جنبلاط: أين الحكومة بعد سقوط نظرية الحزب الواحد والزعيم الأوحد؟

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رأى رئيس جبهة "النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط أن "طاغية ثالث يسقط في سياق الثورة الشعبية العربية الأصيلة والمحقة" سائلا الحكومة اللبنانية "أين أصبح الإعتراف بالمجلس الوطني الانتقالي الليبي؟".

وقال جنبلاط في تصريحه الأسبوعي لصحيفة "الأنباء" الصادرة عن الحزب التقدمي الإشتراكي :"ها هي النظرية الخضراء تسقط معه، وهي النظرية المشابهة لنظرية الحزب الواحد والزعيم الأوحد التي أثبتت فشلها التاريخي في مسيرات الشعوب وتوقها الطبيعي للحرية والكرامة والديموقراطية".

وسأل جنبلاط :"أين أصبح إعتراف الحكومة اللبنانية بالمجلس الوطني الانتقالي الليبي، أم أن هناك قوى لبنانية داخلية كانت تراهن على إستمرار نظام القذافي ولا تحبذ، تاليا، الاعتراف بالمعارضة الليبية؟".

وتطرق جنبلاط إلى الوضع المصري التي زارها مؤخرا فأوضح أن "النقاش السياسي الأساسي اليوم يدور بين الذين يريدون دولة مدنية يستمد فيها الدستور من الشريعة الاسلامية ومن مصادر أخرى، وبين الحركات السلفية التي تريد دستورا إسلاميا بحتا وهو ما يتعارض مع مفهوم الدولة المدنية".

كما لفت إلى موضوع "العروبة المتأصلة" في مصر " ولا سيما فيما يتعلق بالقضية الفلسطينية، وقد شهدنا التظاهرات بعد مقتل رجال الأمن في أنحاء مختلفة من مصر فضلا عن إنزال العلم الاسرائيلي عن السفارة الاسرائيلية في القاهرة ورفع العلم المصري" كما أضاف.

واستنتج رئيس الحزب التقدمي الإشتراكي إلى أن "فلسطين موجودة ماضيا وحاضرا ومستقبلا في مصر التي، رغم أبعادها وعلاقاتها مع أفريقيا، ولكنها تبقى في قلب المشرق" مذكرا أن" تحرير فلسطين من الصليبيين بدأ أيام الحكم الايوبي في مصر".

وحيا جنبلاط "شهداء الثورة الليبية، ومن خلالها كل شهداء الثورات العربية في نضالهم الى الحرية الديموقراطية والكرامة".

التعليقات 22
Default-user-icon marie (ضيف) 17:16 ,2011 آب 22

Are you for real Mr Jumblat? It took you 50 years to discover this? Now tell us what is the fate of your friends Mr Bashar and Mr berri and Mr Nassrallagh and Mr Aoun, Mr Suleiman, Mr Geagea and the rest

Default-user-icon Waldo (ضيف) 17:21 ,2011 آب 22

He's obviously is not referring to the Syrian regime when he says that the one party rule has demonstrated its failure before the people’s Will . Syria has more than one party in fact they have at least five, Baath, al-Baath, el-Baath, L-Baath, Bed Baath and Beyond.

Missing small.axe 17:36 ,2011 آب 22

Jumblatt is continuing his move away from Assad and M8. These words were directed to Syria.

Default-user-icon Gabriel (ضيف) 17:44 ,2011 آب 22

Please put your money where your mouth is and witdraw from this imposed on Lebanon government by none other than the brutal dictator of Syria and the butcher of Hama , Latakia , Anjar , Deir Ezzour , Daraa and Damscus . It is high time for Mr Jumblatt to be on the right side of history by denouncing this Miqati regime of continued Syrian hegemony .

Thumb shab 17:48 ,2011 آب 22

Who cares about Libya? Start to bomb Syria

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 17:50 ,2011 آب 22

Well said mr Jumblat. I am sure bashar was told about your statement. Is he going to send you a letter? or he ran out of ink. For you to say this is taking a big risk . You are not a person who takes risks until you are sure your life is safe. You do know something or things that soon we will hear about. we do know that your flip flaping is because of the guns on your head. I am predicting that as soon as assad falls you are going to unleach your true self and talk.i do respect your way of saving your life. I hope its not to late for you to rejoin march 14 . Will they forgive you? or will they take you back? after all you delivered lebanon to the hands of the outlaws. you are a good politician and i admit it. A good cameleon. but will the free lebanese people forgive you? or you will be a martyr because you are surrounded.will you be trusted again?

Default-user-icon sacre (ضيف) 17:52 ,2011 آب 22

so we were correct in giving you a new name some 6 months ago walid beyk :
i am sure you know what this means.
some very frustrated members of your community are hopeful ............
i hope that what you wrote in your article applies to syria and bashar.

Thumb will_rogers 17:55 ,2011 آب 22

Well Mr. Jumblat that is very well said. Now it's time for you to Walk the Walk Not Just the Talk & come back to our True Democratic Lebanese side, March 14. It's time for you to tip the scale again in Favor of Dear Lebanon and let's together get rid of the Entire Corrupt M8 Gang that kisses ass to the TYRANT next door whose days are numbered, Just like Gaddafi.

Default-user-icon George Haddad (ضيف) 17:57 ,2011 آب 22

Jumblat is a smart person and his stances are diverse and interesting. With him you never get bored because he's always moving with the wind and his moves have been justifiable despite some complaints from within Lebanon. I do like Jumblat. Jumblat has recently been warning the Syrian Regime of the dire consequences of oppression and blood shedding. He knew that Bashar would not listen to him but at least he appears to have done his job knowing in advance that the days of Bashar are indeed numbered. If Bashar does go, Jumblat would translate his believes with Hesbullah which is currently marginalizing everbody and leading the country to confrontation with Israel the outcome of which only God could predict. Jumblat is one of the crooks in the government who knows where his limits are and how much could he eat not like the others like Saniora who ate the green and the dry and left nothing standing. In his time Lebanon was the its lowest low. Jumblat is the wild card everyone needs

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 17:59 ,2011 آب 22

The reason the Lebanon Hezz government has not legitimized the transitional Libyan governmrnt is their fear of having to also do it for Syria soon.

Default-user-icon starsky (ضيف) 18:01 ,2011 آب 22

Think Jumblat left the March 8th alliance in everything but form. Our only hope right now is that our Miqati wakes up to the ways of the world

Default-user-icon roy (ضيف) 18:12 ,2011 آب 22

This man knows from where the wind blows.Politics is the science of the possible and not the science of the principles.What a great reader of events...

Default-user-icon Phoenicienne (ضيف) 18:22 ,2011 آب 22

yeah! Mr. Jumblat, you can talk a good talk, but let see what you are going to put in black and white the moment the truth is upon you?

Default-user-icon proGMA (ضيف) 18:29 ,2011 آب 22

It is thanks to you that we owe this disastrous governement !!! You made a mistake at that time...please correct it today !!!!!

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 19:04 ,2011 آب 22

we need walid beik after the inevitable fall of " jazzar dimachk".
there will be a battle,i hope it will not be blody, with the lebanese remnants of the syrian regime.
anyway the "arab spring" was a net loss for both israel and iran+wahhabies.

Default-user-icon Cambo (ضيف) 19:08 ,2011 آب 22

The Great Chameleon has spoken!

Default-user-icon it's my party (ضيف) 19:15 ,2011 آب 22

boigdig, son, son in law what's the difference or is that a new tradition.

Default-user-icon amirmansour (ضيف) 19:59 ,2011 آب 22

ABSOLUTELY No further comment

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 20:19 ,2011 آب 22

Jumblatt the scholar is not the same as jumblatt the politician. Of course he's a liberal and knows the difference between right and wrong, but he has a minority to protect. Until th Assad regime is on the floor, I doubt this Side of him shows up for good. Jumblatt is like a frog; he is the indicator species. Yu can infer the status of a situation by his movements words etc...

Missing realist 21:12 ,2011 آب 22

Jumbaltt is simply 3am yfish khil`o and every word he says about a "dictator" is in fact targeting bashar assad and it is only a matter of time until he says it clearly again..or did you guys forget " tar tar min la7ud w min bashar" ? hheheheeh

Missing th21 23:29 ,2011 آب 22


As usual, you resort to fallacious, irrelevant arguments. I hope the quality of comments you share with us will improve over time. I dont mind if we dont agree, but at least try to create dialogue.

Missing roxtox 01:13 ,2011 آب 23

hahaha, el ta7et batou msali btin3aro.... Wally will be getting a call from Basharo in the morning, by that evening he will retract all he said, LOL