مقتل 120 جهاديا على الاقل في ضربات "التحالف الدولي" على سوريا وواشنطن تنفي ابلاغ دمشق "مسبقا" بالهجمات

Read this story in English W460

أسفرت الضربات التي شنها التحالف الدولي بقيادة الولايات المتحدة فجر الثلاثاء على مواقع للجهاديين في شمال وشرق سوريا عن مقتل 120 منهم على الاقل، فيما نفت واشنطن ابلاغها لدمشق مسبقا بشن الهجمات الجوية.

واوضح المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان ان بين القتلى اكثر من 70 عنصرا من تنظيم "الدولة الاسلامية" قتلوا في شمال وشرق البلاد فيما قتل 50 عنصرا من تنظيم "جبهة النصرة" ذراع شبكة القاعدة في سوريا.

كما قتل ثمانية مدنيين بينهم ثلاثة اطفال خلال الضربات التي شنتها الولايات المتحدة في شمال شرق محافظة حلب" الواقعة في شمال البلاد.

واشار المرصد الى اصابة 300 عنصرا من تنظيم "الدولة الاسلامية" بجروح بينهم أكثر من 100 جريح بحالة حرجة وتم نقلهم الى العراق.

وقد هاجمت الولايات المتحدة بمساعدة حلفائها العرب للمرة الاولى الثلاثاء جهاديي تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية في سوريا. ونفذت عملية التحالف بواسطة طائرات مقاتلة وطائرات بدون طيار وصواريخ من طراز توماهوك اطلقت من سفن اميركية راسية في المياه الدولية في البحر الاحمر والخليج بحسب البنتاغون.

وبعد أن أعلنت وزارة الخارجية السورية الثلاثاء ان الولايات المتحدة ابلغتها بشن غارات جوية على تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية في اراضيها، نفت واشنطن الامر.

وأعلنت المتحدثة باسم وزارة الخارجية الاميركية جين بساكي في بيان ان الولايات المتحدة لم تبلغ النظام السوري مسبقا بشن هجمات جوية ضد الجهاديين في سوريا صباح الثلاثاء. 

وقالت المتحدثة: "لم نطلب اذنا من النظام. ولم ننسق تحركاتنا مع الحكومة السورية. ولم نقدم تبليغا مسبقا للسوريين على مستوى عسكري، ولم نعط اي مؤشر عن توقيتنا لضرب اهداف محددة". 

وكانت الخارجية السورية أعلنت الثلاثاء ان الولايات المتحدة ابلغتها بشن غارات جوية على تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية في اراضيها.

واضافت الوزارة ان "الجانب الاميركي يبلغ مندوب سوريا الدائم لدى الامم المتحدة بانه سيتم توجيه ضربات لتنظيم الدولة الاسلامية الارهابي بالرقة (شمال)"، حسبما نقل عنها التلفزيون الرسمي.

واعلنت وزارة الدفاع الاميركية (البنتاغون) في وقت سابق الثلاثاء ان الغارات الجوية التي شنتها طائرات اميركية قضت على مجموعة "خرسان" المؤلفة من مقاتلين من تنظيم القاعدة، في سوريا والذي يشتبه انه كان يخطط لشن هجمات وشيكة على اهداف غربية. 

وصرح الاميرال جون كيربي لتلفزيون ايه بي سي "نعتقد ان الاشخاص الذين كانوا يتامرون ويخططون (...) قضي عليهم"، في اشارة الى مخطط لاستهداف مصالح اميركية. 

والهجمات الجوية التي تم تنفيذها ضد مجموعة خرسان صباح الثلاثاء جاءت اضافة الى عمليات قصف قادتها الولايات المتحدة ودعمها العديد من الدول العربية واستهدفت تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية في شرق سوريا. 

واعلنت القيادة الاميركية الوسطى التي تشرف على القوات الاميركية في الشرق الاوسط، في وقت سابق ان المقاتلات الاميركية شنت ثماني غارات جوية ضد اهداف لمجموعة خرسان غرب حلب. 

واستهدفت الغارات معسكرات تدريب تابعة للتنظيم وموقعا لصناعة الذخائر، ومبنى اتصالات، ومركزا للقيادة والتحكم. 

وقالت اجهزة الاستخبارات الاميركية في الاسابيع الاخيرة ان مجموعة "خرسان" تشكل تهديدا خطيرا ووصفت اعضاءها بانهم مجموعة من عناصر القاعدة المخضرمين الذين اتخذوا من سوريا ملاذا للتخطيط وصناعة المتفجرات وتجنيد الغربيين لشن هجمات.

ويقول مسؤولون اميركيون ان متطرفي خرسان يشكلون تهديدا يضاهي تهديد تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية. 

الى ذلك، أكدت الامارات والبحرين رسميا الثلاثاء انهما شاركتا في الضربات الجوية التي شنت بقيادة الولايات المتحدة ضد مواقع تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية في سوريا، حسب ما افادت وكالتا الانباء الرسميتان في البلد.

وقال بيان لوزارة الخارجية الاماراتية ان "القوات الجوية لدولة الامارات العربية المتحدة شنت اولى ضرباتها ضد أهداف +داعش+ مساء أمس (الاثنين)" مشيرا الى ان "العملية جرت بالتنسيق مع القوات المشاركة في الجهود الدولية ضد +داعش+"، وهو الاسم الذي يطلق على تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية.

وفي وقت سابق، قال بيان رسمي نشرته وكالة الانباء الرسمية البحرينية، ان "تشكيلات من سلاح الجو الملكي البحريني وبالاشتراك مع القوات الجوية الشقيقة بدول مجلس التعاون لدول الخليج العربية والقوات الحليفة والصديقة قد قامت في الساعات الاولى من اليوم الثلاثاء بضرب وتدمير عدد من المواقع والاهداف المنتخبة للجماعات والتنظيمات الارهابية ضمن الجهد الدولي المتعلق بحماية الامن الاقليمي والسلام الدولي".

كما اعلن الاردن الثلاثاء ان طائراته اغارت على مواقع لـ"مجموعات ارهابية" و"دمرت اهدافا منتخبة" على الحدود مع سوريا والعراق، مؤكدا ان هذا "جزء من القضاء على الارهاب في عقر داره".

وشاركت او ساندت خمس دول في المنطقة في هذه الضربات وهي الاردن والبحرين وقطر والسعودية والامارات العربية المتحدة بحسب وزارة الدفاع الاميركية.

اما الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين فقد اعلن قبل بدء الضربات الجوية الدولية بقيادة الولايات المتحدة على مواقع تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية في سوريا فجر الثلاثاء، ان هذه الحملة يجب ان تتم بموافقة دمشق.

واكد بوتين خلال مكالمة هاتفية ليل الاثنين الثلاثاء مع الامين العام للامم المتحدة بان كي مون ان "الضربات الجوية ضد قواعد ارهابيي الدولة الاسلامية على الاراضي السورية يجب الا تحصل بدون موافقة الحكومة السورية" كما جاء في بيان صادر عن الكرملين.

التعليقات 92
Thumb lebnanfirst 07:08 ,2014 أيلول 23

Here it comes, the beginning of the end for ISIS and Assad.

Thumb lebanon_first 07:52 ,2014 أيلول 23

They should be striking ISIS in the kurdish city of Kobani before it is too late. Raqa can wait a couple of days.

Thumb lebnanfirst 07:58 ,2014 أيلول 23

Maybe so and one can safely assume CENTCOM considered it, however, consider the following:
1- The Kurds Yesterday were able to repulse the ISIS attack
2- Hitting ISIS center of operations and power will surely impact their push into Kobani (aka: Ain Arab)
3- It just started and who knows the order of priority each target is accorded and why

Thumb cityboy 08:09 ,2014 أيلول 23

Dont worry, Assad not going anywhere.

Thumb lebnanfirst 09:08 ,2014 أيلول 23

Maybe, maybe not. Let's wait and see the outcome down the line.

Thumb lebnanfirst 09:07 ,2014 أيلول 23

So says the Assad regime. One is more inclined to believe what the US says. Haven't heard a definitive answer from the U.S. yet, though it is doubtful the US will trust the Assad regime with such vital info as experience with him proved him to be untrustworthy. Then again, if proven true, stranger things have been known to happen and would have been a stupid move on the part of the U.S. administration.

Thumb lebnanfirst 09:10 ,2014 أيلول 23

That said, truth is the first casualty of war as the saying goes.

Thumb lebnanfirst 09:17 ,2014 أيلول 23

BTW, what Devine ghost lied to you about the coalition's inclusion of Syria and Iran on the side of the U.S.? Your very mention of that is causing Khomeini to turn in his grave.

Last credible news is that Iran proposed accepting a rearward position should the U.S. agree showing more leniency in their nuclear negotiations posture to which the US responded with an emphatic NO.

Did the AlManar report it differently, wouldn't be surprised if the did!

Thumb lebnanfirst 09:18 ,2014 أيلول 23

Hence, CHECK! Mate to follow soon.

Sorry, can't help being in a celebratory mood.

Thumb cityboy 09:35 ,2014 أيلول 23

LF, how can you speak of check mate very soon when even the americans have said that their bombing campaign may take several years?

Thumb lebnanfirst 09:50 ,2014 أيلول 23

LOL @blabla... it is common knowledge that countries are interested in only their interests, not idealism. Sure they preach idealism, but... You are entitled to believe what you want to believe and let's leave it at that.

In so far as chess is concerned, actually I am a rated chess player.

@cityboy, that was a figure of speech, why can't "soon" be several years down the road? Anyways, some levity never hurts.

Missing imperatrice 10:17 ,2014 أيلول 23

Hahahaha you people live in ur own bubble and so once this ends you can all move to yemen in winter and eat cot all day long then get a summer vaycay in iran ur pick
but what is certain is thta ur end is near deny all u want after being truthful is definitely not ur characteristic and we will warmly welcome u in the celebrations once bisho goes to ......

Thumb Tony.Farris 13:57 ,2014 أيلول 23

The beginning of the end of ASSad, and for those traitor who support this dictator, your end too.

Missing imagine_1979 14:01 ,2014 أيلول 23

Stalin and imperialistic usa were de facto allies against hitler, this didnot avoid the cold war and all the other altercations..
Iranian islamist (khomeini and co) were de facto allied against the shah, this didnot restrain iranian revolutinary gards to execute, jail, deport thousands of leftist to put in place ur dear islamic, modern, secular, progressist iran...
What's ur point bla??

Missing imagine_1979 14:22 ,2014 أيلول 23

Indeed, sorry sorry assad gave ok to us/ksa/gulf states to do airstrikes?..
Too bad i'm at work it would be interesting to watch al manar/syrian sana to see how usa begged assad to let them carry strikes...
By the way assad also authorised usa to fund and arm moderate rebels?...
And thx for salafist, i presume if i support a shiite millicia, publicly finaced by iran, going to jihadist duty in syria/irak/yemen.. I'll be a secular, progressist person, like u?...
Man go have some chupachups u to, go enjoy what ur retarded friend have put us into, isis/hezbollah/iranian revolution gards/ali/omar/hussein...
All bunch of retards...

Missing imagine_1979 16:20 ,2014 أيلول 23

U r so right bla, i wasn't aware that u have such a great geopolitical vision...
Please pass my regards to ur assad friend, tell him we are sorry to destabilise him since 2005 with all our assassinations, shaker el abssi, smaha...
Really we should not have interfered...
Now after ur logic deductions go have ur chupachups...

Missing imagine_1979 16:22 ,2014 أيلول 23

As for u flame, bravo, what a great contribution to the dialogue...
Alaways amazing, yalla go learn the labayka ya nosrlollah, and some songs for the upcoming divine victory...

Thumb lebnanfirst 16:44 ,2014 أيلول 23

At least one can debate with @cityboy who, like me and others, have his opinion but do not claim that their "geostrategic" vision is the only correct one.

It is evident that the US air strikes in Syria are causing you sever discomfort and your only retort is to claim superior understanding of global geopolitics and brand others as stupid ignoramuses.

To each his own. Strive to show some humility because it is precisely that holier-than-thou attitude that is dragging Lebanon down.

Thumb kanaandian 18:56 ,2014 أيلول 23

the beginning of the end of the child rapist head choppers in raqqa, that is certain, not sure about the latter at this point.

Thumb lebnanfirst 19:02 ,2014 أيلول 23

Actually, US command did disclose that Assad regime was informed about impending strike. I wouldn't have then again it's not my call. They probably decided that diverting focus to destroying Assad's anti aircraft defenses is counterproductive at this stage, who knows.

Your clairvoyant abilities are nothing short of amazing! Coupled with your unmatchable geopolitical insite clearly place you in the formidable category - NOT.
The West appears to have borrowed a page from the Assads' playbook. Create a fire and then play the fireman's role to put it out albeit for a hefty price. No one is naive enough to believe US actions are for free. They will exact a price from their partners and a heftier one from Iran and Russia down the road.
No claims made by me as to having any superior analyses abilities, just my two cents worth. Only time will tell for sure.

Thumb nickjames 07:16 ,2014 أيلول 23

It's all US propaganda. GCC Salafi kingdoms are just sitting there watching the US stage these bombings, right Flamer?

Thumb Elemental 07:39 ,2014 أيلول 23

Wait for the fake accounts/thumbs down brigade to show up. Good morning all.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 15:24 ,2014 أيلول 23

Lolol. Let them use their airspace?? Did they fly in from the Indian Ocean??

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 15:27 ,2014 أيلول 23

This overused argument that Isis was funded by the gcc is getting silly. SA and uae and Bahrain all supported sisi in Egypt against the radical MB. They got into a diplomatic spiff with Qatar and withdrew their ambassadors because of Qatars support for more extremist groups. Listening to you is like watching a re-run of al manar.

Thumb lebanon_first 16:05 ,2014 أيلول 23

Arzak. Good point. But FT has been endoctrinated for so long about hate theories against anything sunni that he can't see that.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 08:11 ,2014 أيلول 24

Tomahawks that are fired from the Arabian Gulf pass over kuwait and Iraq to get to syria.. I do not think they would fire the rockets from the southern tip of the gulf so it can pass over all the countries when they can strike much faster and over less countries from the northern tip of the gulf... elemental.. but hey you have to figure things out on your own pace..
Also tomahawks were fired from the red sea, which would probably have to pass over any or all of the following: KSA, ISrael and Jordan.
UAE has just confirmed that their planes and pilots were actually part of the strike team... which goes to show that your conclusion, and your "political connections" are all shot.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 08:14 ,2014 أيلول 24

FT your attempts at humor are nearly as pathetic as your attempts at intelligence. As blabla has said there might have been individuals who supported daesh in the gcc.. but to think that they would support ISIS after saying that the MB was to fanatical is just idiotic at best... it is well known that the monarchies of the gcc are the most worried about fundamentalism so keep taking your cracks at humor... maybe one day you would get there.. i like your persistence with intelligence.. dont give up now..

Missing .karim-. 07:22 ,2014 أيلول 23

Down with the FSA-Nusra-ISIS jihadist terrorists!

Thumb Elemental 07:35 ,2014 أيلول 23

Down with ALL Jihadists.

Thumb cityboy 07:58 ,2014 أيلول 23

I agree down with the terrorist but this is the wrong approach. The last thing we need is the zionist infested usa to come and drop more bombs on arab land. Keep your bombs to yourself america, you are not involving yourself for the benefit of syrians or iraqis.

Thumb lebnanfirst 09:26 ,2014 أيلول 23

Are you really being serious? Like, for example, Iran really loves us Arabs and especially Lebanese and that's why it unleashed it's generosity in the form of HA. Please, some modicum of realism.

Thumb cityboy 09:40 ,2014 أيلول 23

LF, no point is discussing HA, you see them as terrorist, i see them as a pride of lebanon.

Default-user-icon _mowaten_ (ضيف) 16:31 ,2014 أيلول 23

I was thinking the same thing cityboy, exactly the same. I hope people don't think we are the same poster.

Thumb lebnanfirst 16:48 ,2014 أيلول 23

I'll be more than happy to change my perception about HA when I see them truly behaving in the interest of ALL Lebanese. Until then, they are what most nations see them as, self serving sectarian Iranian militia.

Missing greatpierro 18:41 ,2014 أيلول 23

what is wrong with FSA?

Thumb geha 07:34 ,2014 أيلول 23

what is good about this is the fact it shows who are the ones fighting against these terrorists and who are the ones who are against fighting them.
GCC countries are fighting these terrorists while iran and syria are sitting on their behind.
who needs more proofs about who is behind ISIS?

Missing .karim-. 07:56 ,2014 أيلول 23

Great input, jihadist terrorist. Those 15 out of 19 hijackers on 9/11 were British.

Oh wait.

Thumb lebnanfirst 08:29 ,2014 أيلول 23

@.karim-. Stereotyping is unbecoming. This is like saying since HA is a terrorist organization in the eyes of the majority of nations, then all Lebanese must be terrorists?

Missing imagine_1979 09:12 ,2014 أيلول 23

City boy go check who lokmann is, u know the low profile prisonner freed by assad in 2011 along with 500to700 low profile friends (now lockman is isis leader in damascus area, chaker el abssi style...) meanwhile more dangerous terrorist , like the one that won over bassel el assad a horse contrst was kept in jail (freed few monthes ago).... U seem to have the same logic as assad man, any relation?
Go have a chuoachups man...

Thumb lebnanfirst 08:12 ,2014 أيلول 23

@geha may be exaggerating some, sure; but there is no denying that Assad intentionally released those savages from his prisons with the intent of using them against his peoples' uprising.

Now, the West saw an opening there to turn the tables on him and his bosses in Iran who were shaking in their boots when ISIS swarmed across Iraq in June and started calling uncle, as in Uncle Same of course.

Playing with this kind of fire can burn ones fingers, wouldn't you agree @citiboiy?

Thumb lebnanfirst 08:14 ,2014 أيلول 23

To be sure, two wrongs don't make a right; then again, since when do nations really care about right and wrong?

Thumb cityboy 08:37 ,2014 أيلول 23

LF, Assad never released savages from prison. That is simply not correct. He gave amnesty to low profile prisoners in an effort to appease some of the legitimate concerns of the population. Syria was flooded with foreign fighters coming from all over the middleast and beyond. So i dont follow how any tables had to be turned here. Where do you think Isis gets its military and financial support.

Thumb lebnanfirst 09:00 ,2014 أيلول 23

Come on @citiboy, stop believing everything you read and hear in HA/Syrian/Iranian media. Surely you are aware of Shaker Absi's last known residence before relocating to nahr Al Bared.

Your loyalty is commendable, but you strike me as smarter than to believe in fairy tales, Santa Clause or the tooth fairy.

Yes, once the ISIS nucleus was released from Assad's prisons, they garnered support from Turkey and Qatar, shame on them. That, however, does not absolve Assad from the main responsibilynof unleashing those Neanderthals.

Thumb cityboy 09:09 ,2014 أيلول 23

LF, we will differ on the subject of what kind of prisoners were released. No point in debating that cause neither one of us will budge on that. Ironically, if you want to talk about savages being released from prison and joining Isis in syria, look no further than the prisoners coming from saudi arabia. Another thing, is you didnt even touch the issue of all the foreign fighters going to perfor their so called jihad in syria. How did they get there, who supplied them weapons.

Missing imagine_1979 09:13 ,2014 أيلول 23

City boy go check who lokmann is, u know the low profile prisonner freed by assad in 2011 along with 500to700 low profile friends (now lockman is isis leader in damascus area, chaker el abssi style...) meanwhile more dangerous terrorist , like the one that won over bassel el assad a horse contrst was kept in jail (freed few monthes ago).... U seem to have the same logic as assad man, any relation?
Go have a chuoachups man...

Thumb lebnanfirst 09:36 ,2014 أيلول 23

Agreed, we each have our perception about events without a doubt.

Do please explain to the rest of us how is one form of theocratically based jihad is different from another? Theocratic extremism, be it Sunni, Shia, Christian or whatever is one and the same and should summarily be shunned by all intelligent beings.

Yes, Sunni extremism attracted people from outside of Syria. How is that different from Shia extremism attracting people from outside Syria as well?

Extremism begets extremism, full stop.

Thumb cityboy 11:20 ,2014 أيلول 23

In order for me to answer your question, you want me to agree that HA is the brother of isis but only that it is shia and carrying out a shia form of jihad. I don't agree with your assumption so hard for me to explain to you the rest of your question. I will say this, HA is a nationalistic movement first and foremost. Religion is not what drives them despite what some of the wackos on this board want you to believe.

Thumb lebnanfirst 16:17 ,2014 أيلول 23

Was not looking for you to agree with my views about HA at all. I was not referring specifically to HA as the only Shia foreign interventionists in Syria. How about the other none Syrian indigenous Shia who flocked to fight in Syria?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, that is democracies corner stone. All am asking is to recognize facts on both sides.

Extremism under whatever guise will spawn other extremism is the salient point.

Thumb lebnanfirst 16:21 ,2014 أيلول 23

And so let me lose the question again, how does jihadism - which is by definition theocratically based - differ between Sunni and Shia implementation?

Thumb cityboy 20:14 ,2014 أيلول 23

LF, if you are referring to Iraqi shia militia groups going to syria to defend holy shrines then you have to remember that they were permitted by the syrian government to enter the country. You may not recognize Assad, but he and the rest of the leadership are still the legitimate leadership in Syria. Besides non of these shia would have to be in Syria to defend anything if it werent for this phony jihad being performed by terrorist, not sunnis as you referm to them. I dont see why there should even be a debate of sunni vs shia.

Thumb lebnanfirst 21:08 ,2014 أيلول 23

We can go round Nd round and get nowhere fast, or
HA can finally recognize that, right or wrong, at least half of the Lebanese do not believe in its logic and no amount of force - short of annihilating all of us who disagree - will change our minds and hearts.
You strike me as the type of person (guessing Shia, apologize in advance if am incorrect) that can ultimately be reasoned with.
No one is, or should be, asking you (collectively) to renounce HA as a precondition to having intra Lebanese dialogue to save our country. By the same token, we refuse to hold any meaningful dialogue at the barrel of a gun.
So far, our (collective Lebanese opposing HA) perception is that HA is only interested in upholding Iranian interests at the expense of Lebanese ones.
Are you (again, the collective you) prepared to engage on that basis for the sake of Lebanon?

Thumb cityboy 21:37 ,2014 أيلول 23

LF, sorry only got a minute to answer. I have to say that I don't agree with your chronology of events in Syria. That isnt how things happened. That isnt to say that there were no mistakes done by the regime or local police at the outset of the protests. The whole aim at the outset was to hijack the protest by foreign meddling and turn it into a situation much like Libya. Everything went to plan until Russia vetoed any attack on Syria. over 3 years later, Syria is a mess, countless dead all because of zionist and western plot to over throw Assad and install an american puppet government.

Thumb cityboy 21:45 ,2014 أيلول 23

Quick word on HA, again you assume that their sole purpose is to carry out an iranian agenda. I am not sure what you mean by iranian agenda. HA grow out of Israeli occupation and eventhough Israel has withdrawn from the south, the threat from israel is still there. until LAF is strong enough to defend Lebanon then there will always be a need for HA. Furthermore, you say HA went into syria to help Assad, maybe to a point but the reality is that HA didnt go in until much later and its main goal was to defeat the nusra group that was massing along the lebanese border with the intention of crossing into lebanon. I would have been just as supportive if the LAF went into Syria but we know that would have created a political nightmare. Hence it is a blessing we still have HA. In my books, HA is the vangaured that is ensuring a free lebanese society, when Nassrallah says that no one group can over take another group in lebanon, there is a lot of meaning to that if you know what i mean.

Thumb lebnanfirst 23:02 ,2014 أيلول 23

You disagreed with the sequence of events I payed out without stating yours. It is just how it happened my friend.
At this point I too must turn in. Let's just agree that we disagree and leave it at that. I did enjoy debating you nevertheless. I see on this site often so you doubtless recognize that never before did I engage anyone in debate similar to ours, and probably never will again. As long as our intention is for the good of Lebanon, I salute you.
Good night.

Default-user-icon CFTC (ضيف) 16:32 ,2014 أيلول 23

I disagree with you Flamethrower... nobody can replace you!

Thumb Elemental 07:36 ,2014 أيلول 23

Hopefully all Jihadist groups will be wiped out eventually. Good Riddance.

Missing .karim-. 07:56 ,2014 أيلول 23

Agreed, the FSA-Nusra-ISIS jihadist terrorists have brought nothing but destruction to Syria.

Missing imagine_1979 09:15 ,2014 أيلول 23

U meants hezbollah/iranian revolutionary gards/iraki shiite millicia/isis /nosra... U know those retards living the ali/hussein/omar war for centuries?...
Ma heik karim?,,,, now u to go hv ur morning chupachups...

Thumb geha 08:08 ,2014 أيلول 23

let us hope the other extremist terrorists group will be wiped out soon, i.e. hizbushaitan.

Missing people-power 07:42 ,2014 أيلول 23

Good news, better late than never

Thumb geha 08:22 ,2014 أيلول 23

what is it cityboy? you are defending your extremist friends?
why are you upset against those fighting ISIS? are you afraid some day soon your extremist hizbushaitan will be targetted soon?

Thumb lebnanfirst 08:33 ,2014 أيلول 23

Tell that to Assad who intentionally released those nihilistic savages from his prisons. One may be wrong here, but one doubts his intentions were benign. What do you think?

Thumb cityboy 08:40 ,2014 أيلول 23

Again, LF, i will repeat, Assad never released savages. only low end prisoners as a way to appease legitimate concerns of protestors. The savages you speak of were shipped into syria thanks in large part to Turkey, Qatar, usa, and even Lebanon.

Missing imagine_1979 09:18 ,2014 أيلول 23

Again lokmann was a low profile prisonner he was released with 500 other low profile prisonners in 2011 (u know like our chaker el absi, remember?....) while hamzah el khatib the young boy form hamma was an extremely dangerous opponent...
Go hv ur chupachups cityboy... Yalla zahett

Thumb lebnanfirst 09:40 ,2014 أيلول 23

I'm satisfied with the answer provided by @imagine_1979 except for the last two words.

Missing imagine_1979 10:14 ,2014 أيلول 23

Sorry LF but they keep ignoring facts, i'm ok that eachone has his opignon but deniying facts.. Like if we were living on some other planet, they just think theyn distort reallity and we just have to deal with their vision of the truth...
But u r right, sorry cityboy, another chupachup?

Thumb cityboy 08:25 ,2014 أيلول 23

You know its fact that he is working with them?

Missing imagine_1979 09:27 ,2014 أيلول 23

Actually he wishes...
Enno u really think he was aware that ksa and golf coutries will do join airstrikes with the imperialist usa and just said ok?....
Really cityboy, chupachups...

Missing imagine_1979 16:25 ,2014 أيلول 23

Indeed so smart, a true arab leadder, acting for the cause, u know pan arab cause, full of democracy, human rights, socialism... Bigjohn go have ur chupachups and dream that we are still in the 70s... (Even then assad's father regime was a dictatorship, his son only made it worse by making his people poorer and his friend and familly richer...)
Yalla chupachups...

Missing imperatrice 10:37 ,2014 أيلول 23

الضربات الجوية الدولية على مواقع "الدولة الاسلامية" في سوريا يجب ان تتم بموافقة دمشق

leik wein ba3do......

Default-user-icon Real Talk (ضيف) 11:31 ,2014 أيلول 23

HA nationalistic? LOL right...thats why they cover themselves in Shiite religious slogans and imagery..not to mention consistently allying themselves with Iraqi shiite death squads and most recently the Houthis of Yemen. They have more loyalty to their Irani overlord than they do their own country.

The Kurds? Lets not forget the massacre they just committed a few days ago... Or the repeated ethnic cleansing they've carried out on Arab populations and communities in Syria where they've expelled up to 60,000 Arabs. Why always so quiet on the injustices committed by the fanatical YPG and PKK?

Last but not least--the "honorable" Lebanese army that refuses to protect Lebanon's sovereignty from repeated Syrian attacks... instead it chooses to bulldoze scooters of refugees! Let them grow a pair and actually confront that evil terrorist militia that seeks to throw Lebanon in the fires of Welayat Al Faqih.

Thumb cityboy 11:58 ,2014 أيلول 23

Did you forget that they allign themselves with lebanese christians, druze, and sunnis. or how about their unconditional support for palestinians. are they shia. Nassrallah is still the most favourite arab leader amongst arab sunni population.

Missing imagine_1979 13:23 ,2014 أيلول 23

Indeed there was big marches with labayka ya nossrollah yesterday all over the arab world...
Chupachups man, chupachups...
U and ur retarded nationalists, which in the same time are abn2 el houssein doing jihadist duty (wajeb al jihadi), and with suprem leadder el khomaini (do u actualy listen to nasralah speach or they erease those on otv?
Retards, u'r supporting a group who wanna continu a war aging from centuries... Nationalist... debile...

Missing imagine_1979 16:30 ,2014 أيلول 23

No man natinalist are not retards (not all of them, abdel naser was not bad for exemple, hitler on the other side was da3ech style.. But i was talking about hezbollah:nationalism??? Man please get a dictionnary!!!!!
Hezbollah is based on religion, islamic resistance u know, linked to iranian khomany, u know the guy with a long beard doing fatewa; this is nationalism???
After u will win a chupachups
Anw screw nationalism, yes for multicultural democracy, human rights, social rights, but we are still far from this debates, we are still at omar/ali/hussein/khalifa stage.. Thank u :)

Thumb cityboy 20:22 ,2014 أيلول 23

you said screw nationalism and you are all for multicultural society. No thanks, that is one of the greatest goals of the zionist. It is people like you that want to help this agenda progress even faster. A multiculture society where people dont even know there roots, have nothing in common with the strangers they live with. oh so wonderful. I see they are trying to invoke a multiculture society on lebanon, bringing in the palestinians, foreign workers, and now syrians. The same thing will happen to syria if things continue down the wrong path.

Thumb cityboy 12:01 ,2014 أيلول 23

thank you naharnet for deleting my post calling out geha twisting of the truth. no reason it should have been deleted.

Missing imagine_1979 16:38 ,2014 أيلول 23

I remember a great arab leadder threatening to put all middle est on fire few years ago, same great arab leadder who freed shaker el abssi(u know the democratic progressist human right worker) and send him to lebanon, the same great arab leadder who freed lokmann and 500 other peace loving guys no da3ech leadder in damscus area...
Yes bigjhon always a concoiracy against us, and we donnit have nothing to blame...
And fir palestinian cause, remember splitting fateh/fateh el intifada?? Remember splitting fplp/fplp general comand?....
Really a great arrab leader..
Go have some chupachups bigjohn, take some with u for this great arab leadder of urs...

Missing imperatrice 16:45 ,2014 أيلول 23

so in bottomshell, when they collaborate with assad and his friends strikes are welcomed with open arms
when they refuse to collaborate with him and his axis of evil, they are imperialist
guess what, screw ur lies and conspiracy theories
we are happy that ISIS is being fought by the same people that uve been blaming for its creation
afterall, they are evil and need to be exterminated and u have not only created them but also failed miserably to control them when they turned against you

Thumb Mystic 16:54 ,2014 أيلول 23

Once again America has breached the sovereignty, of another foreign nation. They seek to destroy, what they created themselves. Wouldn't even surprise me, if the so called "moderate" Al Nusra got a no flying zone along the way.

Thumb Mystic 17:13 ,2014 أيلول 23

There is no such thing as an Islamic State cowboy, that a few lunatics run around claiming they got a caliphate, is a fantasy and another of your Hollywood stories. This is a simple pretext to go in and bomb Syria, such as it was when the US attacked Iraq and Libya.

Thumb Mystic 17:15 ,2014 أيلول 23

American fruitcakes, attack after a few journalists got beheaded. Beheading of innocents began, since the war in Syria started. We didn't hear anyone complain back then.

American double standards as always.

Thumb Mystic 17:27 ,2014 أيلول 23

Assume all you want texi, but I can confirm to you, that i am definitely Anti American.

USA is the broodmother of ISIS.

Missing imperatrice 17:33 ,2014 أيلول 23

الأسد: سوريا ماضية بحزم في الحرب التي تخوضها منذ سنوات ضد الإرهاب وهي مع أي جهد دولي يصب في هذا السياق
please let me play with um walaw please

Missing imperatrice 17:39 ,2014 أيلول 23

do tell, is jihad in iraq and yemen a breach of sovereignty or not
or in the name of hussein and zeinab u have the right to kill innocent people
same as isis and nusra

Missing imagine_1979 18:25 ,2014 أيلول 23

Yes mystic anti imperialist.. Long live comrad puting , the big socialist leadder , ayatollah el khomaiini our beloved secular brother (u know like the che but with a longer beard) and donnot forget democratic assad...
And also comunist china...
The world have changed, political stands must evolve or it become stagnant like a dying religion...
But again what do i know, u all have so much insights and so much geopolitical knowledge...
U winn ur fist chupachups for the day, bravo...

Thumb lebnanfirst 19:41 ,2014 أيلول 23

Surely you jest...
1- Russia never invaded Ukraine - spare us the double standard argument that Ukraine, or parts of it, really belong to Russia
2- Iran never intended to invade Iraq or any other nation
3- Salhuddine ne er invaded Spain
And on and on...

Really man, remove those pink glasses - maybe yellow in your case - and try to see both sides before it is too late.

Thumb lebpatriot0007 17:00 ,2014 أيلول 23

Kill them All! And then kill their March 14 sympathizers.

Thumb nickjames 17:02 ,2014 أيلول 23

Cityboy and lebnanfirst, Assad did release terrorists from his prisons. Was it that many, compared to how many jihadists are in Syria today? No. However, nobody-as in no one on this site-thinks about the power of social media. When the US invaded Iraq in 2003, there was no Facebook or Twitter. Even when Facebook started, it was purely social, there were no fan pages and groups. By the time the Arab Spring came around, Facebook was used to form groups and organise protests. This was the case in Egypt, as well as Syria when they were peacefully protesting. But jihadists use social media as well. Just like protesters joined the revolutions, fanatics joined jihadist groups. Bin Laden's videos and jihadist forums are nothing compared to Facebook and Twitter. ISIS has a relentless social media campaign, showing videos of beheadings and using English to reach out all over the world.

Assad released dangerous jihadists, who recruited more jihadists, and that's where we are today.

Thumb nickjames 17:35 ,2014 أيلول 23

And where did I say anything about US prisons. Forget to take your meds today, retard thrower?

Thumb Mystic 17:36 ,2014 أيلول 23

Did you have a wet dream last night texi?

Thumb nickjames 17:36 ,2014 أيلول 23

Hezbo patriot, speaking of blame, wasn't it Hezbollah who blamed this war on the "American-Zionist-takfiri" scheme?

Missing imagine_1979 18:50 ,2014 أيلول 23

So stop supportting the iranian millicia who has the same agenda as khomainist and is officially fonaced and armed by them, the same millicia that fought and assassinated true patriotic levanese resistants, the same millicia that is engaging us in an interconfetional war spreading frim yemen irak syria...
Be logic with urself...