"در شبيغل": دمشق تبني مجمعا نوويا سريا على بعد كيلومترين من لبنان ويحرسه حزب الله
Read this story in Englishذكرت اسبوعية "در شبيغل" الالمانية في عددها الذي يصدر السبت ان الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد يعمل سرا على بناء مجمع تحت الارض بامكانه تصنيع اسلحة نووية، في القصير الحدودية مع لبنان، ويتولى حراسته "عناصر من حزب الله".
والمصنع يقع في منطقة جبلية وعرة المسالك في غرب البلاد على بعد كيلومترين من الحدود اللبنانية، بحسب المجلة التي اكدت ذلك بناء على "وثائق حصرية" وصور التقطتها الاقمار الصناعية ومحادثات اعترضتها اجهزة الاستخبارات.
واوضحت در شبيغل في ملخص عن مقالها، ان الموقع القريب من مدينة القصير تصل اليه شبكتا المياه والكهرباء.
والاسم الرمزي للموقع هو "زمزم"، ويمكن استخدامه في بناء مفاعل او مصنع لتخصيب اليورانيوم، بحسب ما قاله "خبراء غربيون" للمجلة.
وقد نقل النظام السوري الى المجمع الجديد ثمانية الاف قضيب وقود كانت مخصصة لموقع الكبر السري الذي يشتبه في انه يؤوي مفاعلا نوويا سريا، بحسب المجلة.
وهذا الموقع وسط الصحراء في شرق سوريا، دمرته غارة جوية في 2007 نسبت الى الجيش الاسرائيلي. ولم تؤكد السلطات الاسرائيلية على الاطلاق انها تقف وراء تلك الغارة.
وبحسب در شبيغل، فان خبراء كوريين شماليين وايرانيين يعملون في مشروع "زمزم". ومن المفترض ان يكون حزب الله، يتولى حراسة الموقع.
*مصدر الصور: "در شبيغل"
I doubt this is accurate, in any case it will not last long if it is. Israel will blow it up and even the Russians will help. Russia is kueen on Israel's security as we saw with the cancellation of the S-300 missiles shipment to Assad.
I agree, very stupid indeed. Trying to portray it as a secret that the genoside dictator Assad is trying to get an atomic bomb, and that he is supported by Hezbollah in this mission. Everybody knows!
I am sure the Israelis will make mincemeat of it- they need to neutralize Iran at the same time since Obama is too nice to do it.
Some were slow to believe the first world report in der spiegel of Hizbullah's involvment, preparation, and execution of Hariri's assassination plot….
Next thing they'll be saying is Saddam Hussein has WMDs ...oh wait we already heard that lie.
"Citing information made available by unidentified intelligence sources;"
This is supposed to be valid information Naharnet?
Since when did intelligence sources come out with their full name and adress whenever they had some information? Any newspaper is dependant on anonymous sources. The same way that they get info from political sources, economical sources etc. The sources will be evaluated of cource, like all other sources. Are they credible or not? In this case they have passed the test obviously. Like the sources that told Spiegel that Hezbollah-members was heavily involved in the assasination of Hariri. Im sure the four members wouldnt have to hide if they were inncocent.
But you know all this, Mystic, you are only clinging to the "where is the proof"-card. Well, the proof is just 2 km away from Lebanons border, so why dont you invite some obervers from the IAEA over to take a look. Its a golden opportunity to put egg on the face of both intelligence sources and newspapers. So, we are waiting....
Come On, A generator for supplying electricity to a Lebanese villages, cheap Syrian electricity,...why can't they believe that Syria's President is not bad after all, Assad is not an animal, he is just a dictator, that's all.
Do you know what the israelis think of you, they think of you and every other lebanese as cockroaches, perhaps you might want them to invite them to squash you too while there at it.
oh @cityboy, you beat me to it. I was thinking exactly the same thing, the same the same. I hope posters don't think we are the same person and god forbid they think we are paid to post.
Obviously, the Israelis leaked the information to see if by shining a light on the location, the rebels or someone else will deal with it.
It was Saddam and many thousand km that they were scared off and now you want me to believe that the Mossad let this one slip on their door steps?
ASSad, you litle idiot, playing with nuclear reactors just 2 KM from Lebanon, shows how bad your intentions are.
If I blame any one ... Clearly the people like ((( Micheal Aoun and his followers))) , Just how long how far you can go to STICK your interests with ASSad and Iran's HizEbols?
Naharnet is so bored because of the weather, now they make up james bond inspired articles.
The man can hardly keep Allepo now we're told about him building a nuke site? Smells quite spicy for anyone.
Phonix"1".. according to the news it was NOT a "recent" thing, it is not normal to believe either Assad or the German Newspaper or any one, it looks like we are living in a fairy tail or a big nightmare. It does not mean that the Syrian regime is Helping in the influx of people from Syria. Not Helping in solving the democracy issues where the Assad's are always 100% right and the people are wrong. HizEbola who cries in "Buckets" over Bahrain can not see "Under their Feet" Dead Syrian families "Killed" with various and innovative ways... Barrels, Bombs, Chemical, under Torture .. over loved.. by Both caring parties the Assads and the HizEbolas.
Sorry phoenix, I don't drink. I do believe that was funny though, just like this article.
That was a freedom fighter, called Hajj Radwan that freed Lebanon from the American occupation, in 1983.
Yes Mossad killed him, and he didn't die in vain but as a true martyr Allah yer7amo.
If this reactor really exixts, then its blessed and approved by Israel and the mossad... And if this is the case, then we understand the the Israeli state is an ally to Bashar Regime and the Iranian regime and unfortunately hizbollah is a puppet in their hands.... Remember what happenned to saddam hussein reactor in 1981...
The full article can be found by googling "der spiegel syria". It sounds reasonably credible, if not plausible.