حمادة تطرق للاستقالة من الحكومة بعد التمديد للحود: الحريري سعى لتخفيف التوتر مع دمشق

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اختتم النائب مروان حمادة اليوم الرابع في جلسة الاستماع اليه بالمحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان قبل عودته الى بيروت بالتحدث عن الخطوات السياسية التي أتت بعد التمديد لولاية رئيس الجمهورية السابق اميل لحود، منها تقديم الاستقالة من الحكومة، متناولا السعي السياسي الدائم لرئيس الوزراء الاسبق رفيق الحريري "لتخفيف حدة التوتر بينه وبين دمشق".

وقال حمادة في جلسة الاستماع له امام المحكمة الدولية الجمعة "بعد جلسة التمديد للحود قدمت انا والوزيرين غازي العريضي وعبدالله فرحات كممثلين عن اللقاء الديمقراطي استقالتنا من حكومة الحريري، وقدمها بعد يومين الوزير فارس بويز".

وأوضح حمادة ان خطوة الاستقالة هذه كانت "تعبيرا عن رفضنا لاعادة انتخاب لحود بعد التصويت على التمديد له من خلال تعديل الدستور"، لافتا الى ان الاستقالة تماشت مع ما اتفق عليه مع الحريري بعد عودته من دمشق واجتماعنا به في منزل جنبلاط في كليمنصو في اليوم عينه أي في 26 آب".

وأشار الى ان "حضور جلسات مجلس الوزراء بعد تمديد ولاية لحود كان ليُعتبر موافقة على التمديد له ما يتعارض مع موقفنا"، و أكمل حمادة: تمديد لحود يعني سيطرة النظام السوري على النظام السياسي حيث أن الحكومة بأكملها اصبحت مجرد دمى للنظام.

وتابع حمادة الحديث عن استقالته مع ثلاثة وزراء آخرين من الحكومة، موضحا بطلب من الادعاء الخطوات التي سعوا الى القيام بها بعد خطوة الاستقالة، فقال حمادة "كنا نعمل بعد استقالتنا على جمع معارضة شعبية ونيابية تتصدى لعملية فرض اعادة انتخاب لحود ومواصلة السوريين لاحتلالهم للبنان، وأردنا أن نوحد صفوفنا مع لقاء قرنة شهوان والقوى المسيحية وحركة التجدد الديمقراطي".

وأضاف "منذ تلك اللحظة بدأنا نعتبر الوجود السوري احتلالا يترجم بفرض تعديلات دستورية وسياسية مهمة على اللبنانيين ، وأردنا جمع الراي العام لينضم الى رأينا وخياراتنا من خلال فرض حكومة استقلالية في لبنان ايا كان موقف لحود".

وسرد حمادة عملية تدخل المخابرات السورية قي لبنان بتشكيل اللوائح الانتخابية لاسيما لائحة الحريري في بيروت وكيفية تعامل الحريري مع هذا الفرض للتخفيف من حدة التوتر بينه وبين دمشق.

وقال "كان هناك أكثرية مؤيدة للسوريين في مجلس النواب وفي كتلة الحريري كان هناك ثلاثة مرشحين مؤيدين لسوريا فرضوا في انتخابات العام 2000"، شارحا انه "عندما قام الحريري بوضع لائحته في بيرو ت طلب منه اللواء غازي كنعان أن يضم الى لائحته ثلاث شخصيات مؤيدة للسوريين".

وأردف "الحريري لم يكن راضيا بضم ثلاثة نواب طلبهم كنعان ولكنه قبل بهم عام 2000 من أجل ان يتجنب الصدام مع السوريين"، وقال الحريري بحسب حمادة ان "ضم ثلاثة نواب الى اللائحة ليس صعبا ضمن لائحة تضم 19 مرشحا له لكنه رفض ذلك في انتخابات 2004".

وأشار امام المحكمة الى أن "الهدف من التقسيم الانتخابي لثلاث دوائر انتخابية في بيروت كان تقليص نفوذ الحريري في العاصمة الا ان الحريري حقق فوزا كاسحا وكان الامر مفاجئا حينها".

ورغم استقالة وزراء اللقاء الديمقراطي اضافة الى بويز من الحكومة، ظل الحريري بحسب ما أفاد حمادة يحاول لاشهر العمل على تشكيل حكومة وحدة وطنية لتخفيف من حدة التوتر بينه وبين دمشق ظنا منه ان ذلك سيكون ضمانا لسلامته وأمنه.

ولم يستجب الحريري ودائما كما قال حمادة الى نصيحة (رئيس الحزب الاشتراكي) جنبلاط بالتمديد للحود وتقديم استقالته مغادرة لبنان.

وذكر حمادة انه "نظرا للاغلبية المؤيدة في مجلس النواب للسوريين كان الحريري يشعر أنهم سيسمحون له البقاء في السلطة لانه وافق على التمديد للحود وكان دوما يتشاور معنا رغم عدم مشاركتنا في الحكومة".

عليه، شدد على ان رئيس الحكومة الراحل الذي "كان حريصا بعد استقالتنا على تهدئة مشاعر السوريين وحاو ل ان يرسي توازنا مقبولا بين مختلف المرشحين وهذه العملية توقفت فجأة بعد محاولة اغتيالي في تشرين الاول".

ووصل حمادة في افادته الى موضوع تشكل التحالفات المعارضة بدءا من قرنة شهوان وصولا الى لقاء البريستول الذي ضم كما قال نوابا مقربون من الحريري، واصفا الفترة آنذاك "بنهضة ديمقراطية".

وجلسة اليوم جائت بعد جلسات ثلاثة سابقة تناول فيها حمادة علاقة الحريري مع دمشق ولقائه مع الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد وتهديدات الأخير في حال لم يتم التمديد للحود، أضافة الى ردة الفعل السورية حيال قرار 1559.

يُذكر أن المحاكمات في قضية المتهمين بمقتل الحريري (في 14 شباط 2005) افتتحت في 16 كانون الثاني الفائت، وأدلى حتى اليوم، 36 شاهدا بإفاداتهم أمام المحكمة وقبلت 461 بينة بوصفها أدلة.


التعليقات 35
Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 12:59 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 20

the tribunal should summon the countries that refused to give satellite pics and videos so we get the truth quickly with less time and money for Lebanese
god bless the truth and democracy

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:48 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 20

yes, it's about time they start getting some concrete evidence, we didnt spend hundreds of millions of dollars on that tribunal to get hamadeh's gossip.

Thumb -phoenix1 21:15 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 20

Mowaten, concrete evidence there is in ample quantity, but must we forget that there is concrete Resistance?

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:39 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

no phoenix, there is no concrete evidence. everybody seems to want to think there is, but there isn't, it's a myth. don't take my word for it, take the prosecution's own declarations and see for yourself.

Thumb freedomarch 13:37 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 20

God bless all those who were the victim and help those who are still being victimized by the same entities with orders from the same source assasinated by people known to all whatever you call the benificiary is the ayatollah in Kom. Mastermind of all this started to show his ability long before Hariri was killed. You know what I am talking about. Iranian Rev. Guards ...

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:49 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 20

the beneficiary of all this is the one who gains from creating a rift between sunnis and shias in lebanon. the whole assassinations campaign and that joke of a tribunal have one goal: to create internal strife in lebanon

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:43 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

gee anonyme you're such a mess with your random statements and the nonsensical links you make between unrelated thing. (what has hezbollah fighting takfiris in syria got to do with anything here? is that your "proof" that they killed hariri? lol)

Default-user-icon Georges (ضيف) 13:58 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 20

what a liar... Aoun and the overall Christian parties were opposing Syrians since 1992... and they did not even considered Kornet Shahwan which started back in 1997..
They were pro syrians until they could not make more money from the syrians.
Hamadeh is trying to change history ? Lek he voted again for Berri back in 2006...LIAR

Default-user-icon charbel (ضيف) 14:21 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 20

Nice try FT Quornet Shahwan was created to oppose the Syrians by the patriarch, most of it's members including members of parliament were always anti Syrian. Hamadeh ie Jumblat's block turned anti Syrian after 2000 when they realized the Syrian army was not going to withdraw after the Israelis left. All this is in the public domain and anyone can check it regardless of Alakhbar and otv's attempts to rewrite history, one great source is tayyar's own archives.

Thumb thepatriot 16:19 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 20

George... Aoun had, has, and always will have his own agenda. He will ally with the devil himself if it would bring him to power. Actually... he did!

Thumb thepatriot 16:22 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 20

They voted for Berri because there was no other alternative. Shias imposed Berri, he is the highest representative of a sect that represents 30-40% of this country. What were they supposed to do? Elect a M14 Shiaa??

Thumb thepatriot 11:32 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

FT... nobody pays me for nothing. And I don't spend my life on this forum like yourself. Not everyone is on the payroll you paranoid thug!

Thumb smarty 16:42 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 20

Aoun in 1992?

He was in Paris living of the French welfare system.

Thumb smarty 14:03 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 20

<== Souviens toi, remember, تذكر

Default-user-icon BlitzBurgh (ضيف) 14:46 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 20

All this doesn't make sense and it doesn't matter anyways. Jumblat hamadeh hariri etc were all syrian puppets in lebanon. As if some people still believe that hariri was a good guy. No politician is a good guy, that's why they are called politicians. I guess they became anti-syrian cause they weren't able to steal as much as they did from 94 to 04. If Bachir was still alive, non of these thieves would have exist, and I mean on the lebanese political scene. I would really appreciate if Naharnet would consider posting my comments. Thank you

Default-user-icon Tenzir (ضيف) 17:54 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 20

Lebanese have this cult of martyrdom which I can't explain! Not because someone gets killed he becomes a martyr and mother Theresa. Please let's not forget how hariri was perceived by a big chunk of the population back then before he was killed. While we should all condemn the crime and its perpetrators, his death doesn't make him a better person. It is dangerous to have revisionist versions of the victim, and allow our emotions take over. Politicians will always play on emotions in favor of their agendas, it is up to us to rationalize and avoid falling victims of their games. Just food for thought...

Thumb freedomarch 18:33 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 20

I see a barrel as your he hiad ... ni breans inside explos ivs ibstead. Dropped by exclusively on one sect ...... ask yourself who was it beside Assed!

Missing humble 18:33 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 20

Now we have the caporal who is the best khadim and agent to Syria

Default-user-icon namely (ضيف) 19:34 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 20

I love it when a shiite hezballite repeats tishreens recently prepackaged editorials and pretends to know all about aoun's struggles for the cause, because only a few short years ago shiite hezballites were taught to repeat the classic utilitarian 'aoun "served Israel's interest" '. Poor aoun has to rely on shiite hezballites to speak for him after most veteran aounists left and he's stuck with a few family members, some old disgruntled Lfers and kataeb, easy to manipulate youth and the ex baath, ssnp and commis men at arms who block his access to the outside world

Thumb nickjames 21:29 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 20

2012: Aoun was against the Orthodox law then switched and was for it.

1989: EVERYONE but Aoun supported Ta'ef. That includes Geagea, Hobeiqa, Gemayel and others.

And spare me the "destroys" Christian seat argument. Suleiman Franjieh was president and was still a Syrian puppet, he kept his Marada militia even while he was president and let Syria into the country... Amine Gemayel was a horrible president...

1994: Geagea visits Damascus?? So what?? Aoun visited Damascus in 2009...
2005: Geagea was still in jail when the Ouwwet had a brief alliance with Amal and Hezbollah
2005: Aoun said Syria killed Hariri. After allying with Hezbollah: he said it was Fatah al-Islam...

Please stop spreading lies and propaganda. You hate Geagea for the very same thing Aoun is doing today. You ridicule Geagea for being a Syrian puppet 30 years ago, so you think it's okay for Aoun to take his turn now... You have a very selective memory Flamey

Default-user-icon lol (ضيف) 06:12 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

1994: geagea visits Damascus for bassel's funeral (flame actually it was for condolences not the funeral, your syrian moukhabarat handler should have told you that why didn't he, humm..)
2014: a delegation headed by the tawhid movement leader wiiam wahhab visits bsharre for farid geagea's condolences..

my god nooooo flame, the tawhid movement and their leader wiiam wahhab as now part of the lebanese forces what more proof do you need hahahahaha

Missing humble 18:35 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 20

Please STOOOOOOOPPPP writing insanities...

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:51 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 20

first let them show us the slightest credible proof, then if we dont accept it you can say that. for now all we heard was gossip and conjectures based on telecom data that was under israeli control for years

Missing people-power 20:15 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 20

Please show us one shred of evidence that telecom date was "under israeli control" for years.

Please show us one shred of evidence that israel manipulated even one phone call data.

I don't claim israel never did any harm, but your dismissal of the telecom data because someone on israeli payroll may have worked in a telecom department does not mean the telecom data was compromised.

There is no evidence the telecom data is not accurate. Quite to the contrary, the STL will show that the telecom information is accurate and corroborated by multiple data inputs. Falsely manipulated telecom data can be verified through analysis, and no such manipulation has been found.

Besides, this topic will be subject to review by the STL. Telecom experts much smarter than you can make their argument before the court. Your argument is only offered by people who are ignorant of the telecom system, and have no clue about how such a system works.

Missing people-power 20:46 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 20

Exactly right Tex. Also, many of the israeli spies were caught with telecom data during the same period when momo says israel had "full control" over telecom data.

Telecom data is one of the primary tools of finding suspects for crimes. After suspects are identified, they are then taken in for questioning to determine their guilt.... except when the suspects are Hezbollah, in which case the suspects can never be questioned!

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:21 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

you must be joking people-power, right?





Thumb _mowaten_ 13:23 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

and more details here on what they were able to do thanks to those spies:


""Once one has physical access to the system, it's relatively trivial to break into many of these systems," he continued. "One can both renumber systems as well as change the records of call details once you have access to these databases; likewise you can check and change affiliations of phone numbers, such as change the names associated with numbers, change the numbers associated with IMEIs [unique identification codes that verifies a mobile device].""

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:24 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

"Quite to the contrary, the STL will show that the telecom information is accurate and corroborated by multiple data inputs. Falsely manipulated telecom data can be verified through analysis, and no such manipulation has been found."

lol gotta love how you take your fantasies for realities.

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:30 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

"Methods of infiltration include the tampering of BTS towers, either physically or remotely; using firewall equipment manufactured by Israeli companies, which allows Israel to install backdoors and access for remote log-ins."

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:33 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

During the 2006 war, engineers at Alfa noticed unusual activity in their servers; the log, which records who logged into the system, both remotely and locally, would restart itself on a daily basis, without any command ordering it to do so. Furthermore, the log would reboot itself before registering where the command originated from.

According to Illeik, "the engineers in Alfa were seeing this happen in front of their eyes, and couldn’t do anything to stop it".

"If [the spies] gave the root passwords to the Israelis, all bets are off. This would allow the Israelis to log onto the computer systems controlling the networks as administrators," explained Taher. "At that level of control, they can access and modify data, install software programmes, shut down or re-set the different systems, as well as modify or erase any audit logs that would record their actions."

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:11 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

yes terrorist, you're right. now go play with somebody of your mental age. bye.

Missing peace 14:11 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

all you show us mooowaten are "ifs".... not evidence... so your theories are just hezbi wishful thinking and fantasies ...
if israel wanted to spead chaos they would have killed MPs and politicians from both sides... not only M14 opposed to your syrian masters....
syria and hezbollah both had interests in all those killings....

stop your propaganda it will spare you from being ridicule each time you log on here....

Missing peace 14:46 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

typical M8 answer... when out of any sensible arguments they get scared and insult.... the weapon of the weak and coward...

no further comment needed....

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:30 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

peace you're irrelevant. anybody reading the article posted above would know better than you with your naive blindess.

Missing peace 17:04 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

then i am sure that the lawyers of hezbollah will bring all the evidence indicting israel... no doubt they will, ma hek?