قاسم: الحراك الاميركي ليس جدياً في إنهاء الخطر التكفيري
Read this story in Englishرأى نائب الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" الشيخ نعيم قاسم إن الحراك الدولي الذي ترعاه اميركا ليس جدياً في إنهاء الخطر التكفيري، مشيرا الى ان" الاميركيين يقبلون ب"داعش" في لبنان".
واعتبر قاسم في حديث الى صحيفة "السفير" الخميس ان "الاحتواء الذي تكلم عنه الرئيس الاميركي باراك اوباما معناه تحديد المخاطر، وتعطيل بعض الأهداف، ولكن مع الإبقاء على الدور الوظيفي لهذا التنظيم الارهابي باستخدامه في إخافة دول معينة في هذه المنطقة".
واكد أنه من يتعمق في الموقف الأميركي على حقيقته يلاحظ "أن الاميركيين يقبلون بـ"داعش" في منطقتنا، ويحاولون منع امتداده الى دولهم، ولكنهم ليسوا في وارد إنهائه".
وقال :"ما نسمعه من صراخ دولي وإقليمي، له علاقة بفقدان السيطرة على "داعش"، والخوف من تداعيات لم يتحسبوا لها سابقاً".
وكان اوباما قد وعد باتباع "استراتيجية بعيدة الامد" لمكافحة تنظيم "الدولة الاسلامية" الذي سيطر على مناطق واسعة .
واعلن اوباما ايضا انه مستعد لشن ضربات جوية في سوريا ضد الدولة الاسلامية و ان القوات الاميركية ستوسع الغارات التي تشنها في العراق منذ شهر ضد المتطرفين.
ويقاتل حزب الله في سوريا منذ أكثر من عام ويعلن الامين العام للحزب السيد حسن نصرالله مرارا الإستمرار في المعركة، قائلا ان "سوريا سند المقاومة ولن تترك وحيدة وإذا احتاجت المعركة أن أذهب أنا وكل حزب الله إلى سوريا سنذهب".
shameless and repulsive! If Obama is trying to contain ISIL then you are spreading it.
Qassem Says Obama Seeking to Contain IS Expansion in Region, Not End it.....
meanwhile, HA contained them and Qussayr and pushed them into Arsal instead.
yea "pushed them into Arsal" as if they werent there since 2011 enjoying the protection of mayor hujairi.
Qassem and his hezb are the ones who helped ISIS find a fertile ground to grow. Hizballah massacres and oppression of syrians, iraqis, lebanese, and yemenis encouraged the rise of ISIS.
You shouldn't be worried by the intentions, what, and how much U.S. is willing and will be doing with I.S. Your party and its supporter, Iran were threatening couple of months ago U.S and Israel that you can destroy them and their mighty armies and their battle ships in Israel and at Strait of Hormuz. So you guys, since are strong enough to defeat such countries, then need no one's help in defeating the I.S. with there slippers, pick up trucks , and lately with some U.S. Humvees and tanks, thanks for Maliki's soldiers gifting them to I.S. Incase there is need for some help don't hesitate to ask from Syria, I'm sure Assad will be able to send some " wahadat Khassa" for assistance.
"Obama is seeking to control the threats imposed by the ISIL and destabilize some of its foals but is keen to maintain its role in the region to achieve political gains, in particular in Iraq and Syria,”
Well... you could say...
"We are seeking to control the threats imposed by Israel and destabilize some of its foals but are keen to maintain its role in the region to achieve political gains, in particular in Lebanon,”
What Obama says: "Our objective is clear: we will degrade, and ultimately destroy, ISIL through a comprehensive and sustained counter-terrorism strategy."
What Nunu hears: "They are trying to prevent it from reaching its states but they don't want it to end."
Nunu is like the Muslim version of Ted Cruz...
Ya Sheikh Qassem, why don't you let politics and warefare alone and mind your religious business like all other religious figures...I assume Iran & Wilaat al Fakih, won't let.
You & your kind are unforyinately a disgrace to Lebanon, to its mission in the world and not to mention a disaster
What a sad sight, assuming you're an Arab. Look at you cheering for foreign forces who have been bombing and destroying all the countries in this region. 2 million dead in Iraq alone were caused by the US between 1992 and now. It is their violence, their policies, the sectarian regime they installed after removing Saddam that created ISIS and the sectarian violence that is spreading from Iraq to Syria and now to Lebanon. And you cheer for more?
What makes you think that forceful regime change in Syria will have any different result than the one in Iraq? Always the same song, always the same pretexts (bringing democracy, freeing the people, WMDs...) always the same bitter awakening when we realize it was all lies, and yet some never learn.
You're either desperately stupid, or an agent in disguise.
Naiim instead of worrying your pretty little head about what obama is or isn't going to do you should have made sure your foreign legions helping bashar did not help him ease the withdrawal of the terrorists from syria into the qalamoun mountains and Lebanon - that's how you protect your country, you do still consider Lebanon you country don't you eh naim do you?
Really... so the Christians and the Yazidis in Iraq were also aiding Bashar? I agree Hezb should be disarmed and shouldn't be in Syria, but enough with the blind and ignorant politics, you sound like an idiot.