حزب الله يحرر أسيره لدى المقاتلين السوريين عماد عياد: الفرحة "لم تكتمل"
Read this story in Englishحرّر حزب الله الثلاثاء عنصرا تابعا له كان أسيرا لدى مجموعات المعارضة السورية في جرود القلمون حيث كانت تخاض معارك شرسة بين الجهتين، مؤكدا أن الفرحة لا تكتمل إلا "بعودة العسكريين المخطوفين" لدي الجماعات المتطرفة.
وجاء في بيان رسمي للحزب بعد ظهر الثلاثاء انه وبعد مفاوضات "استمرت لأسابيع مع الجهات الخاطفة تم تحرير الأسير عماد عياد ظهر اليوم".
وتمت العملية "مقابل إطلاق سراح أسيرين كانا لدى "حزب الله" من المسلحين".
وفيما لم يذكر البيان الجهة الخاطفة بالتحديد، قالت قناة "المنار" أن المفاوضات تمت مع "جبهة النصرة". ولاحقا قالت الـ"OTV" أن "التفاوض بشأن الأسرى تم بين حزب الله والجيش السوري الحر".
من جهتها قالت وكالة الصحافة الفرنسية أن "مصدرا في حزب الله رفض على ما يبدو الحديث عن تبادل مع النصرة وقال أن الخاطفين كانوا "مسلحين من القلمون".
يذكر أنه في الثامن من تشرين الأول الفائت نُشرت أول صورة لعياد بد معارك خاضها حزب الله منذ الخامس منه مع مسلحين من الجيش السوري الحر و"النصرة" و"الدولة الإسلامية" في جرود القلمون، بعد أن سيطر بعض منهم لفترة قصيرة على مركز له في جرد بريتال.
وفي اليوم التالي تداول ناشطون سوريون شريطا نقلا عن "تجمع القلمون الغربي في عسال" ظهر فيه عياد الذي قال أن أصله "من الجنوب" وقال أنه مع "الجيش السوري الحر".ووجه عياد رسالة ثانية في 21 تشرين الأول إلى والده يستغرب فيها عدم التواصل مع خاطفيه توصلاً للإفراج عنه، ملمحا إلى ضرورة التكلم مع مسؤولين في حزب الله.
وفي خضم المعركة التي كانت محتدمة في الشهر المذكور نشر موقع قناة "المنار" قبل يوم من بث خبر أسر عياد صورا قال أنها "تعود لجثث مسلحين قتلوا بنيران مقاومي حزب الله والجيش السوري في منطقة القلمون، اثر الهجوم الذين شنوه أمس في الجبة وعسال الورد".
مساء الثلاثاء وصل عياد إلى مسقط رأسه في الضاحية الجنوبية حيث كان حشد كبير باستقباله يتقدمهم نائب رئيس المجلس التنفيذي في الحزب الشيخ نبيل قاووق.
وقال قاووق " طالما بقي العسكريون في الأسر كل الفرحة لا تكتمل إلا بتحريرهم من أسر التكفيريين".
ونقل "إلى البطل المقاوم الأسير المحرر عماد عياد وإلى والده ووالدته أنقل إليهم أمانة حملني إياها السيد حسن نصرالله فلكم كل التهاني والتبريك منه".
وتأتي عملية الافراج عن عياد فيما تجرى مفاوضات بمساعدة قطر لتحرير 27 عسكريا في الجيش وقوى الأمن يأسرهم تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية وجبهة النصرة منذ الثاني من آب الماضي.
Hezbollah and Al Nusrah negotiating and exchanging prisoners. That is fantastic news! Extremist militias rule!
Hope that Godzilla and King Kong will not kiss and make up anytime soon!
Bravo for Hizbollah that cares for his fighters. However, was not Hizbollah refusing that the government frees islamists in jail in exchange of the lebanese soldiers captured. Once again we are seing the contradiction of Hizbollah that are there to weaken the Lebanese state.
They free their terrorists but sabotage the government's efforts to free our soldiers.
Mohammad Raad scorned any possible swap of Islamist prisoners for the Army and Internal Security Forces personnel held by ISIS and Nusra Front militants - September 09 2014
The hezb had to do this even if they were vehemently against exchanging. The Shia community is listless and dispirited no matter what the M8 medias and their Naharnet Johnny Lunchpail tell you. They're told about victories but filled body bags keep coming here. So with this they can trumpet a moral victory with photo oppts for a news cycle.
the exact same thing can be said about the entire Lebanese people. the hezb doesn't have priority over or exclusivity for moral boosts. and the hezb should stop talking and acting however it damn pleases.
Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil said Sunday that any trade off between Islamist militants in Arsal now – who are holding a number of police and army hostages – and the release of Islamists currently in jail is out of the question. - 10 August 2014
That shows how these grouos speak same l language with little difference. Hope hom safe return to his family and never listen to anyone telling you what to do while hiding in the sewers.
That shows that these groups speak the same language with little difference. Hope him safe return to his family and to learn never to listen to anyone telling you what to do if they themselves are hiding in the sewers.
I would like to read some comments from the staunch Aounist supporters of Hizbollah about this retournement of Hizbollah covered always by clAoun.
The government could have concluded the negotiations in 1 hour. Simple: Nusra wants its members freed and we want our soldiers freed. Why it has taken so long nobody knows. It seems the tough talk of HA about no negotiations etc etc applies to the government only while they managed to get their "fighter" released.
Who from Hezbollah should we kidnap to get our Democracy back ? They have been holding it captive forever !
if you watched the video of this terrorist, you would know he did not even finish 5th grade let alone be an engineer. He is an uneducated outlaw just like the rest of your militia.
vulturedawn that is the same you said, when dozens of pilgrims were kidnapped in Syria. You called them all fighters of Hezbollah, or Shia volunteers. Which was evidently a lie.
The takfiris captured people, and forces them to say, they work for certain groups on open camera.
The kidnapped LAF, are also being worked to be released at the moment there is no objection to their release, only to the conditions provided by the takfiris.
Remember, there is a difference between soldiers and civilians, even though Naharnet and the takfiris depicts this one as a soldier.
@Musty "Remember, there is a difference between soldiers and civilians"
Hizbcocaine fighters are civilian now?
mystic are you not ashamed of what you write?
does your propaganda know any limits?
If your man is a civilian as you claim why does quaok hail him as a hero....
if your man is a civilian why is he carrying an AK-47 in the picture above....
Qaouq: To the resistance hero, freed captive Imad Ayyad..
I think Qaouq put an end to the argument between mystic and more educated folks Imad Ayyad is a fighter not a civilian.
every household in Lebanon carries a Kleshninkov for self defense. It makes no difference.
"Every household in Lebanon..." you should leave the nabatiye and dahye every so often...most of us don't carry around guns and wear army fatigue and carry jihadist ideologies.
If this is all that counts as victory for the opposition groupies these days, it must be going pretty downhill for them...
Welcome to banana republic of Lebanon, where everyone can have his own army and government, thanks to ASSad and Iran.
When a terrorist of HA who was fighting in Syria freed, he is welcomed as a hero in dahieh right under the nose of the security forces and the army. But the army arrests anybody who sympathizes with the syrian opposition and labels them as terrorists. Some people still wonder if the army is not controlled by HA...
Mystic, it seems that Al-akhbar also got caught up in M14 including Naharnet depicting this man as Hezbollah member, imagine that..
Hezbollah member, two Syria jihadists freed in prisoner swap
But you are not to blame little guy, Hezbollah sources are confusing critters and you a simpleton wanting to believe with all your heart..
"A Hezbollah source, meanwhile, flatly denied any Nusra involvement in the deal" from the above article from akhbar.com
but then from almanar.com you get this
"Hezbollah: Ayyad Released after Weeks of Negotiations with Al-Nusra"
Mystic poor little gullible Mystic what do you do where do you turn..
Here's Mystic's "engineer":
وذكرَت وكالة الأنباء الايرانية «ايرنا»الرسمية انّ عیاد البالغ من العمر 23 عاماً، یُعتبر أوّل أسیر للحزب «یقع فی أیدی العصابات الإرهابیة المسلحة فی سوریا منذ مشارکة الحزب فی مواجهتها»، وأنّه کان وقعَ فی أسر «الجیش الحر»، بعد نفاد ذخیرته وإصابته بجروح غیر خطرة فی یده ورجلِه، خلال اشتباکات عنیفة بین الجانبین فی منطقة عسال الورد في القلمون السوریة المتاخمة للحدود مع لبنان.
i'm actually very happy the guy is back with his family, he's a reservist and it was not his fault he got deployed into a dangerous zone like he and his dead comrades were. Hezbollah had professional fighter supposedly to protect Lebanon but instead of doing their jobs they were sent by the Ayatollah to fight and die protecting the despot of Damascus while this guy and others like him were left barely trained to stand in for them. That's shame, made even worse the fact that Hezbollah pro fighters helped the despot of Damascus push his opponent towards the Lebanese border and into the path of the Lebanese army and the poor hapless Hezbollah reservists positions instead of fighting them in Syria where they were.