جنبلاط: "مش فارقة معنا" إذا تزعزع الحلف السياسي القائم
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أكد رئيس جبهة "النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط أن فريقه لن يخضع الى منطق التهديد، وقال "مش فارقة معنا" حتى لو كنا كجبهة نضال نشكل أقلية في الحكومة، ولا آبه إذا كان موقفي سيزعزع الحلف السياسي القائم.
لفت جنبلاط في حديث لصحيفة "السفير" الى أن هناك خيارين امام وزراء الجبهة فإما ان يتم الأخذ بملاحظاتهم على خطة الكهرباء ويحصل اتفاق على أسس واضحة وإما ان يتمسكوا بتحفظاتهم، لأنه من غير المقبول تخصيص مبلغ كبير بقيمة مليار و200مليون دولار لتمويل الجزء الاول من الخطة من دون ان تكون هناك آلية محددة، تضمن مصيره.
وإذ اعتبر ان وزير الطاقة جبران باسيل لم يقدم التوضيحات اللازمة والمقنعة على العديد من الأسئلة الإدارية والتقنية التي وجهت اليه، أكد في رد غير مباشر على العماد ميشال عون انه متمسك بموقفه، مضيفاً: لن نخضع الى منطق التهديد والابتزاز الذي يستخدم معنا على قاعدة إما ان تسيروا بما نريده وإما الويل والثبور وعظائم الامور.

Where does Bassil expect to find the 5Billion for the project anyway?

Don't worry Walid Bey, you can't be blackmailed because this implies a pre-requisite: knowing which side you're with! And with the continuous rotation of your stances and alliances, balckmailing you is an almost "Mission Impossible". So relax and prepare your next U-turn...

The First & most important step in Mr. CLOUN's proposal to solve Lebanon's Electricity problem is to make his "Snuggle Buddies" Hizbustan PAY for the Electricity they have been STEALING for Decades.

Congratulation Walid what a brave individual you are.Could this electricity saga be a pretext for your next dishonorable move?I wish you took the same stance when the corrupt syrian regime and their despicable partners applied presure on you to disgracefully walk away from march 14.In my opinion you were a disgrace to the brave Druze and the Lebanese in general.However good to see you have form when you are under presure,thankfully you are very predictable.I smell a rat here, i suspect walid and his honorable grouping are scheming something here, only time would tell.Please note no disrespect intended to the brave Druze of Lebanon,just disappointed with Walid disregard for the people that had faith in him.

electricity, or lack of, is a serious issue in the country.The most serious, and unfortunately successive governments since the end of the civil war have failed to solve that specific vital issue.
The new government has a plan that guarantees 24/24 power for all of the country? cost is how much? we need power 24/24 at any cost, this is not a luxury rather of vital importance. The question remains, where does the money come from? seriously, the government is broke, and stretched with debt of close to 200% of GDP. where does the money come from? No one seems to be talking about this aspect of the problem.

We know what he said. Please try to read what he did not say, many atimes what is not said is more important that the apparent words. I have no political stand or favoritisme, I am here as a study, I am a politico-psychological analyst by trade. That said; This current message translates into: it is done, it is over, turn the page and move on...

and the zionist mouthpiece still defecates on an nahar comments section...that very old!!!!
at least this goverment has economic subject on the agenda....unlike 2 previous ones

Yaaa... habal!
Who are the gangsters who have been refraining this country to take steps ahead...??
Who declares wars unilaterally??
Who blocks the Central District for a year?
Who burned tires and blocked roads? (yes ahbal idiots in the North did it one too)
On who's side was Emile Lahoud and his gang?
Who stopped the previous EDL project in 2006?
Who was the electrical resources Minister in 2006?
Who blocked the Internet broadband project (well...ask Emile Emile , Nahas, and Bassil about that...)?
Omar Karami...this one rings a bell?
Who used his blocking minority during all those years?
ok, ok ahbal...bark again "zionist" this "zionist" that, your IQ obviously doesn't allow you to say much more...
Whatever ahbal...keep singing your tune...

If being a Lebanese is defined as a Zionist, well who cares? Just words