المحكمة الدولية تدخل "المرحلة الابلغ لعملها" بالاستماع الى السنيورة الاثنين
Read this story in Englishيستعدّ رئيس "كتلة المستقبل" فؤاد السنيورة للادلاء بشهادته امام المحكمة الدولية في مطلع الاسبوع القادم في ما يخص ملف اغتيال رئيس الحكومة السابق رفيق الحريري، ما قد يؤثر "بشكلٍ بالغ على مسار المحكمة التارخي".
فقد نقلت صحيفة "الجمهورية" عن مصادر واسعة الإطلاع، السبت، قولها انه سيتم "الإستماع الى السنيورة بدءاً من يوم الاثنين المقبل".
واوضحت " انّ عمل المحكمة سيدخل مرحلة ذات أهمية قد تكون هي الأبلغ في سَير عملها".
كذلك، كشفت انّ "فريقي الإدعاء والدفاع يعدان العدة لمواكبة شهادة السنيورة من دون أن تقلل من أهمية الشهادات التي جَرت الى اليوم أمام قوس المحكمة."
واذ تحفظت مصادر "الجمهورية" عن اعطاء المزيد من التفاصيل، توقعت ان يكون لهذه الشهادات" تأثير بالغ على المسارات كلها في أعمال المحكمة التاريخية".
يُشار الى ان فريق 14 آذار، يتهم كل من النظام السوري و"حزب الله"، بالضلوع في اغتيال الحريري وعدد من الاغتيالات التي ضربت لبنان منذ العام 2005.
ويُذكر أن المحاكمات في قضية المتهمين بمقتل الحريري (في 14 شباط 2005) افتتحت في 16 كانون الثاني الفائت، وأدلى، حتى اليوم، 36 شاهداً بإفاداتهم أمام المحكمة وقبلت 461 بينة بوصفها أدلة.
وبحسب نص الاتهام فان مصطفى بدر الدين (52 عاما) وسليم عياش (50 عاما) وهما مسؤولان عسكريان في "حزب الله"، دبرا ونفذا الخطة التي ادت الى مقتل الحريري مع 22 شخصا اخرين بينهم منفذ الاعتداء في 14 شباط 2005 في بيروت. واصيب في التفجير ايضا 226 شخصا.
اما العنصرين الامنيين حسين عنيسي (39 عاما) وأسد صبرا (37 عاما) فهما متهمان بتسجيل شريط فيديو مزيف تضمن تبني الجريمة باسم مجموعة وهمية اطلقت على نفسها "جماعة النصر والجهاد في بلاد الشام".
Don't be surprised if then (or before giving testimony) he ends in a car "accident" or in another strange death implemented by the "Party of God"...
Actually, this spirit of killing is so easy and never bothered people like you, whether Aouni or Hizbo zbalah or in between, your taking a route that is very hard and ni matter how we try to convince you you will alway show an ugly side. WELL, I wish you all the good, and hooe you change for the better just try to apply what you say to yourself and think about it.
only yesterday you were denouncing what you described as atrocities in Yemen. Today you are calling for the assassination of an innocent civilian. What kind of person are you?
I often wonder how you are as you lay in pieces and tranquility at your final resting place dear flamethrower.... RIP Shia Hero
What alternative do u propose southern? Those assassination should be kept unsolved? Should lebanese judiciary (who is still waiting libanpost to sumom mamlouk) to do the job?
Go ahead tell us what do u propose?
Southern do u really believe what u are writting or is it just to reply?...
First if u are forced to negociate with the other camp even if he is behind assassnations u negociate, exemple are all over history (rival french faction negaciated after the ww2 so that they can build a country, german people to (or they would hv executed al who worked withl the nazis and there wouldn't be much german left), all lebanese parties during the war while bateling against each other use to negociate... Sorry man but it is a weird comment to say the less..
Second do u really believe our judiciary system, the same who waitted 14 years to trial islamist because the courtroom is too small, the same judiciary waiting for libanpost to summum mamlouk to start smaha trial, the same judiciary system that has not concluded anything over assassinations for the past 15 years to conduct such a trial???
Southern i was exepcting better than that..
U don't even deserve ur chupachups...
Pajama boy, can u try to be less sectarian, hachem salman was a chiite and was assassinated in day light in front of our armed forces after being beatten by hezbos, saiyed el aminis a shiite and a muphti (sayda) how was kicked off from south lebanon after being beatten by hezbos...
Do u think that it is easy for them being forced to live under hezbos rule and no one to defend them?? hashem salman did diserve more than some word and article in locola journal, we were even unable to give him appropriate funeral...
Please stop the sectarian talk, hezbos hijacked the shiite community and what us to believe they are speaking above all shiite which is a lie, the scare them with hariri telling them he is "wahabis" while they do assaciate with hachem minkara and billal chaaban, and the few shiite who dare to talk against hezbos action get beatten or assasinated...
In lebanon the problem is not sectarian ,eventhough hezbos makes everything to make it look like this, our problem is with a sectarian milicia who is taking over the state, there are free progresist shiites who need all our support...
Again southern would u think that hezbollah or the islamic resitance batteling in syria under the banner of ya hussein, that the words of the iranian leadders, the action of the shiite iranian backed millicia all over the region have something to do with reaction like the one of pajama-boy?...
I agree,
HA and Assad both said they did not do it, they pointed finger at Israel. That should be the end of the story..... we could have saved 100s of Millions of Dollars. Why is M14 intent on implicating HA and Assad in this, strange indeed while turning a blind eye to the Zionists who killed not only Harriri but every Lebanese politician opposed to HA and Syrian occupation.