"لبنانيان شماليان" شاركا في عملية ذبح الرقيب السيّد
Read this story in Englishكشفت المعلومات الامنية عن ان شخصين لبنانيين من منطقة الشمال شاركا في "عملية ذبح" الرقيب في الجيش اللبناني علي السيد.
فقد أفادت صحيفة "الاخبار"، الخميس، ان معلومات توافرت للأجهزة الامنية الرسمية تشير الى ان اثنين من المشاركين في جريمة قتل السيد، لبنانيان، بينهما الملثم الذي ذبحه بالسكين.
واذ لفتت المصادر الى ان هذين اللبنانيين من منطقة وكانا قد التحقا بتنظيم "الدولة الاسلامية"، وهما يشاركان في القتال الى جانبه، تكتمت على هويتهما.
والاربعاء شيّعت قرى وبلدات عكار، السيّد، بعد ان أعلنت قيادة الجيش، مساء الثلاثاء انه وبعد إجراء الفحوصات المخبرية (DNA)، تبين أن الجثة التي استلمتها مخابرات الجيش تعود للرقيب علي السيد.
والسيّد كان من بين حوالى 30 عنصرا من الجيش والأمن مخطوفين متبقين لدى جبهة "النصرة" و"الدولة الإسلامية" التي اقتحمت عرسال واشتبكت مع الجيش في 2 آب وخطفتهم بعد انسحابها بخمسة أيام.
يُذكر ان الخميس الفائت نشر حساب يعود للمدعو "أبو مصعب حفيد البغدادي"، على "تويتر" صورا تظهر قطع رأس شخص جسيم البنية، مطمش العينين وذو لحية متوسطة. ويدعي هذا الحساب أن المذبوح هو علي السيد "المرتد العسكري من جيش الصليب ذبحته الدولة الإسلامية لتعلموا اننا جئنا بالذبح لنحيي سنة الحبيب المصطفى والله ناصرنا".
you mean it's going to turn out true like everything i say? thanks for the compliment
This is a clear evidence , that the Lebanese society has at least 2 polarized culture and mentality and at least 4 different ideologies , on top of that the majority of these groups think in terms of " my way or the highway"....any attempt to unite them is waste of time and energy , and make the situation even worse. Solution?
Yes : make 2 Lebanon , and facilitate to the Lebanese to choose in which part they want to live.
The only solution over the long-term and the sooner separation occurs the better for all concerned. Let those who want to live free and those who prefer enslavement have a choice. Heck, I propose to rename the two countries as:
The Republic of Free Lebanon,
The Republic of Dark Lebanon.
[this will be an improvement on North and South but you get the drift...]
Al akhbar sources.... Even better than ahrar el sonna twitter account... Like the tripoli terrorist who blew himself in dahiyeh but was found to play playstation... This time it is even smarter, the guy are from tripoli: but couldnot be identified....
They are really willing to open a sectarian war in lebanon...
The US, the UK, their intelligence agencies and all of their capabilities have failed to identify the men who beheaded the american reporters...
And Al-Akhbar newspaper successfully identifies the pieces of shit who beheaded our soldier as Lebanese coming from Tripoli.
Al akhbar is one of the biggest sectarian strife incitors and should be closed down ASAP.
Al akhbar is either somehow related to all this or is just spreading lies.
Al akhbar should help the CIA, MI6, DST,.... And other intelligence agencies to identify terrorists since they are unable to do it by themselves!
the "US, the UK, their intelligence agencies" DID identify the beheader of foley
whereas al akhbar did NOT claim to have identified the killers of Al Sayyed, they merely said they are lebanese from tripoli. this can be determined by their accents.
we've heard that whining propaganda over and over again mowaten, repeating it wont make it any truer.
My brother just called me and asked me to read how you were able to uncover their lies and how you produced proof they are paid. We love it!
you are a funny little guy.
you spend your time reading/replying on comments... i wonder who the paid one is.
go get a job..
maybe our country would be better off if the likes of you were actually employed in a REAL job.
again go get a job, .... and a life
haha! love it how you shut the door closed when they ask you if you have a job. Love it, flamethrower, just love it!
indeed it's not clear how they got to that conclusion, but it could be by their accents.
Al-Akhbar newspaper is in the buisness of inventing facts to sow sectarian hate. This is why Joseph Samaha got "a sudden heart attack" in London, coincidentally immediate after putting the finishing touches of the newspaper.
Unlike Ibrahim Al Amine, Samaha was a proper newspaperman with the ethics and morals of a journalist but the hezb needed a brainwashed ideologist like Al Amine to dispense their hate.
Joseph Samaha was brought for his high profile and the respect to launch al-Akhbar and one the thing was up and running he was no longer needed.
So how does this work, you ladies always show up and disappear all at the same time.
Are you bused in like little children or you come over all together in a clown car?
After the beautiful, heart warming, patriotic, unifying words of sergeant Ali al-Sayyed's father yesterday here comes Akhbar with their usual unsupported drivel
any country that respects itself and its laws would arrest these terrorists and jail them. hizb of nasrallah been sending jihadi fighters to all the region's hotspots. He should be the first one to be arrested. I live in Europe and people cannot believe that our government and army stand still watching these terrorists cross into other countries to fight.
dear naharnet, i wonder if there is a way you can stop this flamethrower from posting and polluting the forum. As expatriates we expect to read some mature comments and not be faced with messages of hate and incitement on every article. It is sad the forum is hijacked by people intent on poisoning events and bending the truths. Thank you and I would appreciate if you publish my remarks.