استخبارات الجيش "تلقي القبض على قيادييْن خليجييْن في داعش"

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تمكنت مديرية المخابرات في الجيش اللبناني من توقيف عدة اشخاص من جنسيات لبنان وعربية لانتمائهم الى تنظيمات ارهابية تسعى للإخلال بالامن. في حين حذّرت معلومات استخباراتية من وجود خلايا نائمة تسعى الى القيام بعمليات ارهابية في عدة مناطق.

فقد أفادت صحيفة "السفير"، الاثنين، ان مديرية المخابرات القت القبض على ثلاثة أشخاص (لبنانيان وسوري) في بيروت، بتهمة الانتماء إلى تنظيم إرهابي وضلوعهم في أعمال شراء سلاح.

وتمكنت في العملية عينها من القاء القبض على اثنين من قادة المجموعات الإرهابية وهما خليجيان ينتميان إلى تنظيم "داعش" قدما من تركيا.

الى ذلك، لفتت الصحيفة الى ان القوى العسكرية والامنية اللبنانية، تلقت معلومات من اجهزة استخباراتية أجنبية حول وجود "خلايا نائمة مرتبطة بداعش والنصرة في بعض المناطق".

اضافة الى ورود تقارير غربية إلى جهات رسمية، تتقاطع مع امتلاك القوى الأمنية والعسكرية معلومات حول نشاطات مشبوهة، وتحضيرات لعمليات إرهابية في بعض المناطق، وخلال بعض المناسبات ذات الطابع الديني.

من هنا، كشف مرجع أمني لـ"السفير" أن القوى العسكرية والأمنية ألقت القبض على عشرات المشتبه بهم كما فككت العديد من الخلايا النائمة في أكثر من منطقة.

كذلك، أفادت الصحيفة انه ثمة معلومات حول تحضيرات تقوم بها مجموعات إرهابية لتنفيذ عمليات عسكرية ضد الجيش ولا سيما في البقاع الشمالي، يجري التمهيد لها من خلال الاعتداءات اليومية ومحاولات التسلل المتكررة.

ويواجه الجيش في جرود عرسال مجموعات متطرفة من "جبهة النصرة" و"داعش" كانت قد خطفت مطلع آب الفائت عدد من العسكريين من قوى الأمن والجيش، لدى محاولتها الدخول الى لبنان عبر البلدة، حيث خاضعت معارك دامية مع الجيش اللبناني.


التعليقات 25
Thumb EagleDawn 07:52 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

Two Lebanese and a Syrian have also been arrested by the Army Intelligence in Beirut on suspicion of belonging to a terrorist group and having ties to the weapons purchases, the report said.

Dear Army Intelligence: Any news regarding the color of the "Yellow" KIA used by HA in the assassination of minister Shatah?
Dear Army Intelligence: Any news on what you are doing to stop the flow of money to HA through Lebanese Banks?
Dear Army Intelligence: You allow Nasrallah to go fight in Syria and when he invited others to go fight in Syria, you arrest them on the " suspicion of belonging to a terrorist group and having ties to the weapons purchases"

Have a good day!

Thumb ex-fpm 08:03 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

lol eagle!

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:59 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

eagledown, what about asking the ISF intelligence where their investigation is? why not ask the justice minister, your beloved ashraf rifi, how the case is being built? or ask the prime minister how he is following up on the matter? i mean after all they are responsible, and should be the first ones to want to know, since shatah was one of theirs...

isnt it weird they all forgot about him? maybe they never really cared about him, maybe he was too moderate for the taste of their more wahhabi sponsors...

Thumb ex-fpm 12:06 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

spare us your cheap propaganda mowaten. What did your Aouni-Houthi government do to unveil any of these crimes. HA murdered these people and the youngest child in Dahyeh knows that. Nothing you have said or will say will change the facts. I told you before, you used to be good at propaganda but not anymore.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:16 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

you too developed a houthi obsession? lol what little credibility you ever had you just lost with this silliness.
and what the youngest child in lebanon knows, is that your accusation is empty and motivated solely by political and sectarian bias and hatred. if there is a case, let your m14 government put it together, you no longer have the excuse of a m8 government to whine about.

Default-user-icon Maroun (ضيف) 08:07 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

Eagle Dawn obviously supports the head chopping barbarians who would like to exterminate all who do not share the same extremist views. As simple as that.

Thumb ex-fpm 12:07 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

yes Maroun from Dahyeh

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:18 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

how is that relevant? first you have no idea where he is from, and second what would being from dahiyeh imply? that he is shia? and so? are you so sectarian that all you need to ignore his point is to designate him as shia?
so weak and pathetic.

Thumb EagleDawn 13:13 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

ex-fpm; mowaten is now Maroun LOL

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:07 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

having a monologue with your alt account? how empty and sad your life must be. i almost feel sorry for you. almost.

Missing lqu7 08:38 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

As usual, Terrorism Inc. is sponsored and supported by Sunni states.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 09:48 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

What are you and your hizballah doing in Iraq and Syria. Oh and Yemen too. Tourism? You people invented terrorism and took it to new meanings.

Missing lqu7 10:34 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

Fighting the terrorists so that your likes don't have to swim from Jounieh to Cyprus. You're welcome.

Thumb ex-fpm 12:10 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

fighting terrorism? what a joke! Oh well, so why complain when those you call terrorists come to Lebanon and pay you back? Fair is Fair.

Thumb EagleDawn 13:15 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

excellent come back.... content, vision, and conviction. Answer the point he is making! When you go fight terrorism, why blame terrorism when it comes to you? Get it?!

Missing lqu7 13:49 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

Eagledawn and Ex-FPM, did the Christians of Iraq fight terrorism in Syria? Is this how you want to end up? Answer me this if you can.

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:06 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

100% lqu7, not to mention the genocide of kurds committed by isis and sponsored by turkey. how do they explain that? kurds remained neutral until they came under the fire of takfiri extremists.

everybody knows the takfiri ideology, their methods, their actions, their ambitions. the only ones pretending not to are the deception agents trying to sow confusion and division among us.

Thumb geha 09:50 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

it seems to me that some forgets Michel samaha and who is behind him.

by the way: why is he still not judged?
until when will hizbushaitan protect him?

Missing lqu7 10:38 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

He's not judged for the same reason Lady Gaga isn't where he belongs. Broken system in a country that panders to Christian warlords. Go figure.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:01 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

same as the shatah case, ask the people in power. all key positions regarding this case, investigation and judicial proceedings are in m14 hands.

Missing .karim.- 09:47 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

Come on people, try to act surprised.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:00 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

hi norma, i heard you changed your mind and decided to come back home? too bad the austrian authorities wont have any of that...

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 12:14 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

gulf nationals terrorists no wonder and gulf money to support terrorists , and gulf countries that and gulf country this
at the end these gulf extremist countries they do not even have 1 refugee camp be it Palestinian and Syrian
hope the arab spring will spread to these gulf countries sooon

Missing lqu7 13:52 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

The broken record of M14ers about HA fighting in Syria is causing the terrorists to come to Lebanon... How deluded must you be to believe this crap? Was HA fighting in Syria when Dunniyeh terrorists attacked our army? Was HA fighting in Syria when Nahr el Bared happened? Did Christian Iraqis fight in Syria to cause their mass exodus from their homes? Of course, you guys can't answer these questions because you're cowards.

Thumb kanaandian 13:57 ,2014 تشرين الأول 13

saudi savages have been captured with oil money? surprise surprise. when will the west wake up, realize these barbaric animals from the gulf have been spreading their disgusting cult around the world the same way these cockroaches spread their terrorism/isis in lebanon. alpha and omega of terrorism = ksa, qatar, kuwait, those dirty hellholes.