ناشطون اسرائيليون يمنعون فلسطينيين من زيارة أقاربهم في السجن
Read this story in Englishقام ناشطون اسرائيليون الثلاثاء بمنع عائلات فلسطينية من زيارة أقاربهم الموجودين في سجن شمال اسرائيل، احتجاجا على استمرار وجود الجندي الاسرائيلي جلعاد شاليط، كما أفاد أحد الناشطين لوكالة "فرانس برس."
وقال شمشون ليبمان ان نحو خمسين مؤيدا لشاليط الذي أسر على تخوم قطاع غزة عام 2006 أوقفوا حافلة على متنها فلسطينيين ومنعوها من التوجه الى سجن جلبوع في وادي بيسان.
وأوضح ليبمان "نجحنا هذه المرة وعادت الحافلة الى الضفة الغربية".
وقال ليبمان أن هذا العمل هو رسالة الى حماس التي: "لا يجب أن تعتبر الاوضاع في السجون الاسرائيلية الفخمة أمرا مسلما به"، في اشارة الى وضع الفلسطينيين في السجون الاسرائيلية.
وأوضح أن الترحك رسالة الى الوزراء بنيامين نتانياهو أيضا الذي "يجب أن يتصرف لخلق توازن بين أوضاع سجناء حماس، ووضع شاليط الذي لا نعرف مكان احتجازه حتى الان".
وحاولت مجموعة من الناشطين في آب الماضي منع فلسطينيين من زيارة اقاربهم في جنوب اسرائيل، لكن الشرطة تدخلت وسمحت للفلسطينيين بالمرور.
وكان شاليط يبلغ من العمر 19 عاما عند اسره في 25 من حزيران 2007 على يد ثلاث مجموعات مسلحة من بينها حماس ولم يعرف مكان احتجازه حتى الان ولم يزره الصليب الاحمر حتى الان.
وأصدرت حركة حماس شريط فيديو في تشرين أول 2009 يظهر فيه شاليط ويدعو رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو الى فعل كل شيء لاطلاق سراحه.
ولم تؤد محاولات الوساطة بين اسرائيل وحماس للتوصل الى صفقة اطلاق سراح شاليط ، مقابل مئات الاسرى الفلسطينيين الى أي نتيجة حتى الان.
Mowaten, what can I say, tears are choking me for the poor destiny of Palestinian, question is why from all Palestinian living in Israel 78 percent would like to remain under Israeli government and not Palestinian.
What did Lebanon and other Arabian countries for their own brothers the Palestinian except incitement and arms.
For over than 60 years Palestinian living in Arabian countries including Lebanon without any civil rights.
We are in war with Palestinian who rejected the UN partition decision of 1947, started a war and lost.
Wonder how many Jews would have left alive in Palestine if we lost the war, we would have face the well known Arabian mercy.
Israel occupies only 0.14% of the Arabian county and also this tiny territory is too much for the Arabs.
Speaking of prisons and ethnic cleaning just count how many Palestinian killed by Israel and how many were killed in Jordan by King Hussein and in Lebanon during civil war.
What is enduring the palestinian people is beyond the limits of the acceptable. We all endorse the palestinian tragedy but we should be wise regarding incorporating it into our own issues with Israel. We cannot link our future and vision of peace with the palestinian cause as is doing actually Hezbollah. It is like exposing our country to a continuous destruction threat from Israel. We lived all kinds of wars since 40 years and we have the right to think about our own interests before fighting for the others alone, while all the surrounding countries including Syria are simple spectators. Enough stupidity. Israel cannot be erased. Palestine became a tale. Palestinian people if they are wise, can just count on an eventual mini state in case Lieberman allows it. The palestinian propaganda in Lebanon is an excuse for keeping the coutry a hostage of external fights.
Mowaten. this just to show the "Arabian dignity" to compare it to the Israeli one. While we allow visits by red cross of prisoners, while Israeli prisoner, Gilad Shalit who was hijacked from Israeli soil did not get even a single visit.
Same with Hezballa whom did not allow any visit or gave any information.
Even baby killer Samir Kuntar who got honored in Lebanon as big hero for smashing a 2 years old baby's head against a rock, got visits and released fat as a pig, with a university degree. this is the difference between us.
We all see what it means the Arabian solidarity and the human dignity.
Which reminds me our PM Ms.Golda Meir who said once that peace will prevail in our vicinity only after the Arab mother will love her children more than she hates Jews.
Danny liar, enough wth your typical propaganda. The poll didnt ask if they wanted to live on a liberated Palestine ïncluding their city/viillage or if they wanted israel to contnue occupy them. Rather the poll asked if they wanted to move to a new palestinian state that would not include their own part of palestine since that new state would only be 20% of palestine and controlled by israels friend the dictators PA. So of course they would say no to that. You zionists think your smart with your sneaky questions that you later turn in to news but in reality you are only fooling yourself. And why the hell would the palestinians agree to the 47 partion when it would mean they would loose half of their country to you euro ashkenazi invaders. Dont forget that king hussein murdered palestinians and jordanians with israeli help! Just like you armed arafat at one point and LF etc so that everyone would fight eachother. This is how jews operate, they can not win without turnng to ugly games.
Mowaten, if Arabs are killing each other; how come you want to throw the "hot potato" of Palestinians back to Israel, which I know you will be happy if it will happen as this means liquidation of the state of Israel.
The total number of Palestinian refugees in 1948 was roughly 600,000, while same time 1.2 million Jews expelled only with their cloth on from Arabian countries. their condition was much worse than the Palestinians due to the well know Arabian hospitality.
We see how liberal are the Saudi Arabian and how many Jews being allowed to live there or in Libya, Algeria etc.
While Israel rehabilitated the expelled Jews, the Arabian countries did nothing for Palestinians.
You can read a nice article (and a true one for a change, not like the Arabian fantasies)
If you start a war and loose you should face the results.
Danny go spit out your garbage at your own zionist websites, we dont care about what you have to say, your propaganda is soooooo oooold and booooring. You post so much ignorance and propaganda that its obvious that you are trying to convince yourself with these lies more than you are trying to convince us. Just accept Jesus and leave satan who is controlling your mind. Israel is evil and you know it.
D. Karam: What happen you can't face the truce ? your brain is so washed with incitement you got every Friday in your mosques? While you spit hate we the Israelis building a country.
While your mouth full of crap we have most developed agriculture, hi tech, irrigation systems desalination plants (ask UAE and Qatar) and we are wining Noble prices year after year.
Eat your heart and stay behind us in a long line of Jew haters and kiss the place we are using to sit on.
Even in a Million years you won't achieve what we did in 60 years. as you mind always busy with hate.
@mowaten "the Palestinians didn't start the war, you did when you came to invade with American and European support"
let me correct a little historical error: the British support not American at that time if i m not wrong