جعجع ينوّه بـ"عاصفة الحزم" ويعتبرها "خطوة انقاذية" لصالح العرب

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أشاد رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع بالعملية العسكرية التي تقودها المملكة العربية السعودية في اليمن ضد الحوثيين، تحت اسم "عاصفة الحزم"، معتبراً انها أتت كـ"خطوة إنقاذية لمصلحة الشعب العربي".

وفي تصريح الى صحيفة "المستقبل"، الجمعة، لفت جعجع الى ان "أحداً لم يكن يريد العمل العسكري في اليمن لكن لولا حصوله لكان هذا البلد متّجهاً نحو الصوملة مع ما يحمله ذلك من مخاطر".

واعتبر ان "الخطوة التي قامت بها المملكة العربية السعودية مع الإئتلاف العربي الإسلامي الكبير إنما جاءت في لحظة الرمق الأخير ولولاها لكان أمعن الحوثيون في التمدّد واختلط الحابل بالنابل".

من هنا، شدد جعجع على ان العملية العسكرية في اليمن "لم تحصل انطلاقاً من نوايا أو أطماع معينة بل هي جاءت في المكان والزمان الصحيحين كخطوة إنقاذية لمصلحة الشعب اليمني ولمصلحة سائر الشعوب الخليجية والعربية".

وفي اول بيان نشرته وكالة الانباء السعودية جاء ان العملية ادت الى "تدمير الدفاعات الجوية للمتمردين الحوثيين في قاعدة الدليمي العسكرية (ملاصقة لمطار صنعاء) وتدمير بطاريات صواريخ سام واربع طائرات مقاتلة".

واضافت ان العملية بدأت "عند منتصف ليل الاربعاء-الخميس "بحضور وزير الدفاع الامير محمد بن سلمان بن عبد العزيز الذي توجه الى مركز العمليات الحربية في قيادة "عاصفة الحزم".


التعليقات 61
Thumb justin 07:43 ,2015 آذار 27

I agree and add that it came one year late. If one reviews the events in Yemen, the huthis started their so called uprising under the pretext of objecting to the government lifting of fuel subsidies, to "peacefully" occupying Sanaa through demonstrations trying to gain public support, to suddenly moving in militarily on the capital, taking over government buildings, forcing Hadi to sign a new national pact, forced the assignment of security chiefs loyal to them, reneged on the agreement, and expanded militarily throughout Yemen. Their arrogance and military support from Iran made them believe they could control Yemen and make it an Iranian satellite and a threat to KSA. Finally, the Arabs seem to have woken up, but let's see how this unfolds.

Thumb geha 09:49 ,2015 آذار 27

the houthis, a small minority armed by iran, were trying to take over yemen by force.

i wish someone would explain to me how and why such a minority should be allowed to prevail against a major majority?

they remind me of the alouites in syria: a minority that forces itself on a majority....

if this are the models iran want to follow, they should realize that such projects cannot survive.

Thumb barrymore 10:08 ,2015 آذار 27

tonight nassrallah will explain to you why and how this "aggression" will be defeated.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:21 ,2015 آذار 27

of course you "agree" with your saudi masters, like djadja

Thumb Mystic 11:29 ,2015 آذار 27

Geageas life depends on Saudi dollars. He will do all in his power to back them up.

Thumb chrisrushlau 20:05 ,2015 آذار 27

You're probably thinking of the Christians of Lebanon, about a quarter of the population, who are automatically given half of the seats in the Lebanese parliament, and if this "equality" as Patriarch al Rahi calls it is threatened, the Christian minority threatens to plunge the nation back into civil war, a threat tacitly backed up by Israel, NATO, and the US. Oh, I forgot Saudi Arabia's "king", who prefers a non-Muslim to a Muslim as an ally: anything to keep democracy away.

Thumb Mystic 07:52 ,2015 آذار 27

All the criminals seems to give their blessings.

Default-user-icon jaafar ibn iblees (ضيف) 08:06 ,2015 آذار 27

is that a martyred jihadi huthi iranian family in your avatar?

Thumb freedomarch 12:20 ,2015 آذار 27

Picture of 2 Hizbos I guess, went on people hunting trip in Syria, got snapped in company of revolutionary guards masters. I see in both a young khaminee. What a waste of life.

Thumb Mystic 12:45 ,2015 آذار 27

The martyred men on my picture, will remain the pillar of martyrdom for all the Resistance to follow. This man managed to rid Lebanon off Geageaas American guardian angels, then his son after him went to Syria to rid it off american sponsored takfiris and Israeli spies.

Thumb Mystic 12:45 ,2015 آذار 27

Honor that westernized crooks never will understand.

Thumb -phoenix1 12:08 ,2015 آذار 27

So does Michel Aoun and Sayed Hassan whose umbilical chord gets thicker by the year with Iran. So when the caporal Aoun underlines Hezbollah's politics, or agrees with Iran's, by your books it's holy and correct, yet when your Lebanese political opponents stand against M8 or Hezbollah, it immediately gets criminalized, now why is that? During the war, Geagea was your major obstacle fighting against the Syrian/Iranian axis, now in peace time he is still your obstacle. Yet for all we know, one major vermin like Aoun is always present to curb the true Lebanese resistance against that very same axis. Something is now beginning to float and you won't like it my dear Mystic.

Thumb Mystic 12:32 ,2015 آذار 27

Only vermin here is your beloved Geagea ya phoenix. Nobody is going to make that crook a martyr, he will keep getting heavy funds and die then his wife will be the heir of the Lebanese corrupted forces.

Thumb -phoenix1 15:41 ,2015 آذار 27

(2). Mystic. The caporal ran when it got too hot, the Doctor stayed. Your beloved Sayed does the same thing too when the going gets too tough, he dresses as a woman and gets ushered underground from one place to the other. Now you give us a break dear Mystic, Geagea at least was leading his men in combat, your Sayed sends his sons and gets them killed. Your caporal Aoun drops everything, wife and his daughters and his men and runs away to the French. Then who is now pushing for the sale of Christian land to the Shiite? Allah yirda3 3aleyk, heyjaket tayyer fyouleh 3al basharr.

Thumb -phoenix1 15:41 ,2015 آذار 27

(1). OK ya Mystic let's see then who is the bigger vermin. Geagea hel East Beirut, then the only free area of Lebanon and not subjugated to Syrian hegemony for years. We lived in security, we rarely closed our cars at night, criminality was very very low indeed. We could drive from one end to the other at any time at night without fear. Now let's see life under Aoun the claoun. He came and soon after we were in an open war with Syria, he allied to Saddam Hussein when he was at war against the US coalition including the Syrians, then he pointed his guns on us to the point where one couldn't dare tuck his nose out of the window. Now Aoun is enslaved to your Sayed Hassan who promised him The seat, in exchange Aoun will rubber stamp anything for him and his bosses, that's right, Sayed Hassan is also a stooge lest you forgot. So if I put Aoun on one side of the scale and Geagea, definitely the worst of the two is your beloved claoun.

Thumb Mystic 16:12 ,2015 آذار 27

Phoenix, unlike Geagea. Sayed Hassan have sons that he sends to the battlefield. Geagea is a convicted criminal, no matter how much you try to remain blind to it, or reject it. It is not a matter of for discussion, everybody knows this.

Second, you are a follower of Israeli & American agents in Lebanon, starting from Gemayael family to Geagea, which is what will divide us even further. No wonder Lebanese never unite, we support two different groups on the battlefield, I do not wish peace with Israel, you do.

I do not wish the takfiris to take over Lebanon, you seem to do. Yes they would, if the Resistance didn't intervene. Another thing that Ashrafieh likes to deny, you scream and yell and says your only defender is the LAF, do you know what the LAF thinks about that? They thank God everyday for the Resistance intervention, the real soldiers that survived the Arsal clashes that is.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:07 ,2015 آذار 27

(1). You know my dear Mystic, you do behave as if you were the only human being allowed to breathe. If geagea is a criminal, then I wonder what Sayed Hassan is. If Geagea is a criminal, then I wonder what Aoun is. If bachir is a lover of the US, then I wonder what people like Sayed Hassan, Michel Aoun and others are. You need to remember, that Bachir was a lawyer by profession, that he left his cabinet to carry a gun and fight. Me too, even though a lot younger than Bachir, but I too had to leave part of my touth to fight. Now why is that ya Roar, you know by any chance? That's because people like you, (do forgive my bluntness bro) felt that I the Christian have no place here and that 6 days we would be done, well, that's what your ally of the time said, Yasser Arafat. You forgot that the US ambassador received a solid slap on the face by Camille Chamoun for proposing that we board the 6th fleet with a green card and $10grand in pocket to start a new life in the US.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:13 ,2015 آذار 27

(2). Mystic. Well, Chamoun's slap on his face was our answer, you see? You see ya Mystic, until the day you accept my right to resist your desire and wish to control me as a Lebanese, you and I will go nowhere. It so happens that we Christians are a lot grittier than you know. So what did you expect Bachir to do at the time, to pray whilst you the Muslim together with the Palestinian slaughtered our people? Must it surprise that this very same Christian who says father Forgive them can also be as brutal as the enemy he faces? You the Muslim, you had cash galore from everywhere in the world, plus you had fighters from every corner of the world. Should I forget your shouts then, "Al Mawt lil kafirin, al mawt lil in3izaliyin, Allahul Akbar...."?We had to literally buy every single bullet we used, unlike your, all free! You see Mystic, the majority of lebanon's Christians are like Bachir.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:16 ,2015 آذار 27

(3). Mystic. We do not live kneeling like you at Hezbollah do. No Syrian, No Iranian, NO Amreekan, No Russian, no one can enslave us, you ya Mystic you are just an extension of your masters in Iran, so much so that even the way you speak Arabic must have that unmistakable Iranian connotation. So Mystic, you as a Shiite, as a partisan of Hezbollah and Amal, you are loaded with imperfections and mistakes, most of your weight is burdened with wrongs, yet you walk around throwing your weight around, yet if I as a Lebanese, for as little oppose your intolerance of my right to freedom, you will tell me words galore. Well dear Mystic, nothing will change if this is how you want to go about it, you will only make our resolve a lot firmer.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:22 ,2015 آذار 27

(4). Mystic. Finally for now ya Mystic, you call me a follower of this and that, but you ya Mystic, you are the follower of whom? Iran? Syria? Whom else? You don't only follow, you also take orders, dare say no and they'll lynch you alive or starve you to death. Me? I am an LF Christian, when people like you corner me, trust me, the world is big and wide, we need not buy ideology, our Lebanese ideology is more than enough for us, it's been around for over 6000 years, but we can buy bullets and we know how to use weapons. Treat me fairly and as an equal, and you will get in me a real national partner, not a slave like your claoun Aoun, but a freeman who decides freely.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:23 ,2015 آذار 27

(5). Mystic Then the time is most opportune to remind you and your likes that Bachir Gemayel fought and died for a cause, for the Christian to live inside this country of ours as an EQUAL and without fear or any form of inferiority complex. This is what people like you still can't digest, that you are not alone in this country, and that will cost you people a lot, in due time, all in good time and I will remind you when that time will come, just remember.

Thumb -phoenix1 15:47 ,2015 آذار 27

And Sayed Hassan repeated so called wars of resistance depend too on Iranian printed Dollars. A guy steals a can of milk in a super market, and he gets jailed for it. Sayed Hassan takes us to war after war, occupies large sways of Lebanon, destroys the country, yet no harm comes to him. Nabih Berri steals over half the country's wealth, yet lives as a king and both your leaders get revered as if they were saints, my bad!! Iran for a country that claims to hate the US, it prints Dollars, how come? That's called the Ostrich mentality, if the head is under ground then the butt surely is not showing. Check with Sayed Hassan for the word underground, he is an expert in the subject matter.

Thumb Mystic 16:19 ,2015 آذار 27

The biggest lover of the U.S was Bachir Gemayel Phoenix, you seem to think it was all solely for Lebanon he fought for, while he claims himself (atleast being honest) that he fought for the same values and principles as the U.S.A, I got a video where he himself claims that on open screen.

Default-user-icon Je Suis the_roar (ضيف) 08:11 ,2015 آذار 27

As a Shia follower of Khomeini I will forgive & pray for those who insult my Lords, Sayyid Hassan Nassrallah and Sheikh Sayyid Abdul-Malik al-Houthi.

Thumb freedomarch 12:24 ,2015 آذار 27

Well then Misses roar Stop your retarded Aoun support, he is really shameful and not bothered on what hizbolah and iran khaminai ask him to do. What a f....

Missing humble 09:39 ,2015 آذار 27

For Mastica, the Loar, Northern, Flame blower....it is evident that you have to support Iran and Ebola, even if they are evils and bad...
Your arguments, time after time, are not existing. Only your hatred to KSA, Qatar...etc. This blog on Naharnet should not be polluted by hatred and supporters of terrorism.

Thumb EagleDawn 09:42 ,2015 آذار 27

قتل ثلاثة عناصر على الأقل من “حزب الله” في اشتباكات مع المعارضة السورية في منطقة القلمون من بينهم أحد أبرز القادة العسكريين في الحزب وهو خطار عبدالله الملقب “ولاء” وأفيد بأنه من بلدة بنت جبيل اما القتيلان الاخران فهما كل من هاشم احمد امين من بلدة صلحة ومقيم في البرج الشمالي قرب صور وعلي الهادي حسين وهبي المقيم في ضاحية بيروت الجنوبية في محلة المريجة.

Thumb geha 09:49 ,2015 آذار 27

good ridance

Missing humble 10:02 ,2015 آذار 27

Ebola is the army of Iran. They are not a resistance. They are not Lebanese. They are destroying Lebanon.

Thumb EagleDawn 10:33 ,2015 آذار 27

hope these terrorists didn't suffer too much... teeeeheeeeheeee :D

Thumb freedomarch 12:27 ,2015 آذار 27

What a waste of life, we are going to blame their mullas for throwing them to death. KEEP your hate speeches and see the results of your actions Hizbos.

Missing humble 09:59 ,2015 آذار 27

Iran has intentions of occupying the whole region.

Missing humble 10:12 ,2015 آذار 27

"Iran is already in 4 arab capitals" what does Iran means???

Thumb EagleDawn 10:46 ,2015 آذار 27

It means there was a democratic transformation in these 4 arab capitals and the people chose wilayat al faqih as a way of life and rejected wahabism-takfirism-zionism-americanism.

Missing humble 10:11 ,2015 آذار 27

I am against any country, any money, any arms, any politics, who attempts to intervene in my country Lebanon. All those who support Iran, KSA, Israel, Syria, or even Zimbabwe...are traitors to Lebanon and must be treated as traitors.

Thumb geha 11:36 ,2015 آذار 27

100% correct.
let us see who adheres to this principle.

Thumb Lebfrcan 16:14 ,2015 آذار 27

I agree with you humble

Thumb shab 18:18 ,2015 آذار 27


Default-user-icon MArk (ضيف) 11:04 ,2015 آذار 27

Geagea is paid to say stuff like this. money talks.

Thumb marcus 11:08 ,2015 آذار 27

are you sure ya ABBas (Guest)?

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 11:21 ,2015 آذار 27

military operation Huthis would have advanced further in Yemen and controlled it.
and Israel occupied and controlled all Palestinian land and there are 100 of UN resolutions against Israel so its legitimate to attack Israel
so why gulf countries do not do same with Israel
god bless democracy

Default-user-icon achrafieh (ضيف) 11:28 ,2015 آذار 27

you are right MR jaja but the houthi are fighting al Qaeda and gulf countries are attacking the houthies so gulf countries and you mr jaja are empowering al Qaeda no wonder from someone who said falyahkom el ekhwan
god bless democracy

Default-user-icon habib (ضيف) 12:18 ,2015 آذار 27

He's asking for his cheque basically.

Thumb freedomarch 12:34 ,2015 آذار 27

God bless our M14 heros, I mean from the pepple whi came to support lebanon's freedom and independence and of cource our leaders and on the top Dr. SAMIR Geaga, salute ot Saniora and his standing against all m8 clowns.

Thumb freedomarch 12:37 ,2015 آذار 27

God bless our M14 heros, I mean from the people who came to support lebanon's freedom and independence and of cource our leaders and on the top Dr. SAMIR Geaga, salute ot Saniora and his standing against all m8 clowns.

Thumb canadianpaul 13:25 ,2015 آذار 27

The problem I see with this operation is that, if Iran loses Yemen, it will reaffirm its grip in Lebanon. They won't want to lose 2 countries. Hizbullah will be emboldened to take over more and more of the institutions, with the help of the senile.

Somehow, someway, we need a similar operation in Lebanon, but the other Lebanese have to help to disarm them.

Thumb canadianpaul 13:46 ,2015 آذار 27

And Nasrallah's neck is submerged in Khamenei's shit. What's your point?

Thumb Mystic 13:52 ,2015 آذار 27

Fact and point is, that you people are hypocrits. Insulting the rest of us for supporting Iran. While your leaders eat out of dusty oily gulf hands.

Thumb Mystic 14:53 ,2015 آذار 27

I would pretty much say M14 are saudis by heart. They sure do love gulf dollars, so what texas you can't survive without looking at womens skirts? That makes you a pervert.

Thumb Mystic 15:08 ,2015 آذار 27

Yes the Saudis does all this within their Royale boundaries. The common people in Saudi Arabia does not have these privileges, they are deprived of everything.

Meanwhile we have M14, the so called lovers of freedom praising and eating out of the Saudis and GCC hands, while screaming and yelling Iran this, Iran that.

Wahabi capitalism is seen inside M14 in Lebanon, the shame and cancer of this land.

Thumb Mystic 16:04 ,2015 آذار 27

Yes texas, I am not a hypocrite like you. I support Iran and their views. While you do not like Saudi rule, yet no problem taking their money.

Thumb canadianpaul 14:22 ,2015 آذار 27

I have no illusion as to the fact that ALL politicians take money from one source or another. Where we differ is in the fact that while we, the Lebanese, look to establish the rule of law and reaffirm our sovereignty, you, the Iranians, want to subjugate us.

You know it, but you come on here and spew crap about Wahhabis, Takfiris, Zionists, and all those washed-up and regurgitated clichés from Arafat's days.

Missing humble 14:49 ,2015 آذار 27

You say : " people chose wilayat al faqih as a way of life and rejected wahabism-takfirism-zionism-americanism".
I ask you : "what is the difference between the Islamic Republic of the wilayat al faqih, and the Islamic takfiry caliphate?"
To me, both are stone age, obscurantists, totalitarian and theocratic models. If you like them go and try them where they exist.
I do not want ANY OF THEM in my country.

Missing humble 14:57 ,2015 آذار 27

Mastica and the like.
The big difference is that you put Iran ahead of Lebanon. This makes of you traitors helping Iran destroy our country.
As for the rest of us : We put Lebanon first in ALL cases.

Thumb Mystic 16:14 ,2015 آذار 27

You put Saudi Arabia and Israel before Lebanon, it goes both ways.

Thumb Mystic 19:25 ,2015 آذار 27

Hey big mouth. Stop acting like a teenage wangster, it makes no sense to me. Second, be happy your parents took you to the states far away from here, you would for sure get your teeth smacked in if you talk as you write.

Missing humble 15:21 ,2015 آذار 27

why don't you go and live in your beloved modern democratic civilized Iran?

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 15:22 ,2015 آذار 27

democracy is the scary word for the gulf kingdoms , wherever there are people rising peacefully with total secularity where ever there is a way for election and people s vote they feel threatened
god bless democracy

Missing humble 15:22 ,2015 آذار 27

I ask you : "what is the difference between the Islamic Republic of the wilayat al faqih, and the Islamic takfiry caliphate?"
To me, both are stone age, obscurantists, totalitarian and theocratic models. If you like them go and try them where they exist.
I do not want ANY OF THEM in my country.

Missing peace 19:06 ,2015 آذار 27

why was there an uprising? never thought of looking for the reasons? so just do so then come back.....

Default-user-icon George Mourad (ضيف) 20:34 ,2015 آذار 27

yallah ya Nasrallah send your fighters to Yemen to help your friends and Iran`s friends