واشنطن تتهم إيرانيين اثنين بمحاولة اغتيال السفير السعودي لديها وطهران تعتبره "سيناريو مفبرك"
Read this story in Englishاعلن وزير العدل الاميركي اريك هولدر الثلاثاء اتهام ايرانيين اثنين بمحاولة اغتيال السفير السعودي في واشنطن في اطار "مؤامرة خططت لها ونظمتها وادارتها" ايران الأمر الذي رفضته الأخيرة معتبرة أنه "سيناريو مفبرك".
وقال علي اكبر جوانفكر المستشار الاعلامي للرئيس الايراني "انه سيناريو مفبرك لتحويل انتباه الراي العام الاميركي عن المشاكل الداخلية في الولايات المتحدة".
واعلن هولدر في مؤتمر صحافي ان منصور عرببسيار وغلام شاكوري متهمان بالمشاركة في هذه المؤامرة "بقيادة عناصر في الحكومة الايرانية".
واوضحت وزارة العدل في بيان ان منصور عرببسيار الذي يحمل الجنسيتين الاميركية والايرانية اعتقل في 29 ايلول في مطار كينيدي في نيويورك وسيمثل امام قاض في مانهاتن الثلاثاء وهو يواجه عقوبة السجن مدى الحياة.
في المقابل لم يتم اعتقال غلام شاكوري. وشاكوري هو عضو في فيلق القدس التابع للحرس الثوري الايراني والذي يشتبه بانه خطط لاعتداءات في الخارج وتتهمه وزارة الخزانة بتقديم دعم مادي لطالبان ومنظمات ارهابية اخرى، بحسب الوزارة.
واضافت الوزارة ان الايرانيين ملاحقان خصوصا بتهمة "التآمر لقتل مسؤول اجنبي" و"استخدام سلاح دمار شامل (متفجرات)" و"التآمر بهدف ارتكاب عمل ارهابي دولي".
وقال هولدر ان "الشكوى الجنائية التي تم الكشف عنها اليوم تكشف مؤامرة دامية تقودها فصائل في الحكومة الايرانية لاغتيال سفير اجنبي على الاراضي الاميركية بواسطة متفجرات".
واضافت الوزارة ان "الطبيعة المخيفة لما حاولت الحكومة الايرانية القيام به تحمل ما يدعو الى القلق (...) سنجري اتصالات مع حلفائنا ومع دول في كل مكان في العالم لابلاغهم بما تم احباطه".
واعلن مسؤول في البيت الابيض الثلاثاء انه تم ابلاغ الرئيس الاميركي باراك اوباما منذ حزيران بوجود مخطط تقف ايران وراءه لاغتيال السفير السعودي في الولايات المتحدة.
وقال تومي فييتور المتحدث باسم مجلس الامن القومي انه "تم ابلاغ الرئيس بهذا الموضوع في حزيران فطلب من ادارته تقديم كل الدعم اللازم لهذا التحقيق. ان افشال هذا المخطط يشكل نجاحا كبيرا لقوات الامن واجهزة الاستخبارات" الاميركية.
والسفير السعودي في واشنطن عادل الجبير كان مستشارا الملك السعودي ولعب دورا حاسما لدى وسائل الاعلام الاميركية للدفاع عن المملكة العربية السعودية بعد اعتداءات الحادي عشر من ايلول 2001.
ونفذ تلك الاعتداءات 15 انتحاريا سعوديا من اصل 19 بناء على اوامر اسامة بن لادن وهو من اصل سعودي.
and now hizbushaitan will say this is a conspiracy, and they will make a conference to say these two guys are israeli, .... :)
the key reaction will be in putin's hand, as he hold the life of bashar and his followers in his hand. and with this news, he will move away from helping both the syrian and iranian regimes,
The end is almost here.
Can't wait to hear from MoRotten, BigIdiot, MrNoBrain, Jabelcamel, Ado(lf) and the other Persion Propagandists on this one.
And some still are in denial that Iran ordered the killing (or attempted murders) of Hariri, Gemayel, Tueni, Kassir, Eido, Ghanem, Hawi, Eid, Chidiac, Hamade, and Murr!!!!!!
Wake up Aounies!!! This is who you are sleeping with! Not to mention the mass murderer in Damascus who is also your close ally
I pity the fools who believe everything they hear and the fools who reject everything they hear...
I pity the fools who will link this "probably-fabricated/or not" flash news to the situation in Syria & Lebanon.
I pity the fools whose hatred wells will be filled to the rim now against shiites.
I pity the fools whose loathe gets to blind these same fools off the shining truth.
I pity the fools who constitute the majority of my fellow citizens..
This would not be the first time that the criminal Iranian regime is caught red handed, and will not be the last time unless the whole world steps up to the plate and sends this criminal 7th century terrorist regime back to hell where it came from. Enough slow dancing with these bastards!!!! What's the world waiting for is it for the Mullahs in Tehran and Qom to obtain or have at their disposal a Nuclear Weapons technology???!!!! The Iranian Risk is growing exponentially with every day that passes by and that snake Khamenei and his criminal zombie thugs are still alive to wreak havock over the ME and threaten the world security!!! NUKE THE CRIMINAL BASTARDS BACK TO THE STONE AGE (they're almost there anyways)!!!
What's with the word "alleged?" Does anyone remember the confirmations by the United States of Affkoles relating to the acquisition by Saddam Hussein of nuclear and biological weapons, confirmations that the US of Affkoles used to launch an illegal and criminal war? Even Colin Powel doesn't know where to bury his face in shame and disgrace. And now this! And look who's talking!!! Criminal affkoles with absolutely no credibility! Go play bel arb3a
Yeah, and those who could cook such a lame plot are so dumb and do not know how strict and secure the US is. You have to be a radish to believe such a pathetic joke. Just read the comments of the losers above. 3an jad, m3alla2in bi 7ibal al hawa
Sometimes, I wonder what would it take to convince someone of something? I mean I think if they saw someone speaking persian, he shows them his iranian passport, he goes on and kills their parents. They would think that this is a conspiracy and he's infact an Israeli or an American spy duping them to think that it's Iran...
You guys live in the darkness and will refuse to ever see the light. It doesn't matter what you are shown, read, or given you will always beleive it's a world conspiracy against your beloved ones.
Seriously, this has the potential to be the spark for something extremely big!
this is an attempted terror plot on US soil that might have led to the death of over 100 US citizens, including top politicians.
this might easily be considered as an act of war by the government of iran on the US, or downgraded!
we need to wait and see.
For all of you out there who already have posted your comments about this supposed made up story by the US let me tell you something: WAKE UP from your "everything is a conspiracy" by the Americans. It is really far fetched for the iranians to plan something like this. It is really out of their realm. They and their militia have already killed many Lebanese Heros so dont give me this crap about them not capable of such a scheme. It's like America has nothing better to do than make up such a story. Go on ppl, we have much bigger fish to fry. GOD BLESS AMERICA. AND FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DONT LIKE THIS, GO TO HELL.
Good Ole... sympathizes with volume killers and seeks God's blessings on them, too! They need more than God's blessing, something more powerful than God's rescue as they are in such a miserable and unenviable state that even God gave up on them. But Good Ole vegetable takes what the volume killers say at face value! Hey, vegetable, raise that US flag higher towards the heavens and poke God in the eye. Perhaps then He might look into their case one final time. In the meantime, keep living in LALA Land, vegetable.