المحكمة الدولية استمعت الى "الجديد" وحددت موعدا جديدا للأمين.. وخياط: أنا غير مذنبة
Read this story in Englishانطلقت جلسة المثول الأول لقناة "الجديد" وصحيفة "الاخبار" في لاهاي، قبل ظهر الثلاثاء، بقضية "تحقير" المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان، في حين رفض رئيس تحرير "الأخبار" ابراهيم الأمين المثول امامها، مجددا رفضه هذا الإجراء بعد تحديد الموعد الجديد في 29 أيار "ما لم تكتمل الإجراءات التي تثبت أن المحكمة تهدف للوصول إلى العدالة".
ويتولى المحامي البريطاني كريم خان الدفاع عن "الجديد" ونائب رئيس مجلس ادارة قناة "الجديد" كرمى الخياط، في مثولهما أمام القاضي نيكولا ليتيري، الناظر في هذه الدعوى.
وامام المحكمة اعلنت خياط "جئت الى المحكمة كي لا أكون ممرا لسلب حرية الصحافة تحت شعار العدالة".
وأضافت "لقد التزمنا أعلى المعايير حين اضأنا على أخطاء سير عمل المحكمة من اجل حسن سير العدالة. فمن حق الشعب اللبناني وأهالي الشهداء محاكمة لا تشوبها أي عيوب".
ورداً على التهم قالت خياط: أنا غير مذنبة.
وحدد القاضي ليتيري المهلة الزمينة حتى 16 من حزيران المقبل بالنسبة للدفوع القانونية. وذلك بعد ان كان المحامي خان قد اعتبر ان "فترة أسبوعين قصيرة بالنسبة إلينا لكي نطلع على المعلومات وألتمس توسيع المهلة الزمنية لفترة 60 يوما".
وفي جلسة بعد ظهر الثلاثاء قرر القاضي ليتيري تحديد يوم "الخميس 29 أيار موعدا جديدا لمثول ابراهيم الأمين" أمام المحكمة.
وقال ليتييري "نفهم حاجة السيد ابراهيم الأمين الى توفير وضعية دفاعية منطقية غير أن هذه الحاجة لا تستدعي تأجيل المثول الأول ولا تبرره".
من جهته شدد رئيس مكتب الدفاع فرانسوا رو على أنه "يجب أن يتاح الوقت للمتهم كي يختار محاميه".
وتعليقا على القرار، قال الأمين من مقر جريدة "الأخبار" في فرادن "تقديري الأولي أن أسبوعين غير كافيين وسأتشاور مع المحامين لتبيان ما إذا كانت المهلة كافية".
وأضاف "لن أمثل أمام المحكمة في 29 أيار ما لم تكتمل الإجراءات التي تثبت أن المحكمة تهدف للوصول إلى العدالة".
وأشار ردا على سؤال أنه يحتاج إلى "تكوين فريق دفاعي وهو عبارة عن سلسلة من الإجراءات لأن هناك قوانين في المحكمة مخالفة للقوانين الدولية وهناك قواعد إجراءات في المحكمة مخالفة لقانون المحكمة نفسه".
وبالتزامن مع الجلسة، عقد لقاء تضامني في نقابة الصحافة، حضره عدد من الاعلاميين، ونائب "كتلة الوفاء للمقاومة" حسن فضل الله.
واوضحت المحكمة، الثلاثاء، ان "المثول الأول هو مثول المتهم في الجلسة الأولى أمام الغرفة المختصة أو القاضي المختص"، مضيفة انه يأتي "عقب صدور دعوة للحضور أو تنفيذ مذكرة توقيف بحقّ شخص متّهم بارتكاب جرائم أمام المحكمة الخاصة بلبنان".
الى ذلك، لفتت الى ان "الغاية من المثول الأول هي تمكين القاضي من ضمان احترام حقوق المتهم، بما فيها حقّه في أن يمثّله محامٍ".
وخلال هذه الجلسة يتم "تلاوة التّهم عليه بلغة يفهمها كي يتمكّن من الإجابة على التهم. وللمتّهم مهلة سبعة أيام للإقرار بالمسؤولية أو إنكارها".
يُذكر ان قناة "الجديد" قررت المثول امام المحكمة الدولية في لاهاي، من اجل "مواجهتها في بيتها وبقوانينها"، في حين ان الأمين اعلن "عدم مثوله امامها بعد عدم رد المحكمة على طلبه بتأجيل الجلسة".
وقد اتهم الصحافيان والمؤسستان الإعلاميتان بجرم التحقير أمام المحكمة الخاصة بلبنان لعرقلتهم سير العدالة "عن علم وقصد" بحسب بيان صادر عن لاهاي الأربعاء الفائت، الذي أعلنت فيه المحكمة أن القاضي الناظر في قضايا التحقير قرر "أن يجري المثول الأول يوم الثلاثاء في 13 أيار للمتهمَن في القضية ضد شركة تلفزيون الجديد ش. م. ل. والسيدة كرمى الخيّاط، وللمتهمين في القضية ضد شركة أخبار بيروت ش. م. ل. والسيد ابراهيم الأمين".
وفي 24 نيسان الفائت استدعت المحكمة كل من خياط والأمين للإستماع إليهما بتهمة "التحقير وعرقلة سير العدالة" في 13 أيار المقبل، وذلك بعد نشر أسماء شهود مفترضين قبل أن يدلوا بشهاداتهم أمام الإدعاء والدفاع في لاهاي في قضية اغتيال رئيس الوزراء الأسبق رفيق الحريري ورفاقه.
ج.ش/ م.س
Rotten journalists for rotten media organisations who knowingly published information that endangered the lives of people.
This is a criminal act even though they are not responsible for the leak. With dozens of medias in Lebanon, why were they the only ones to publish this ? To obstruct justice !
This shows the STL is on the right track to demonstrate Hezbollah is behind the murders. Otherwise, there wouldn't be all this fuss !
When it comes to freedom of expression Crusher, M8 supporters should simply shut up.
"Free Media" doesn't equate to the right to publish anything and everything.
And when you support Hezbollah who invades media organisations, kills supporters, murders journalists. When you support Iran and Syria who eliminate any opposing media and journalist. You shut up.
Media should not be a political tool to control and manipulate the masses just like you are manipulated and brainwashed. Al Jadeed and Al Akhbar are just that ! Political tools ! This is not journalism, this is toilet paper + sitcom tv channel !
The anonymous witnesses are kept anonymous to prevent the defense from murdering them.
And by the way, there is no "defense" since Hezbollah is not participating in the trials having murdered their own assassins and all..
The STL is pissed off because these journalists have put the lives of the witnesses in jeopardy.
And they are not false witnesses. in fact, they are not even witnesses until they testify. Determining whether or not they are false witnesses can be done after their testimony where your lawyers have all the luxury of refuting their testimony
Just to be clear : "anonymous witnesses are kept anonymous to prevent the defense from countering their testimonies"
THis is pure propaganda and completely untrue as there is no "Testimony" yet and the defense can always "counter" them when heard !
@Southern : Unless you can prove the STL is corrupt and that the witnesses are PAID to testify, then please keep your "opinions" to yourself as they are just that. Unfounded opinions which equate to slander !
And medals instead of jail ?
Like your Hassan who declared the murderers SAINTS ?
Don't worry, no one is going to jail and your murderers were eliminated by the Kezb anyway... dead or moved to Iran !
@southern : the generals in question are criminals. And the reason they remained in jail is due to lebanese laws which you voted for. Nothing to do with STL. You know how many people stay in jail in Lebanon without trial ? Just go see in roumieh to figure this out.
Those generals are all criminals and complicit in the murders and people like your Saint Jamil el Sayyed deserve the death penalty !
Southern. I can amuse you in similar ways to dig up trash about Hezbollah all over the web. It's not because someone has such an opinion and said opinion is publish that it is real.
The exact same can be said about Hezbollah which proclaims itself a "Lebanese resistance" when its flag officially states "Islamic Resistance in Lebanon". Its exclusively Shiite members make it a sectarian army, non-representative of the Lebanese people and extremely biased in favour of shias. Whereas official resistance movements represent and protect the entire social fabric.
Officially a resistance against "Israeli occupation" in Lebanon, Hezbollah has become a mercenary army fighting for Bashar el Assad under the orders of Iran. Hezbollah has also "Resisted" freedom seekers in Lebanon wanting to put all sects on equal grounds and demanding that the state be the sole armed entity in Lebanon.
The STL is as real as Hezbollah my friend. Live with it. If one is a fabrication, so is the other.
mowaten, is that why you post under crusher now, part of the witnesses' protection program?
@Mowaten / Crusher :
- Talking about Witness protection programs, you now admit their lives are in danger meaning either Hezbollah will kill them or the journalists did a terrible mistake !
- Talking about Banana courts ? Really ? Coming from a Pro-Syrian / Iranian supporter, you DARE TALK ABOUT BANANA COURTS ?
STL made possible by a corrupt government ? Let me remind you the STL was approved by your own politicians so shove it already !
@Flame-Catcher; don't give this fake the privilege of calling him @crusher. Always reminds him he is fake by calling him mowaten aka crusher..
Mowaten : the problem isn't with providing them protection. The problem is endangering their lives in the first place. Will you provide protection to them and their families ?
If you were to testify to a crime and provided witness protection. If the criminals put their hands on you cousins, uncles, aunts, brothers sisters, friends to force you to shut up. Would you still testify ?
For each witness, you need to provide witness protection to over 50 individuals which is not plausible. Hence the reason its illegal to disclose confidential witness names before they testify !
Crusher : excuse my ignorance but where do you read that these testimonies can be kept hidden from the defence team ? They can be held secret from the public but there is no court in the world where the defence cannot refute evidence and testimonies.
Mowaten : regarding the leak, there is a very simple copyright law. Forget everything else about the court. If you write a book and its leaked and someone else publishes it, it's simply illegal for them to publish it without your authorisation !
Also, if someone leaks fake information about the court and fabricates this information. Journalist publish them without even verifying that this info is real ? This is not journalism ! This is rotten propaganda !
Unless information is given by official sources and is verified by journalists, it's illegal for them to publish it. If they do, they are held accountable for what they publish whether or not its real is irrelevant !
Mowaten, this is BULL :
Subject to Rule 133, the identity of the victim or witness shall be disclosed in sufficient
time prior to the trial to allow adequate time for preparation of the defence.
Regarding National Security issues, this applies to any state or international body.
In any case, what you "fear" has not and will not happen. Otherwise, the defence would have "shouted". and what do you care ? You don't even believe in the STL...
lets watch the tribunal and we will see at the end who got smaller in the eyes of the free world
Canadian journalists who showed documents on tv did they were summoned to the court ?
and if info were leaked from tribunal itself what will happen the tribunal summon itself
No momo. HA muzzled the voices of Lebanon with their assassination of journalists. The STL is freeing Lebanon's voices.
freedom will reign supreme. That I promise you and HA. Their judgement day shall come and they will have to face the truth. History will not be kind. (but in the meantime, you can keep earning your paycheck with fabrication, falsifications and distortion).
Thanks for the advise but save your keystrokes for the gullible. There must be quite of few of them out there or you would not still be employed. That is the saddest part of this God forsaken failed state.
i love those hypocrit hezbi lovers who burned down a lebanese TV station in the name of "free press" i guess and now come and lecture others! LOL so entertaining to see hypocrits try and persuade people they love free press! LOL
yes hypocrits... you cry and whine and post like a madman when journalists that suit you get a rough time but when from a newspaper you despise you just shut up or say they deserve it! just like when they burned down future tv....
so YES hypocrits!
and what about the syrian journalist kidnapped by hezbollah and released a week after? freedom of press also? LOL
"avoiding to say a single word about the documented brutality against journalists by hariri supporters"
once again caught in your lies... reread my post and you read that i am with the freedom of the press whoever it is...
oh! and you fail to mention that i condemned the killing of the elmanar journalist... i m telling you so you ll see that the hypocrit does not stand at this side of the keyboard...
but the journalists killed and shred to pieces by your friends for standing against them, THAT you failed to mention.... see who the hypocrit is?