بري يدعو لجلسة برلمانية الأربعاء للبحث برسالة سليمان
Read this story in Englishدعا رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري الى جلسة الأربعاء، لمناقشة الرسالة التي وجهها رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان للبرلمان.
وأشارت المعلومات، الإثنين، الى أن بري قد دعا النواب الى الحضور في 21 الجاري، لمناقشة رسالة سليمان التي وجهها للمجلس.
وكان سليمان قد وجه رسالة للمجلس النيابي طلب في رسالته "العمل بما يفرضه الدستور وتجيزه القوانين لإتمام الاستحقاق".
وشدد على ضرورة"عقد جلسات انتخابية متتالية، عملا بالدستور اللبناني، ريثما ينتخب رئيس جديد".
وتأتي الرسالة عقب تأكيد رئيس الجمهورية في أكثر من مناسبة الى أنه سيكون في منزله في 25 ايار، اذ ان ولايته تنتهي في 24 الجاري وسيلقي خطاب الوداع في هذا اليوم. وسط تخوّف من الفراغ الرئاسي لفشل النواب في اربع جلسات من انتخاب رئيس للجمهورية.
I quote, "The president's message has only a moral value isn't binding, however, the speaker is obliged to read it at the parliament in accordance with the authorities given to the head of state by clause 10 of article 53 of the Constitution.", Unquote. Ma this is our whole problem, they always wanted the president to be a lame duck one, but since Taef, what have they done, the PM or the House Speaker? Have they solved anyone single problem? No. Have they done anything to improve this country's situation? Again, No. There was a brutal and ruthless Syrian occupier, everyone of them was under his filthy boot, so under them, whenever we had a problem, all of them will go to the Syrian governor in Lebanon, serve tea till he flicks them an order to deliver or else? Well now the occupier is gone, and you still want a lame duck president?! The time is now to scrap Taef and Doha and let's have again a real presidency, between them all, they'll never deliver on their own.
The whole system is flawed Pheonix. I've never heard of a system were 1st of round of elections doesn't necessitate all potential candidates to throw their hat in the ring! So if we are playing a hand of poker, I've got to show you my hand from the first round?!! Its idiotic.
Then comes the count! what is it? 80 some votes?? And you can simply disrupt by not showing up?!!