"انزعاج سعودي مصري" من سياسة "النأي بالنفس"

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كشفت المعلومات الصحافية عن انزعاج كل من السعودية ومصر من موقف لبنان بالنأي بالنفس حول احداث اليمن، الا ان ذلك زال بعد الاستماع الى كلمة رئيس الحكومة تمام سلام في قمة العرب السبت.

فقد اشارت صحيفة "المستقبل"، الاحد، الى انه " قد برز في كواليس جلسة القمة العربية، انزعاج سعودي ومصري من موقف النأي بالنفس الذي عبّر عنه باسيل في اجتماع وزراء الخارجية" وذلك تعليقاً على العملية العسكرية التي تقودها السعودية ضد المتمردين الحوثيين في اليمن.

غير انها لفتت الى انه "تم توضيح الأمر من قِبَل الوفد اللبناني" وذلك بعد ان دعا الطرفين "الى انتظار كلمة سلام في القمة".

بناءً عليه، تم تخفيف هذا الانزعاج، بحسب "المستقبل"، لاسيما ان كلمة سلام عكست" موقفاً واضحاً ومنسجماً مع الإجماع العربي".

والخميس، قال باسيل خلال اجتماعات وزراء الخارجية العرب في شرم الشيخ ان لبنان اتخذ مجددا موقفا رماديا يشبه النأي بالنفس عن الأزمات العربية، في حين تحدث سلام في القمة العربية السبت، مؤكداً "الحرص على المصلحة العربية المشتركة"، ومعلناً دعمه الكامل "لأي موقف عربي يحفظ سيادة اليمن"، كما دعا في الوقت عينه الى "تحييد لبنان عن الصراعات".

وكانت السعودية قد اطلقت منتصف ليل الاربعاء الخميس عمليتها تحت مسمى "عاصفة الحزم"، بمشاركة دول عربية والاسلامية ما ادى الى الحاق اضرار كبيرة بالقدرات العسكرية للمسلحين الحوثيين الذين يسيطرون على اجزاء واسعة من اليمن.

وتمكن الحوثيون المدعومون من ايران والمنتمون الى الطائفة الزيدية الشيعية، منذ العام 2014 وحتى الآن من الانتشار بشكل سريع من معقلهم في صعدة الشمالية الى سائر انحاء البلاد، ومنها العاصمة صنعاء ومدينة عدن التي أعلنها الرئيس عبد ربه منصور هادي عاصمة "مؤقتة" للبلاد.

ويعتمد لبنان منذ حكومة الرئيس نجيب ميقاتي سياسة "النأي بالنفس" عن النزاعات العربية الدامية، لكنه ملتزم في الوقت عينه بمقررات الجامعة العربية.


التعليقات 22
Missing lqu7 09:34 ,2015 آذار 29

Get a life, lady.

Missing humble 15:43 ,2015 آذار 29

You should rather go and ask imbassil, the little gangster about the house he bought in London for 16 million pounds...then may be you can GET A LIFE.

Thumb freedomarch 02:46 ,2015 آذار 30

Lqu7, How dare you? Did she harm you with anything? She is entitled to her free opinion. After all, she brings the truth and the female touch and all the news from her Iraqi friend. Indeed, yali esta7ou matou. Leave Norma alone.

Missing lqu7 09:34 ,2015 آذار 29

Good, let them be annoyed and then some.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 09:51 ,2015 آذار 29

I wonder what they can do if they get annoyed too much and some. I am sure there are hundreds of desirable job opportunities waiting in Iran that Lebanese expatriates in those countries can take. I am sure that Iran can deposit billions of dollars in the Lebanese central bank or arm the Lebanese army to the tune of $4 billion.

Missing lqu7 11:43 ,2015 آذار 29

Lebanese working abroad in khaliji countries are making money from their own hard work. The khalijis aren't giving away anything. Ma trabehna jmele 3a at3eb ghayrak.

Thumb EagleDawn 09:54 ,2015 آذار 29

your IQ of 7 is commensurate with your two comments so far: "Get a life, lady" and " Good, let them get annoyed".

Missing lqu7 11:41 ,2015 آذار 29

Really? That's the best you can come up with?

Thumb lebanon_first 10:35 ,2015 آذار 29

We have the right to have the position we want. It is noone's business.

Thumb barrymore 11:56 ,2015 آذار 29

yes we do, but not Bassil's own version of what the Lebanese people want.

Thumb Mystic 11:18 ,2015 آذار 29

Good thing we have honest members in the foreign ministry. Not some Wahabi stooges, we do not all want to eat out of dusty gulf hands as you all do.

Missing lqu7 11:44 ,2015 آذار 29

That's all the M14ers want, to dance like monkeys for the Bedouins. They cannot stand it when someone with dignity tells them "no".

Missing humble 15:47 ,2015 آذار 29

Because you think Iran is better?
When will come the day you will dare to say that both KSA AND IRAN are back aged models.

Missing humble 15:45 ,2015 آذار 29

Because you think Iran is better?
When will come the day you will dare to say that both KSA AND IRAN are back aged models.

Thumb -phoenix1 21:40 ,2015 آذار 29

You meant to say that you're happy ya Mystic that you have lapdogs who for a variety of reasons and common interests to you are holding such a sensitive post as the FM? If honesty is something you gauge through a nothing like Bassil who literally did not even have enough cash to further his school education, today owns half of Batroun amongst other areas, then I would rather throw my vocab book and find something else,....or maybe you are the one that should, to me the word honesty is not measured in your ways.

Default-user-icon Jimmy-NY (ضيف) 13:16 ,2015 آذار 29

Iraq majority Shi3a you suppressed sunnis as you are with the majority, Yemen minority Si3a you want to take over the whole country and when Saudis interfere, you are against foreign interference, and you are with that same interference in Syria where you are protecting a butcher, a serial killer to say the least. are you not ashamed of all contradictions? is your belief based on fact or just lies? grow up as you eat what you seed, and you seeded bad deeds, you will eat $300 paid to you by iran just a fee to compensate you for being a loser.

Missing peace 14:52 ,2015 آذار 29

hypocrit bassil... but then again what to expect from an idiot FPMer?

Disassociation? while he does not condemn whatsoever hezbollah's involvement in syrian affairs... or maybe hezbollah is not lebanese but iranian so his "Policy" does not apply....

Thumb farsical.resistance 15:51 ,2015 آذار 29

Sad and lonely, he misses seeing Caroline.. then his arms move under the desk, he imagines and loses himself in his dream world. A change of pants will be required.

Missing humble 15:51 ,2015 آذار 29

He is a gangster and a khadim to Ebola. This is what he is with his 3ammo caporal the mentally ill man.
Handing the lebanese plane to a mareedman is insane.

Missing humble 15:54 ,2015 آذار 29

All should ask imbassil, the little gangster about the house he bought in London for 16 million pounds...
Ask also the caporal who knows very well about it...

Default-user-icon Georges Breidy (ضيف) 16:10 ,2015 آذار 29

Better put your real picture to see how beautiful you are!!

Default-user-icon Âsif Hazm (ضيف) 18:32 ,2015 آذار 29

Gebran Talleyrand is a drum. Resounding with what's he's beaten with