ارجاء الجلسة التشريعية الى وقت غير محدد لغياب الحكومة وعدم اكتمال النصاب
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ارجأ رئيس مجلس النواب نبية بري الجلسة التشريعية التي كانت مقررة اليوم الى موعد لاحق بسبب غياب الحكومة وعدم اكتمال النصاب.
وبلغ عدد النواب 52 نائبا والحكومة كانت ممثلة بالوزير نقولا فتوش.
وعند ارجاء الجلسة قال النائب مروان حمادة: "الحكومة ساقطة".
وقال النائب احمد فتفت: "هناك دول فاشلة وهذه الحكومة فاشلة"، مضيفاً "سمعنا نظريات انه يستطيع ان يشرع دون الحكومة".
وقار النائب روبير غانم: "لا يمكن ان نسجل سابقة انه بغياب الحكومة لا يمكن ان نشرع".

Inta mowaten israeli....
As your words and your government action only weaken Lebanon

@mowaten, If I was you, I would refrain to comment this one ...your people are a disgrace... they have no opposition and do nothing constructive for this country... I have never seen such a failure...

Ya Mowaten your are one stupid follower, do you know who proposed a draft law on banning smoking? MP atef Majdalani which is a mustaqbal member and a long timee ago already, but maybe you forgot why it never passed, because of YOUR CONTINUOUS OBSTRUCTIONS to everything Hariri proposed, you have nothing to be proud of, specially the electricity plan which should cost a lot less, we have 5 billion at stakes now, + 11 billion $ from your stupid war with your masters the zionists which are your allies secretly which Mossad and CIA dining inside Hezbollah, + billions lost with your KHIYAM in centre ville, thats makes it more than 20 billion $ lost in the last 5 years of emptyness and nothing in return, while you had 40 billion on the other side of reconstruction of downtown , airport, roads, Trust in Lebanese pound, and the syrians of course and lahoud, berri, jumblat getting their piece too. So go play on an another ground and start do your math on who is doing more harm to the country

@ Mowaten...yeah...great job indeed...
So?? What is the gvt's position on STL??? Are they Unified??
What's their position on the EDL file?? Are they Unified??
What happened with the Estonians....? Someone find out?? Plz tell me!
What have they done about the Lhassa incident....??Hmmm...not much huh?
Let me remind you that there was a plan on the restructuration of the EDL in 2006...want me to tell you who stopped it? Do you know who was the Minister of energy then??
Who froze the Broadband expansion?? Emile Emile rings a bell??
Who's gonna fill up his pockets now?? Nahas? Bassil?? NOOOO...too clean for that!
Yeah let's audit the accounts! Sure!! Since when?
George Corm was Minister of Finance 1880-2000... would like to check him...and Elias Saba 2005-2005...would like to check him too..and Ali el Khalil... 1989-1992... Yeah let's AUDIT ya Mowaten...and if you don't mind, let's start from 1989...

Again, your imprecision miss-guides you... few of the m14 cooperated with them, others never did, and others were in between...so...does this means that you embraced those who collaborated with the Syrian regime then ya mowaten??

If they are this useless and impotent with no one in opposition we can but imagine how useless they would be if all of Lebanon was represented by this government.
Sit down!!

Btw, you should make friends with bigdig, i can see you too hitting it off.