشرين الأول 13

ther filthy zionist information war department believe that if someone keeps saying that our glorious resistance will dissapear that it will dissapear.

this is the worst kind of halucinatory behaviour - to believe that something will happen just because we wish that is happens

Thumb jabalamel 15:47 ,2011 تشرين الأول 13

why would anyone care what usa puppet has to say

Missing allouchi 15:58 ,2011 تشرين الأول 13

Ya habal hableh, where do you live? in a dream world or in Dahyeh. I truly doubt that you live in Lebanon at all because you are just like a parrot. The mullah of Iran should be shaking in their boots. How they claim be religions and try killing and assonating others for political disagreements? Syria’s Baath regime will soon fall and Iran next and I hope Israel will too. just imagine the world without the 3 evil states that effect our lives....Peace on earth.

Default-user-icon pong lenis (ضيف) 16:13 ,2011 تشرين الأول 13

Here we go again... To justify it's military adventurism, the U.S. used WMD as an excuse for Iraq. It was such a hollow fabrication that the Bush administration itself had to later admit that there were no WMDs.

And now we are meant to believe this cockmamy conspiracy theory that makes absolutely no sense?... yeah right!

What is this really about? a pretext to nuke Iranian cities and mass murder thousands of civilians to satisfy Israel's bloodlust? Launch a series of black ops and drone strikes? Cause more havoc in the region? Detract attention from a corrupt U.S. Government - bought and paid for by AIPAC and Big Business lobbies - that is handing over "free" taxpayer money to the same Wall St banks that have cause the financial collapse?

And where is world reaction when the Mossad actually carries out one assassination after the next? Yeah, let's ignore those that have actually carried out assassinations and focus on fairy tales...

Missing allouchi 16:27 ,2011 تشرين الأول 13

Isn't amazing how some people elect to believe US media outlets when it suits them and ferociously attack them as pro-Israeli when it doesn't. Iran did it and should pay the consequences. Maybe not with a new War but with complete isolation, some surgical strikes and encouraging the pro-democracy to take over the government. An Iranian spring.

Thumb jabalamel 16:39 ,2011 تشرين الأول 13

it is retarded to believe in this story.

for very simple reason: why????????

what does iran get by killing saudi ambasador in usa?saudis just apoint another one.

this is even more retarded than hezb'allah killing it's ally harriri

Missing petersdemocracy 17:08 ,2011 تشرين الأول 13

they also wanna drag ksa into this cuz they have bases there and theyre allies so the most strategic sense is ksa

Missing petersdemocracy 17:08 ,2011 تشرين الأول 13

they also wanna drag ksa into this cuz they have bases there and theyre allies so the most strategic sense is ksa

Missing petersdemocracy 17:14 ,2011 تشرين الأول 13

this is all bs the americans and mossad and mi6 are trying to find an excuse for Irans invasion, sanctions are not enough now they want to take it to the next level, resolutions and military force. im not a big fan of iran but im also not a big fan of the zionists, they are the chess players and the rest of the nations are just the chess figures that they play with .

Missing startrip 17:43 ,2011 تشرين الأول 13

Le Big,
The fascinating thing about western democracies is that reasonable (and in some cases unreasonable) people will argue, theorize conspiracies, analyze events from different perspectives. But in the end, most have faith in the legal institutions. And I do. I put my opinions aside and accept the judgement of impartial courts.

Expert analysis is not dogma. Your predictable positions on these events and refusal to accept the legitimacy of international justice, in favor of known thugs, is.

Missing petersdemocracy 17:44 ,2011 تشرين الأول 13

i know guys the truth hurts it does.

Missing startrip 17:49 ,2011 تشرين الأول 13

Le Big,
The fascinating thing about western democracies is that reasonable (and in some cases unreasonable) people will argue, theorize conspiracies, analyze events from different perspectives. But in the end, most have faith in the legal institutions. And I do. I put my opinions aside and accept the judgement of impartial courts.

Expert analysis is not dogma. Your predictable positions on these events and refusal to accept the legitimacy of international justice, in favor of known thugs, is.

Default-user-icon N (ضيف) 18:10 ,2011 تشرين الأول 13

Isn't amazing how some people elect to disbelieve US media outlets when it doesn't suit them and swear by them when it does? ESPECIALLY A CIA OPINION! March 8 are a JOKE in their arguments!

Habal habal is like the insane man bobbing his head while sitting on a wheel chair "the filthy zionest information war department...the filthy zionest information war department...the filthy zionest information war department...the filthy zionest information war department...the filthy zionest information war department...the filthy zionest information war department...the filthy zionest information war department...the filthy zionest information war department...the filthy zionest information war department...the filthy zionest information war department..."

Have some lexotanile and RELAX!

Default-user-icon ex-proGMA (ضيف) 18:40 ,2011 تشرين الأول 13

The rabiyeh version: Israel organized this so-called attack (with Iranian infiltrated agents) to push the West for retaliations....

On ALL Octobers 13th, the guy becomes more and more nervous, with less and less efficient medicine!!!!!

Thumb shab 20:49 ,2011 تشرين الأول 13

Bomb Iran

Thumb KiLLeR_313_InStiNcT 03:38 ,2011 تشرين الأول 14

World War 3 Bring It On :)

Missing small.axe 04:43 ,2011 تشرين الأول 14

Hahahahaha, the Persians are TERRIFIED, I love it!

Look at all the Persian Propaganda comments on this article, trying to sway public opinion. The propagandists have been given specific instructions to spin the story.

To the Propagandists...... if you are so much tilted towards Iran, why do you spend so much time on a pro-M14 website? It just makes no sense, unless you are paid to post comments here. That's the only reasonable explanation.

Missing small.axe 04:54 ,2011 تشرين الأول 14

The house of cards is coming crashing down on the Iranian dictator regime. Among their troubles.....

1. Their evil plan to kill Hariri, Gemayel, Tueni, Kassir, Eid, Hawi, and others almost succeeded until the UN Security Council approved the STL. When the trial begins, evidence will show the links to Iran, where the murders were planned and ordered.

2. The Arab Spring is spreading like a fire all directions, and it won't be extinguished until the Dictator regime in Tehran is finished. People want freedom and DEMOCRACY, not a Dictatorship disguised as a Theocracy.

3. The Iranian people are learning from the protests in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Syria. The regime suppressed the people power protests after the fraudulent elections, but the next time they won't be so lucky.

4. The Syrian regime is crumbling. Iran is running out of friends. Soon, no more support line to Hezbollah.

5. Now proof of Iranian plot to kill the Saudi Ambassador?

There will be consequences!!!!!

Default-user-icon Fadi (ضيف) 11:34 ,2011 تشرين الأول 14

to be skeptic

Are you telling me that the Quds Force is better than the CIA or other agencies, everyone one has made mistakes and this could be their turn.

Stuff them they should be bombed, they helped the US take Iraq and now its time to cheer the US in taking Iran.

Default-user-icon Rastafarian (ضيف) 12:15 ,2011 تشرين الأول 14

jabal amel , u really think that Isarel & america are the ''forces of evil '' and hezb and iran ''forces of good'' , if thats what you think , my friend u have a looonnng road to go , i wish that was true , but honestly my friend , they are all in 1 team against me and you , Iran israel america saudi all the world leaders are togeither , dont beleive their lies , thats how they control people they come in all forms , i call that using the Mask , so dont be fooled

Thumb jabalamel 12:16 ,2011 تشرين الأول 14

whole world is laughing at hillarious USA announcment but zionist information war department is still holding to their story.

of course, usa pays them

Thumb geha 12:27 ,2011 تشرين الأول 14

guys, fabrication or not (although I recall the US killed their ambassodr in Chile to have a reason to intervene one day), please face the fact this is significant.
the result of this is going to hurt.
I hope you are not that blind not to see it.

Missing peace 13:11 ,2011 تشرين الأول 14

""One more proof that americans and israelis fabricate cassus bellis whenever they need. no need for an actual attack to occur, no need for proof, no need for any logic or common sense. ""

same old trick used by governments to justify an intervention, and that since the middle ages!
it wouldn t be surprising the USA do the same

BUT unfortunately the syrians are doing the same by fabricating evidence against the opposition ... killing people to throw the blame on "armed forces"...

all dictatorships use the same argument: it s a foreign plot against them...just revise your history!
syria is no different, like it or not! that is what the blinded supporters of the syrian regime forget or don t want to understand...
seems like they regret the old days of massacres done by the syrians in lebanon...

Thumb geha 13:26 ,2011 تشرين الأول 14

at this stage anything is better than this syro/iranian presence

Thumb Abubakr 13:46 ,2011 تشرين الأول 14

mowaten >

The vision of good and evil is not george bushs one , when people like iran and hezb claim to be the soldiers of god ( they are claiming to be the forces of good ) against the evils,
Listen the Iranian hezb Ideology is the same as the american israeli ideology disguised in islam .
Hezb is an excuse to drop these phosphorus , The west always creates enemies, its part of the american policy u always need an enemy to complete ur goals and thats when the job of hezb comes to pose a fake threat so that they can drop the bombs on us , if it wasnt for these groups who pose these threats in the name of the people, there would be peace , jobs,life ,economy. Why would some one not want that ? or prevent me from it ?our leaders arents better than israeli leaders , when u put them infront of god hes not gna judge as a lebanese or as an israeli , hes gonna judge them for the sins they committed, trust me every1 has the same sins from israeli to lebanese to saudi to syrian to iran

Thumb Abubakr 13:49 ,2011 تشرين الأول 14

so all this basicly is for no one to say he is part of the forces of good , it does not exist !

Thumb Abubakr 14:22 ,2011 تشرين الأول 14

They are all economic partners this is where we are getting fooled , its all about money

Thumb Abubakr 14:27 ,2011 تشرين الأول 14

wow i already got a nickname , lol
No one is necessary whats necessary is for us to fight the system as a whole , its the system thats wrong , and every1 is part of the system, people should call for resistance against banks for example these are the enemies , until i see susch a group doing so i will not support and no1 and no1 is necessary , the banking system is the root of all problems , wars hunger , poverty , disease , control thats where all this game ends the political game , IN THE BANK who all have shares or own or something

Thumb Abubakr 15:15 ,2011 تشرين الأول 14

I Agree with you , but the solution is not hezb, or iran, theyre all togeither and they all form the system this is the time of tyranny it has been prophecied in all religions, the real solution is to fight them All , dont take sides or we loose, right now we are all slaves to the system economically physically u chose what kind of slavery u want but at the end , u always have bills and bills piling up , ur a slave to ur own bills , until some one solves this then no1s worth it . feeding us lie, the only people who gain are the ruling class

Thumb Abubakr 15:20 ,2011 تشرين الأول 14

I Agree with you , but the solution is not hezb, or iran, theyre all togeither and they all form the system this is the time of tyranny it has been prophecied in all religions, the real solution is to fight them All , dont take sides or we loose, right now we are all slaves to the system economically physically u chose what kind of slavery u want but at the end , u always have bills and bills piling up , ur a slave to ur own bills , until some one solves this then no1s worth it . feeding us lie, the only people who gain are the ruling class

Default-user-icon geral (ضيف) 23:48 ,2011 تشرين الأول 18

[b]The phony 'Iran Plot' story is a distraction from *fbi incompetence and at the same time prepares the world for an attack on Iran by USA or '?Isreal'[/b]



[u] Information on geral sosbee:[/u]


