جنبلاط أولم لحلفائه... وتمويل المحكمة ضرورة
Read this story in Englishأكد عضو اللقاء الديمقراطي السابق فؤاد السعد أن الوضع مع رئيس حزب التقدمي الاشتراكي وليد جنبلاط "طبيعي، فلا هو بامكانه ان يتخلى عنا ولا نحن في امكاننا ان نتخلى عنه".
وأشار السعد في حديث لصحيفة "اللواء" ان جميع حلفاء جنبلاط السابقين في اللقاء الديمقراطي حضروا العشاء الذي أقامه وقال معلقا عليه: "ما حصل في السابق كانت له ظروفه وحيثياته ولم يكن بالامكان اتخاذ اي موقف غير الموقف الذي اتخذه جنبلاط والذي اتخذناه نحن".
وأوضحت مصادر مطلعة، للصحيفة عينها، أن "العشاء لا يؤسس لأية مرحلة جديدة بين النواب المفترقين عن خط جنبلاط الجديد، والزعيم الدرزي، وانما يأتي في سياق تثبيت موقعه الوسطي الجديد الى جانب رئيسي الجمهورية ميشال سليمان والحكومة نجيب ميقاتي".
وذكرت "اللواء" ان هذا ما سيؤكد عليه جنبلاط في مقابلته مع قناة "المنار" مساء غد الجمعة الى جانب التأكيد على ضرورة تمويل المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان "لأن مصداقية لبنان موضوعة على المحكمة".
it looks the followers of the syro/iranians are lost! they do not understand what is going on anymore in the region.
they do not see that their masters are close to be overthrown :)
The man clearly sees a sinking ship...Iran stopping money to hizzy with its leader in a hole, assad quickly going down that same hole.
Long live justice and truth.
we dont want him in m14 u guys can kleep him haha next tyhing hes gonna be all alone in his corner trying to get everyones attention but no1 cares
You guys have zero political knowlege. The fall of Assad is very soon. Jonblat played his cards right. He lead m14 before and if he wants to return he will lead it again. Do you not realize the may war of hizibalah was a clear msg to the safety of the Druze and a war in lebanon unless jomblat helps m8 reach parliament. Grow up with your silly responses.
you are pathetic!!!! you want him to go back to M14? then you will lose the government :)
anyway things are coming soon, stop being so nervous :)
We are living a false democracy in lebanon but in reality Hizbollah is controlling the country pointing their arms towards all lebanese people they send others to give orders (Aoun) or clown as somebody here in the panel calls him, so I think Jumblat knows how to manage this mafia situation jumping from one side to the other he is good at it ,but this not what the country needs.
Welcome back to M14 ya Jumblatt. When the court gets funded by Miquaiti the Hezz will pull out and start some problems. When the gov't falls a new one headed by M14 will return normalcy to the country.
you guys are all really really stupid ... jumblat is the king of playing politics in lebanon and no one can lose this man... you're like kids take him .. no you keep him,,, you guys need to get some politic educations for sure to understand how it works..
I do not think he ever paid for a banquet. The guy is simply nuts and a scumbag to boot, I guess that makes him a normal politician in Lebanon.