اتصالات بين عون وجعجع حول الملف الرئاسي تحت "غطاء بكركي "

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تجري اتصالات بين رئيس "التيار الوطني الحر" ميشال عون ورئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع حول الملف الرئاسي تحت غطاء "بكركي" حسب ما اشارت اليه معلومات صحفية.

فقد كشفت مصادر مسيحية متابعة لصحيفة "الديار" الثلاثاء أنّ "رئيس المجلس العام الماروني وديع الخازن يقوم باتصالات غير مباشرة بين عون وجعجع".

ولفتت إلى أن هدف الاتصالات هو "تقريب الحد الأدنى من المواقف بينهما في ظل ما يعتري الملف الرئاسي".

كذلك، اشارت إلى أن "اتصالات مباشرة وغير مباشرة شملت كل الافرقاء المسيحيين".

وذكرت المصادر للصحيفة نفسها أن "بكركي تتابع هذا الحراك"، وفي حال تطوّر قد تدعو الى "اجتماعات ثنائية مسيحية - مسيحية فيها او اجتماع للاقطاب المسيحيين الاربعة".

وتجري هذه الاتصالات في ظل حوار مرتقب عقده قبل الاعياد بين تيار "المستقبل" و"حزب الله" وسط مساع يجريها رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري ورئيس الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي النائب وليد جنبلاط.

وكان عون قد اقترح ان تنحصر المنافسة على الكرسي الرئاسي بينه وبين جعجع الذي رحب بهذا الطرح في ظل الشغور الذي تعيشه البلاد منذ أيار الفائت، الا أنه رأى في الامر الغاء للمرشحين الاخرين.



التعليقات 25
Missing humble 10:54 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

This caporal is a born loser....I wonder how come honest people still follow a traitor...

Missing peace 10:57 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

groucho and chico: the two buffoons pretending to be kings! LOL

Thumb -phoenix1 13:21 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

@Peace, when I read your post, I understood why you got three thumbs down, it is normal whenever these two are criticized by us. However I would also like to toe @Humble's post, indeed, it makes you wonder why there are still some good folks who still follow this old man Aoun. Between Aoun and Geagea, we Christians have been divided for just too long. This is crazy, we call ourselves as educated and elitists, yet accept to be divided by two ex-warlords, this is mad. What makes it even more dumb is this, that we are not short of great people, perfectly educated, perfectly orientated, the perfect visionaries, the prefect professionals, the perfect gentlemen, perfectly honest, perfectly decent, yet here we are, following two old dinosaurs, in fact two seriously destructive dinosaurs who still behave as only them two existed. Hell NO, I exist and I have a lot more intelligence than to accept being stuck behind them. May the winds of change blow them away, far far away from us.

Missing peace 14:34 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

as long as people give credit to ex warlords then Lebanon will never move forward...

Missing peace 15:12 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

both shelled civilians which makes them the same murderers....

Thumb -phoenix1 15:19 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

Russian, you said and I quote, @peace, in the above picture, there's one ex-warlord and one official army general. next time, try not to make this mistake, especially that you consider yourself lebanese :), Unquote. Yes, Geagea is an ex-warlord, but that clown sitting next to him is not one official of the army, he is as notorious as people like Ahmad Al Khatib, so-called officers who tainted and gave the Lebanese Army a bad name. If the army still suffers from this stigma, it's thanks to people like Aoun and Al Khatib. Then don't forget, he is also a squatter, no wonder he fled faster than a jack rabbit. I believe that should not make him Lebanese either.

Missing peace 18:12 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

FT could you spare us your idiocy here?

"Jan. 30, 1990 General Aoun attacks the Lebanese Forces militia under Samir Geagea, seeking control of the Christian enclave. More than 1,000 people, mostly civilians, are killed."http://www.nytimes.com/1990/10/14/world/mideast-tensions-chronology-of-15-years-of-civil-war-in-lebanon.html

and if you knew achrafieh you d still see the remnants of that war.... so spare us YOUR revisionism which you always use to back up your FPM propaganda....
yes aoun is like geagea: two antiquities from the civil war and if you truly wanted Lebanon to move forward you d spit on them both!

poor FT... your stupidity knows no boundaries....

Missing peace 19:33 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

sure... always finding excuses for your pimp...
the difference is that i do not try to find excuses for the geagea butcher, they are both to be sent to jail!
but you still dream of revenge against geagea like in the old days... the civil war is not finished in your empty brain!
as long as we have people with your savage mentality then Lebanon will never move forward...

geagea and aoun are two murderers, like it or not, but for you one is halal the other isn't... stay trapped in your civil war and may you choke on it, your frustrations drove you crazy...

all those who were involved in the civil war should not be supported but we ll always find idiots like you for whom the war is not over....

Missing peace 20:57 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

poor FT let me shed a tear... you are the only one here who has suffered from the civil war... poor you, snif snif snif...seems you still suffer from mental disorders....

still supporting and living the civil war , you wish you could launch your revenge war just like your idol did...
your case is beyond cure.

you are just a worthless case and a dishonor to Lebanon...

Missing thatisit 12:14 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

he presidential post has been empty since May 25 ...lost in translation

Thumb thepatriot 13:01 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

"Aoun, who has announced his candidacy for the top executive post, refused to join the majority's campaign, saying Lahoud's successor should be named first. He has said he would not back any other contender than himself for the presidency."

Michel Aoun April 2006...

Thumb -phoenix1 13:49 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

Aoun, one mission, divide the Christians, divide the Lebanese, advance the agenda of he who pays most. Wlak 3ezrayel yekhdoh.

Thumb the_roar 14:05 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

as usual

Default-user-icon iranian_ruffian (ضيف) 14:26 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

well said the_roar

Thumb -phoenix1 14:47 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

Irrelevant troll from down under.

Thumb the_roar 14:08 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

The same people who claim Aoun has lost the support of the people & are the same people who cry for democracy are the same people who strongly oppose, allowing the people to choose their own Pres.

Go figure....how do you debate that?

Thumb -phoenix1 14:44 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

Roar, he he he, playing your old tricks again ma heyk, duplicates again, euft kif ilak jalad. This diminutive man called Aoun has lost a lot lately, but maybe you're still hooked on dreams of yesteryear, maybe your being there down under keeps you disconnected from the realities of life in Lebanon, sadly for you, Aoun no longer has his once claimed Christian majority. Aussie, look, I live here and I know of many decent ex-FPM members who left in disgust, though haven't joined any other party yet, but the FPM and Aoun are for them bad memories, he is a man who lied and keeps lying to them, maybe this is what you like, people who lie to you. Well, keep it up if it makes you happy, but Aoun is gone, finito, kaput, by the way, why didn't he contest it when Geagea told him to square it off with him? Roar the dreamer, hooked on jash.

Thumb the_roar 15:03 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

You blab like bored housewives, just blab & start rumors because it makes you feel important & relevant.

how about you stop bs'ing the forum & address why you abhor the Lebanese people electing their own? no need for your daily gossip.

allowing the people to vote would surely see off the General according to you..but alas..all you have if gossip stories best reserved for bored housewives & storytellers.

Thumb -phoenix1 15:23 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

Russian, I'll be fair in my answer to you, both are failures, haven't you noticed?

Thumb sophia_angle 14:25 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

since day 1 of GMA s return he is been fought & cancelled (al helef el roba3i) millions of $$ got lost on fake doc to overcome him with no success..GMA is the top 1 had been n always will be as christian leader...we can imagine why the refuse of public elections!! the question here is do the muslim brothers want to share power with christian bro??

General - prime minister - leader of biggest christian block - leader of east christian dialogue ........President..... his rights of course!!!

Thumb the_roar 14:53 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

God bless you Sophia....nice to see people with a conscience post now & then.

The truth is lost on many here .

Thumb -phoenix1 15:22 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

Like it is lost on you, instead of praising why don't you emulate people who can post without resorting to blabbing like you always do. Then, whose is the truth? Figure it out before going to bed ya Roar. Fait toi bete et dort.

Thumb the_roar 15:25 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

TSK TSK TSK....stop showing your insecurities on a forum & move along small timer.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:46 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

Lately ya Roar you will be spending a lot of God bless you this, God bless you that, surest signs of difficult times for angry posters like you. bedtime habibi ma heyk?

Thumb beiruti 16:08 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

The simple truth is that if the Christians can not get together on their candidate for President, then the Sunni and Shiite leadership will do it for them. Which is better?