"التوغل السوري" يثير مخاوف من امتداد الأزمة الى لبنان
Read this story in Englishلم تمض 48 ساعة على التوغل العسكري السوري في منطقة عرسال البقاعية مساء الثلثاء حتى عاودت قوة سورية التوغل ثانية مساء أمس الخميس، وأطلقت النار على مواطن سوري فقتلته.
ونقلت صحيفة "النهار" في بعلبك عن مصدر أمني أن "المواطنة هدى حسين البريدي من بلدة عرسال وزوجة السوري علي الخطيب (مواليد 1970) من بلدة فليطا السورية الحدودية المحاذية لعرسال، تبلغت بعد ظهر أمس الخميس أن قوة من مخابرات الجيش السوري قتلت الخطيب المطلوب لدى السلطات السورية في منطقة صعبة اللبنانية الحدودية في نطاق خراج بلدة عرسال، بعدما تبادلت القوة السورية النار مع مجهول كان في رفقة الخطيب، مما أدى الى مقتل الاخير وعنصر من القوة".
ونقلت جثة الخطيب الى داخل الاراضي السورية، فيما توجهت قوة من الجيش اللبناني الى مكان الحادث لمعاينته.
وكان مصدر حكومي رفض الكشف عن هويته اكد وقوع الحادث، مشيرا الى أن "أسبابه لا تزال مجهولة". كما لم تعرف الطريقة التي دخل بها الجنود السوريون الاراضي اللبنانية سيرا على الاقدام ام في آليات.
ويأتي هذا الحادث بعد أن عبرت مجنزرتين سوريتين من نوع "btr" ترافقهما سيارة من نوع بيك أب تحمل أفرادا من الجيش السوري الثلثاء الجبهة الشرقية للحدود وتوغلت في الرابعة عصرا نحو محلة "أم الجماعة" في منطقة "خربة داود" التابعة عارقيا لبلدة عرسال اللبنانية في البقاع الشمالي والتي تبعد 10 كيلومترات عن محلة نبع "عين عرب" السورية الحدودية.
وأفادت "النهار" أن المنجزرتين اعتديتا على منازل يملكها المواطنان الشقيقان زهري وعبد العزيز الجباوي من بلدة عرسال"، موضحة "إذ أطلق الجنود عيارات نارية عشوائية من أسلحة رشاشة قبل أن ينسحبوا عائدين الى الموقع الذي أتوا منه".
وفي هذا السياق، أكد رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي أمس الخميس التزام مساعدة اللاجئين السوريين الموجودين على أرض لبنان "انسانياً"، نافياً تلقيه أي شكوى حول تسليم جنود او ملاحقة معارضين سوريين، قائلاً انه "لم يواجه بعد اي قضية من هذا النوع".
وعن التقارير المتعلقة بخروق سورية للاراضي اللبنانية، قال ميقاتي: "هناك لجنة تنسيق لبنانية - سورية تعمل لتحديد أسباب حصول ذلك، لكن مثل هذه الحوادث (…) ليس بالامر الجديد انها حوادث تحصل باستمرار".
بدوره، حذر وزير الداخلية والبلديات مروان شربل من "أننا نعيش اليوم أسوأ أيامنا في لبنان بسبب الوضع الأمني في سوريا"، عازياً ذلك الى "انقسامنا كلبنانيين".
في المقابل، دافع وزراء الحكومة عن سبب عدم اتخاذ مجلس الوزراء في جلسة الأربعاء موقف من "الدخول السوري المستمر" الى داخل الاراضي اللبنانية، وعدم إصدار أي بيان يدين الخرق السوري لبلدة عرسال البقاعية الثلاثاء. في وقت أسف نواب 14 آذار لتجاهل الحكومة للحادث.
وكانت أوساط بارزة من قوى 14 آذار استغربت أيضا "هذا النهج الرسمي في التعامل مع السلوك السوري الامني المكشوف حيال السيادة اللبنانية والذي يدفن الرأس في الرمال عوض المبادرة الى اعلان المعلومات وسلوك طريق المعالجات الصحيحة".
israel cuts a tree and all M8 cry , shout at the israeli incursion.... tanks violate lebanese territory and M8 cries it s no big deal to violates lebanese borders...
see how dogs are faithful to their masters....
and as for syrian incursions in lebanon, it's all march 14 fault.
they smuggled weapons to syrian rebels, despite warnings not to interfere in syrian affairs.
and now they scream about syrian army incursions...what a hypocrisy
It will spill over if we let it spill over!
If we had an independant strong government, it would deploy the army in the sensitive zones, would start demarcation of borders unilaterally, would summon the syrian ambassador, would send a claim to the UN, etc...
The patriot ; You took the words out of my mouth. How could some have such clear vision and some are as blind as bats?
The patriot ; You took the words out of my mouth. How could some have such clear vision and some are as blind as bats?
if we had strong and independent goverment we would prosecute those who smuggle weapons to other country.
The crisis started in Lebanon when our stateless country allowed a jerk like cheikh Imbecile become head of the government. It's like taking a failed student out of school and making him school principal. Only in Lebanon!!! Not only that, the idiot and his aunt funded and supported the Sunni crazies who now are Al Qaeda - Akkar and Tripoli Brigades. Just like the Syrians are doing, we should all do, and that is pursuing the Sunni crazies and terminate them, to the end of the earth. 3alehom
You probabely thought the same about Gebran Tueini... One true patriot! One of our spiritual fathers!
what some here don t want to understand is that assad CANNOT stand a free lebanon country. He would do everythg he can to keep it divided because he ideologically thinks it is PART OF SYRIA...
so what did he do? in 2005, as he was forced to leave under pressure he started to leave chaos in lebanon.
He uses M8 to do the job... since M14 took power M8 did evrything they could to stop the gvt and avoid implementing any reforms for the sake of lebanon....
M8 doesn t care about lebanon, they care just as faithful dogs to please their syrian master to keep their privileges...and their bootlickers here still thank syria for the killings and sufferings of lebanese people under their rule!
let me remind you that aoun said that LONG ago.... that if syrian would retreat they would leave chaos and infilter extremists islamists groups in lebanon (see fatah el islam!) .... reread his speeches!!!
so you are then going to say aoun is a liar?
You should really become a political analyst, and we'll make sure that your interviews air on "Comedy Central". When you say that the Syrians are infiltrating our borders because of March 14: you do realize that the infiltrations are to hunt down Syrian nationals and has nothing to do with any Lebanese whether it be March 8 or March 14.
As far as the Lebanese are involved, it is our government's job not to allow any infiltration of our border. This my friend is the job of our defence minister who is as we both know a March 8 puppy.
You also mention something about having a "strong and independent" government. You see in politics there is something known as the balance of power, and as long as Hezbollah's mini-state is more powerful than the government, the government won't be strong. Again it is an issue that is caused by March 8.
In your reply please focus on the content and not on my name. Translate my name to Arabic, you'll understand what it means.
Let us first start with "farateen". Really? Who did it take 8 months to form a one-sided government?
I am not a March 14 advocate, but I sure as hell hate the guts out of March 8 and their double standard politics leading us to a national goal of: becoming a proxy of the axis of evil.
As for the @thepatriots comment, what is there that he said that does not make him a good politician? That he wants an independent state? That he wants to demarcate our borders? That he wants to resolve the border infiltrations? If this is bad politics my friend, maybe it is time you changed your scope and wake the eff up.
Why do we have to have double standards? When Israel breaches our border, all Lebanon denounces it (no matter how much you want to believe otherwise deep inside you know it is true, we all hate the Israelis). I find it absolutely pathetic that when Syria infiltrates our border, only half of Lebanon denounces it. You guys are a disgrace for the country, hide your faces.
UN is the only option here to kick the Syrian in the ass. Lebanon has the right to return the Lebanese villages were captured by the English from the French during world war two and are Lebanese land under Syrian control.
UN is the only option here to kick the Syrian in the ass. Lebanon has the right to return the Lebanese villages were captured by the English from the French during world war two and are Lebanese land under Syrian control.
Hey guys.
Im an Israeli. The only thing I can wish for is for Lebanon to be free from its problems right now. Syria does not care about Lebanon, and they want to drag everyone down with them.
I had a friend from UNIFIL that said Lebanon was the Swizerland of the middle east. he was there 8 months ago again, and said it has changes for the worse. Come on guys, bring back the swizerland of the middle east. Its only for you... I wont gain a thing from this...
Yes, bigzift...it was March 14 that drove those tanks into Lebanon and killed the Syrian on Lebanese soil...keep watching Dunya TV man!!!
funny the comments of bigdig....
no financing the salafis, what about no financing the hezb from iran?
no smuggling of arms, what about the same thing from syria to the hezb?
and lebanon would be civilised and on its way to development!
ah! yes you will say it is not the same!! double standards as usual for the M8... what is good for us is forbidden to those who are against us!
and you d better inform yourself: it is not a salafi revolt in syria, but a peoples revolt! there are certainly salafis in the lot but they are the minority demonstrating....
seems you don t inform yourself out of M8 medias or syrian tv....
You are a smart kid. Get rid of the conspiracy theories and read less Syrian-Iranian news, and things will make a lot more sense to you.
I am not going to comment on your first paragraph because it is based on a "make-me-feel-better" conspiracy theory.
But for your second paragraph, where I see some potential in you. I would rather get isolated by two states (Syria and Iran) than get isolated by the rest of the world.
We are on the Palestinian side, but if we're going to fight the Palestinian war alone, then NO it won't happen. Yes the rest of the world does not give a crap about us, but isolating yourself from Syria and Iran means more economic prosperity. Tell me, if you had a store, would you rather have 2 customers or 170+ customers? That is assuming that you completely isolated yourself from Syria, which won't happen given that Bashar's days are numbered.
zionist information war department is so furious over my posts that they have to say everything twice