كاغ تعتبر ان "حزب الله" خرق القرار 1701: الفراغ الرئاسي ليس في مصلحة لبنان
Read this story in Englishاعتبرت ممثلة الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة سيغريد كاغ ان "حزب الله" خرق القرار 1701 خلال عملية شبعا، آملةً من جهة أخرى ان يتم انتخاب رئيس للجمهورية لأن لبنان بحاجة الى "قيادة وطنية".
وفي حديثٍ الى صحيفة "النهار"، الجمعة، اعربت كاغ عن قلق الامم المتحدة من خطر "اندلاع نزاع بطريقة ارادية او لاارادية" بين اسرائيل وحزب الله.
وشددت على ان "حزب الله خرق القرار 1701"، موضحةً ان التقرير الذي اصدره الامين العام للامم المتحدة بان كي مون "دان الاعتداء على الموكب الاسرائيلي، والذي يشكل خرقا واضحا لوقف الاعمال العدائية بين لبنان واسرائيل".
وقالت انها التقت ممثلي حزب الله قبل عملية شبعا وبعدها، مشيرةً الى انهم اكدوا ان العملية كانت "مدوزنة" بدقة.
وفي 28 كانون الاول، تبنى حزب الله عملية قامت بها "مجموعة شهداء القنيطرة"الذين سقطوا الأحد في 18 الجاري بغارة إسرائيلية، باستهداف قافلة عسكرية إسرائيلية داخل مزارع شبعا، أدت إلى سقوط قتيلين في صفوف الإسرائيليين إضافة إلى سبعة جرحى. إلا أن الجيش الإسرائيلي رد بقصف بلدات جنوبية.
ولم تدن كاغ مشاركة "حزب الله" في الازمة السورية المندلعة منذ آذار 2011، انما اكتفت بالادانة بمشاركة "مواطنين لبنانيين" في سوريا التي "تشكل ابتعادا عن اعلان بعبدا بروحه، وسياسة النأي بالنفس".
وعن مقتل الجندي الاسباني في قوات اليونيفيل، اوضحت كاغ ان دان في تقريره عملية قتل جندي من قوة حفظ السلام، لافتةً الى ان التحقيق جرى بقيادة "اليونيفيل" و"على اليونيفيل تحديد ما اذا كانت ستنشر تفاصيل اضافية".
وكان بان قد حمّل اسرائيل، مسؤولية مقتل جندي اسباني من قوات "اليونيفيل" خلال الإشتباك المحدود الذي أعقب عملية حزب الله داخل مزارع شبعا المحتلة في 28 كانون الاول.
وفي سياقٍ منفصل، أملت ممثلة الامم المتحدة عبر "النهار" ان يتم تحديد انتخاب رئيس للجمهورية في قرار مبكر معتبرة اننا "نحتاج الى قيادة وطنية مصممة على مستوى الرئاسة وحكومة فاعلة" وان "الفراغ ليس في مصلحة لبنان على المستويين المتوسط والبعيد".
واضافت: "ان حكومة رئيس الوزراء تمام سلام تقوم بعمل ممتاز، ولكن لبنان واللبنانيين يجب الا يعتادوا الغياب المستمر للرئاسة وتطبيع الوضع وتآكل المؤسسات".
ويعيش لبنان فراغاً رئاسياً بعد ان رفض الرئيس السابق ميشال سليمان تمديد ولايه منذ ايار الفائت وفشل النواب بالتوافق على رئيس.
Haag would do well to remind the world that the UN's position on Shebaa Farms is that it is Lebanese and under illegal occupation.
Government officials in Jerusalem said the UN cartographer handling the matter in recent months has determined that the area is indeed Lebanese. The officials added that Syria and Lebanon also agree that the area is Lebanese. Therefore, the UN has said there is no reason for Israel not to relinquish control over the area.
She also could tell us more about the UNIFIL soldier who was deliberately killed by israel, unless she cares more about israeli occupation soldiers than she does about the Spanish peacekeeper.
When you criticize Ebola, their Followers label you "zionists"
When you criticize the Butcher, their Followers label you "ISIS and Daech."
When you criticize Iran, their Followers label you "Wahhabi, Saudi and on the pay list of Hariri".
When you criticize Caporal, imbassil and Co, their Followers label you "LF, and Geagea servants".
Well, I tell you I am not all that. I am an honest simple Christian and a patriot who believes that Ebola, Iran, the Butcher and their servant the Caporal are destroying my beloved country.
It does not disturb me that, the Resistance has ties to Iran & Syria. It disturbs me though, that M14 wants lebanese to be slaves of the U.S & Israel, which means I don't have even 1% respect for M14 policies at all.
A Jewish man, explaining the M14 wants to pursue being slaves of Israel.
(2). Mystic. Lebanon will simply be a mini state reflecting every single will of Iran's. I as a Christian will lose a lot of my religious freedom including my intellectual ones too, hence your intolerance to criticism, it's so obvious my brother. We shall stop seeing lots of things we're used to, the Miss Lebanon pageant being one of them. Today the waves hitting our shores are mixed, so much so that even the wittiest of us seems confused about the bottled messages that come with these waves, yet uncannily people like you Mystic have a real problem hiding the malaise that's gripping you people, changes are happening right now as we write.
(3). Mystic. My gut feelings tell me that we Lebanese shall weather out the storm brought about by the filth called IS, however having said that doesn't preclude an emerging force, the Lebanese Army, by the will of God, this army will grow in strength and confidence, hence all militias including Hezbollah will see their stature reduced and even challenged. That my dear Mystic will dwarf all challenges hitherto as the people of Lebanon will have two simple and plain choices, either the Army and freedom, or the Militias and slavery. Most have already decided if you didn't notice yet.
Phoenix, everytime you mention Syria you should remember your people in Kataeb whom begged them to come and safe you, from the palestinian factions. The Resistance had their clashes with the Syrian Army in the past history. That time is over, now we have IS and Nusra at present day. Where do you see me insult anyone here? I simply answer them read above.
You will lose your head along with mine, if IS and Nusra takes over Lebanon Phoenix. There is nobody holding grudges in Lebanon against your religious views, that i can promise you. I can not promise you that you are welcome aslong as you remaim pro American and Israeli Phoenix, accept the Resistance or Isis and Israel. Your call
Sure, Kataeb did not beg, but solicited, whereas the Syrians begged the UN to impose a ceasefire not long after they realized that the LF were too strong for their plans over Free Lebanon. Common Mystic, you can't rewrite history using Yellow Ink, just this time leave turtles walk at their normal pace will you?
Phoenix your pride blinds you on this matter, everyone who knows about the Civil war, knew it aswell as I do. Kataeb and LF, didn't fight without the heaviest backer in their back. First Syria, then Israel. Yes Syria saved Kataeb from total destruction.
sure miss tic syria saved the chrisitians but then when they started to have the upper hand they supported the muslims??? why? so that the civil war still goes on...they come like firefighters then they set more fires...
and you proudly support that regime, shame on you traitor!
Kataeb are not all Lebanons Christians. They like to make it out that they are, which is a pure sin. There are many other Christians in Lebanon whom Kataeb and LF killed.
and how many times has syria violated our airspace, maritime space and most of all our land.
Yeah sure, you American slaves can play that game. The Resistance will not, which is why they went to Syria in the first place.
Hey Mystic liar, your "engineer" still building homes and bridges? Or is he back in Syria destroying them?
Mystic thanks for the reply, points noted, but I am questioning the reason why the Mod Team has removed Part 1 of my post>>>> I am totally surprised as to why they did such a silly thing, part 1 is important to this thread, why take it away since it contains no slurs, I mean nothing!! Someone in the Mod Team must have had a bad night, that simple.
can this respectable and non bias lady tell us how many UN resolution other than 1701 ,Israel did not implement
and how many times Israel violated the 1701 compared to hizb
and let the UN response be accordingly and let them start with the side that violated more the UN resolutions
god bless democracy and freedom
bless anyone person, entity, organization, brigade or country that inflicts pain and suffering, death, torture, and destruction upon the iranian sectarian terrorist militia and its members, supporters or followers wherever they may be.
Ebola has destroyed coexistence. I do not wish to live under a middle aged culture, nor under Islamic Republic.
Arak will not help to create a nation. Look at the significance of Nation and come back for some serious arguments.
To Ebola followers. I can see two options:
1- Convince you to become loyal to Lebanon and to Lebanon only so we can build together a modern and beautiful nation.
2 - Separate. So you can live the way you like and I can live the way I like. You can make as many wars as you like; when you like and wherever you like, even against Zanzibar...while I profess, peace, friendship and happiness.
Zero neurones. This is NOT an acceptable answer. Learn to respect others. Get educated (not only reading and writing).
Go and live with them in barbaric ages:
The man had been convicted of throwing acid in another man's face in 2009, leading to a 10-year prison sentence, an order to pay blood money to the victim and the act of retribution.
"Punishing someone by deliberately blinding them is an unspeakably cruel and shocking act," said Raha Bahreini, Amnesty's Iran researcher, in a statement.
"This punishment exposes the utter barbarity of Iran's justice system and underlines the Iranian authorities' shocking disregard for basic humanity."
humble, I believe you are disturbed within. I never took considered time, to respond to you before. Can you please mention what kind of Lebanon you want? Something we could all agree upon? All Lebanese.
By peace and so on, you mean bowing down to Israel, and become their slaves, it is a well known M14 agenda. Which is something we will never agree upon.
The Resistance will never bow down to the West, as you want it to. They will not lay down their weapons and let the Americans and takfiri/Zionist win, so you and Phoenix can throw it out of your head already.
When Israel is gone, and all ties to the West too. Then I am completely sure the Resistance will turn in their weapons into LAF armories and join the LAF brigades. Not a moment before that happens.