بري يرجئ الجلسة الانتخابية لـ23 ايلول … و14 آذار مستعدة للتشاور حول "رئيس توافقي"
Read this story in Englishجددت قوى 14 آذار تمسكها بمرشحها لرئاسة الجمهورية رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع، مؤكدة في الوقت عينه الاستعداد للتشاور مع الافرقاء السياسيين بغية التوصل الى اسم "توافقي".
من جهة أخرى، أعلن رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري ارجأ الجلسة الانتخابية التي كان من المفترض عقدها ظهر الثلاثاء، الى 23 أيلول للسبب المتكرر عينه: فقدان النصاب.
واثر ارجاء الجلسة، عقد نواب 14 آذار، مؤتمراً صحافياً في مجلس النواب، أعلنه خلاله عن مبادرة "لانقاذ الجمهورية والحفاظ على الدستور وانتخاب رئيس"، وفق ما قال رئيس "كتلة المستقبل النيابية" فؤاد السنيورة.
وفي حين شدد السنيورة، باسم النواب، على التمسك بجعجع كمرشح 14 آذار لرئاسة الجمهورية، أكد استعداد هذه القوى الى التشاور مع الأفرقاء الآخرين "حول اسم توافقي".
وأمل ان "تصب ردود الفعل كلها لمصلحة التوصل الى تسوية نستطيع بموجبها انتخاب رئيس".
بدوره، أكد نائب "القوات" جورج عدوان ان "الرسالة التي نود ايصالها هي ان 14 آذار سواء في مقاربتها لتشريحها لجعجع او مقاربتها لفتح اي باب بالتسوية ستقوم بذلك بكل وضوح".
وأكد "لن نقوم بأي مرحلة من المراحل بتسويات لا يكون فيها تواصل الا من قبل 14 آذار مجتمعة".
وعلّق جعجع على المبادرة بالقول: "أكدت منذ اللحظة الاولى انني لست مرشح "انا او لا احد" وهذه خطوة الى الامام وسنحاول الوصول الى نتيجة ما".
ودخل لبنان في الشغور الرئاسي بعد فشل النواب في انتخاب رئيس جديد ورفض الرئيس السابق ميشال سليمان تمديد ولايته والقى خطاب الوداع في 24 أيار.
في حين يخوض فريق 14 آذار المعركة الرئاسية بمرشحه جعجع، في حين يدعم رئيس "الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط، مرشح "اللقاء الديمقراطي" النائب هنري حلو، ولا مرشح معلن لفريق 8 آذار وسط اصرار رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون على خوض الانتخابات الرئاسية "توافقياً".
I don't like it or dislike it habboub... I just think that you're a pathetic creature that's all :)
the patriot and FT
now that you're done with your morning greetings get serious and get in to your daily routine i.e. the mutual M8 and M14 mutual blame...:-)
cool... this has nothing to do with politics... and I have no "daily routine" here...
aren't you tired of voting, commenting, voting, reporting. When will you have a life?! Do you see the sun often?
empty insults and critics, is that all you have to say ? you should feel sorry for yourself.
The only reason Geagea announced his candidacy was to neutralise Aoun's chances. Let there be parliamentary elections first and then the new parliament can elect a president that is representative of the people. The parliament extension was wrong and the president should be elected after new elections. They know M14 and Geagea will be taught a big lesson!
Glad it's starting to make sense to you why they decided to extend their own parliamentary jobs and salaries. The reason the President of the Republic is elected every 6 years and parliament every 3 is so a newly elected parliament of the people, then elects a President. Postponing parliamentary elections 18 months ago was wrong and was done so to deny the Lebanese people their chance to indirectly elect a new President through their newly elected representatives in parliament.
peacelover. Agreed. I believe that the FPM should win Batroun, Ashrafieh and will definitely win Zahle. Zahle alone will shift the balance. Jumblatt knows this and that is why he is pushing for a further postponement so as to stay relevant.
If I'm wrong and its the other way round then so be it and Geagea or a M14 candidate should become president.
I think an Aoun President and Hariri Prime MInistership is best to unite lebanon. Otherwise General Khawagie and Salam remaining PM as compromise. But Lebanon doesn't need compromise at the moment... Lebanon needs strength through a leadership of the strongest and most popular sectarian leaders to unite Lebanon!
Roar... if parliamentary elections are held and M14 hold zahle, batroun and ashrafieh then the Christains have decided on a M14 allied president. Simple. what u afraid of? The general's shoe is no better than mine or yours.
and you know what, if we can't have elections in Lebanon or referendums
we'll do in Syria as well. after all Assad has just staged a perfect democratic play where the number of voters exceeded the number of country residents AGAIN and he won AGAIN
w let's merge people, armies and countries after we kill all who think differently
wala haram, the general could have avoided living in exile had he been a traitor in the 1990s
back then we needed to collaborate -hand over the country, its sovereignty and freedom- to protect us from Palestinians
now we just added the Takfiri adjective and surrender again
you know, all that your precious general -who is no different than Antoine lahd- share with Degaulle is his MEGALOMANIA
as the second never ceased to fight for a sovereign french state while the traitor never ceased to seeking out power
lol peacelover, geagea to defend hezbollah, now we have heard it all :D
just to be serious for a second, the repented war criminal, fake doctor and real butcher already said if he became president he would start by attacking hezbollah, so take it easy on bcharreh weed.
really? and tomorrow when the general will need medical treatment he will go to teheran? or seek western medicine? how do we say "debile" in farsi?
Again tric, integrate and assimilate with your society instead of living in lalaland perceiving yourself different and above other people where everyone is equal
In iraq, everyone was persecuted and u even got pissed when the intetnational community intervened when yazidis and kurds were threatened
In syria, christians allied with teh dictator bc he treated them well "bits and pieces of leftovers" while it was and still is ok for them to see neigjbors, friends nad colleagues exterminated
In egypt, they sided with mubarak against all odds
Bottom line, nature rules and favors the survival of the fittest
So if not for humanitarian values, the smart call would be to side with the majority not the dictator
Or they will keep losing
Plus where were you when christians were oersecuted after iraq's invasion
To my knowledge and experience, they are still living in z3aytriye and fanar where children are exposed to different abuses
Walla u only support christians with propaganda?
EXACTLY tric, GMA saved the Christians...i would add to your comment 'a long time ago' ! Thank God. And there is no way to challenge it...even though there are few ones trying it ...but they (we all know who they are) still didn't understand...so they keep trying, ...and keep trying...and keep trying...
EXACTLY tric, GMA saved the Christians...i would add to your comment 'a long time ago' ! Thank God. And there is no way to challenge it...even though there are few ones trying it ...but they (we all know who they are) still didn't understand...so they keep trying, ...and keep trying...and keep trying...
EXACTLY tric, GMA saved the Christians...i would add to your comment 'a long time ago' ! Thank God. And there is no way to challenge it...even though there are few ones trying it ...but they (we all know who they are) still didn't understand...so they keep trying, ...and keep trying...and keep trying...
get a retired general who is sober on country conditions and forget about those old turkeys becacuse not one care what they do.
choose a priest and make him a presedent at least prosperity will hit the roof.