واشنطن "تطلب من الخارجية عرقلة تصويت السوريين" بالانتخابات الرئاسية السورية
Read this story in Englishتلقت الحكومة اللبنانية "رسائل" من الحكومة الاميركية تطلب فيها "عرقلة تصويت مئات آلاف الناخبين السوريين المقيمين على الأراضي اللبنانية في الانتخابات الرئاسية السورية الشهر القادم"، وفق ما كشفته صحيفة "السفير".
ونقلت الصحيفة عن ديبلوماسي أميركي، الثلاثاء، عنه قوله ان "الحكومة الأميركية بعثت برسائل واضحة الى الحكومة اللبنانية تطلب فيها عدم تسهيل تصويت مئات آلاف الناخبين السوريين المقيمين على الأراضي اللبنانية في الانتخابات الرئاسية التي حدد النظام السوري موعدها في الشهر المقبل".
وأوضح الديبلوماسي ان المطلوب من وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل "عدم إصدار أي موقف داعم لهذه الانتخابات الرئاسية السورية باسم الحكومة اللبنانية".
ولفت الى ان "ذلك التزاماً منه بإعلان بعبدا وبسياسة النأي بالنفس التي تنتهجها الحكومة".
وتابع الديبلوماسي قائلاً ان الولايات المتحدة تعتبر أن الانتخابات الرئاسية السورية تشكل "نوعا من المهزلة"، متسائلاً "كيف يمكن إجراء هذه الانتخابات فقط في الأجزاء التي يسيطر عليها النظام؟".
وكانت قد أعلنت المحكمة الدستورية العليا في سوريا الاحد قبول ثلاثة طلبات ترشح الى الانتخابات الرئاسية المقررة في الثالث من حزيران، تبين منها ان الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد سيخوض الانتخابات في مواجهة مرشحين اثنين آخرين هما ماهر عبد الحفيظ حجار، حسان عبدالله النوري.
If Lebanon is supposed to impede the votes for the Syrian Presidency, then it should also impede the votes for the Saudi Presidency.
Oh wait.
U.S double standards once again, it is apparently okay, to commit terrorism, cut heads off innocent people, but to hold peaceful elections, are "kind of farce." To hell with America and all those behind them.
Didn't Abraham Lincoln win the presidential vote during the American civil war?
The Lebanese interior ministry is not "required" to listen to your directions.
you said you never posted simultaneously as mowaten and crusher? Here read your own posts mr. fake! Are you not ashamed of lying?
and in the same thread you write: "and yes i think this is why we see new usernames popping out constantly and disappearing after only a few days/weeks.
they throw so much random BS that they can't keep any credibility for longer than that"
idiocy knows no limits. So Abraham Lincoln and your Bashar Assad are similar! The American Civil War followed the 1860 elections of Abraham Lincoln and not vice versa.
Indeed... The re election of Abraham Lincoln occurred in 1864. He won in a landslide but all the southern confederate states did not vote.
here comes his twin. Let me see, so your story from yesterday was you told everybody you were posting as crusher, then you said but you never posted simultaneously crusher/mowaten, then when you are presented with a thread in which you were posting as both along with your other alias the roar, now you say it is a joke. You really believe people are fooled by you? a sectarian loser tfeh
@eagle, don't waste your time with this POS. WE all know his origins, roots, and orientation.
I know one thing and one thing only, Syria will always remain a curse for us Lebanese. If it's the Al Assads that rule, we Lebanese have a bill to pay, and if it's those they oppose, we also have a bill to pay. My biggest blame goes to Amin Gemayel for abrogating the peace deal we had with Israel in 1983, as he called it, for the sake of Lebanon remaining with the Arab camp, well, so much for it. Many of them Arabs have got their peace deal with Israel, but we no longer have peace with anyone anymore, not even with ourselves.
before sissy obama gives advice, let him take the leadership role that incumbs "the world greatest nation"
funny how those brave little assad supporters criticize the US democracy while cheering the assad dictatorship and the farce of elections they are going to hold...
we see what kind of society they dream of...and the double standards they apply to support a regime that harmed Lebanon and still is bombing it on daily basis calling it friendly fire and brotherly love!... oh! wait they thank the syrians for that, i forgot their loyalty to bashar is much higher than it is to Lebanon....
Rather (both US & local Khomeinist agents) prevent Shia Lebanon-based mercenaries from slaughtering Lebanese/Syrian civilians.