جنبلاط يدعو مجددا الى "السماح بزراعة الحشيشة": لالغاء مذكرات التوقيف بحق المطلوبين
Read this story in Englishدعا رئيس الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي وليد جنبلاط السبت الى السماح بزراعة الحشيشة في لبنان، مطالبا بالغاء مذكرات التوقيف بحق المطلوبين.
وقال جنبلاط عبر حسابه على "تويتر" "آن الاوان للسماح بزراعة الحشيشة والغاء مذكرات توقيف بحق المطلوبين في هذا الحقل ".
ودعوة جنبلاط هذه ليست الاولى، ففي شهر أيار الفائت صرح جنبلاط في حديث تلفزيوني له "لا خوف من تشريع الحشيشة وتنظيمها لأسباب طبية".
وقال حينها "هي لا تشكل خطرا على الصحة ما لم تصبح إدمانا"، مضيفا أن "البقاع من أفقر المناطق إلى جانب عكار و إيرادات الحشيشة هناك كانت تفعل الدورة الإقتصادية في لبنان".
ومعلوم ان الحشيشة في لبنان تكاد ان تتحول في أماكن زرعها بمثابة "إرث" لعائلات تدرّ عليها هذه "التجارة" سنوياً نحو 1.5 مليون دولار، وهي كانت ازدهرت بقوة بين العامين 1975 و1990 خلال الحرب الاهلية اللبنانية.
وبعد الحرب، قامت الدولة بحملات للقضاء على هذه الزراعة، إذ تلفت آلاف الهكتارات منها في البقاع في الأعوام الماضية.
ووعدت الدولة بزراعات بديلة، الامر الذي لم يتحقق، اذ لقي مشروع للامم المتحدة للزراعات البديلة فشلا ذريعا في نهاية القرن الماضي بسبب الفساد ونقص التمويل.
ومنذ ذلك الحين، تتكرر المواجهة في كل سنة بين السلطات والمزارعين الذين يطالبون بتشريع هذه الزراعة التي تجد ارضا خصبة لها في البقاع.
وينص القانون على معاقبة كل من يتاجر بالحشيشة بالسجن، علما ان العديد من تجار هذه الزراعة المحظورة يتحصنون في مناطق عدة في البقاع ويتعرضون لملاحقة مستمرة من قبل اجهزة الدولة بعد ان تصدر مذكرات توقيف بحقهم.
ويتم زرع الحشيشة في الربيع وحصادها في ايلول، ويجري بعد ذلك تجفيفها تحت اشعة الشمس لمدة ثلاثة ايام. وتُعتبر الحشيشة اللبنانية من افضل الانواع عالميا اذ تتميز بلونها الاخضر اللامع، وهي قاسية وجافة. وتأتي بعدها مباشرة الحشيشة المغربية ولكنها داكنة اللون ومرنة. ويدعوها البعض بالحشيشة الذهبية لأنها تدر الكثير من المال.
Jumblat, long famed for his blunt manner and role as Lebanon's kingmaker
Loooooool blunt matter, good diction ya Naharnet
Also forgot to mention the part where he said, "I never smoked a joint in my life" lmaooooooooo
Make it happen. Tourism will EXPLODE (only figuratively, I hope) and the overcrowding of prisons will decrease, not to mention the efforts of our police force can be freed to a degree and reallocated for things worth their time. It would also lead to calmer people and more money being made legally/+taxed businesses&incomes.
Very good initiative. Hash is being sold whether we like it or not. Why not capitalize on it, since Lebanese Hash is one of the world best.
Jumblat in Joint Statement: Legalize Hash in Lebanon = Brilliant title for the article lol.
Also in joint statement comedians Cheech and Chong, and Dave, announced they will run in the next Lebanese parliamentary elections on the Democratic Gathering bloc ticket.
Next thing Jumblat will declare is to legalize gay marriage in Lebanon. Jumblat wants to be seen as being part of the modern world, yet how many times was he caught in Hamra street totally stoned? Next thing will be Aoun who'll feel that he must upstage the Druze clown.
This is not a question of modernity or being politically appealing to the "modern" generation. It is a question of not forcing those who are naturally attracted to members of the same sex to go against nature and be forced to copulate with people they are physically indifferent to or repelled from; either that or die alone. A question of all people being treated equally and without prejudice based on religion, race, gender or sexual preference.
And don't worry about Aoun feeling like he needs to one-up Jumblat in that regard - Aoun has been consistently anti-liberal; he'll probably retort by insisting that all potheads should be shot on the spot and that their murderers would have been committing an "honour crime" which is 7alal, and therefore not need to face responsibility for their vile actions (and by extension, that nobody needs to face responsibility for the vile action of dereliction of duty while in a position of authority and abandoning their men to their death while the person himself runs away - after all, Aoun has also been consistent about only caring about himself, and then spinning his selfish actions like if he did it for the greater good of the general public).
What do you mean "black" market? It's either Redmarket (Deir el A7mar), or Yellowmarket (Yamouneh), or Greenmarket (the rest). Black is from Afghanistan. Where is your patriotism ya Jacks?
Considering that before the 1920s Hash - "The Herb Dangerous", as Baudelaire and Crowley used to call it - was perfectly common in the Middle East, and that it wasn't until the U.S. tried to assert its "soft" power across the world by linking U.S. financial aid to any country's forcing a prohibition on the green; now that the U.S. itself has repented of the ways of its less enlightened ancestors (Colorado, Washington State, Maine, Alaska, Oregon, and the District of Columbia have legalized it; 23 other states have it decriminalized - i.e., you don't go to maghfar 7beish and then sit in Roumieh for six months without being charged before being released without a trial if you're caught carrying less than 25 grams of the stuff), I don't see why we should still be following those idiotic laws.
Legalize it, tax it, and use the money to fix the bloody roads and drainage systems.
Yaaa mon!!! I can agree to this. However too many mafia leaders in leb profiting off its illegality, and the police uses it as an excuse to arrest the youth