23 قتيلا في قصف من زوارق حربية على حي الرملة الجنوبي في اللاذقية

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أكد ناشط حقوقي أن 23 شخصا على الاقل قتلوا الاحد إثر عملية عسكرية قامت بها قوات من الجيش في حي الرمل، شاركت فيها زوارق حربية سورية.

وقال مدير المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان رامي عبد الرحمن لوكالة "فرانس برس"، أن "21 شخصا على الاقل قتلوا الاحد وجرح آخرون في عملية عسكرية على حي الرمل الجنوبي في اللاذقية (غرب) جرت من عدة محاور، وشملت قصفا من زوارق حربية سورية".

وكانت حصيلة سابقة للمرصد أشارت الى مقتل 10 أشخاص في هذه العملية.

وأشار مدير المرصد الى "اصابة العشرات جراح الكثير منهم خطرة في حي الرمل الجنوبي ومخيم الرمل".

وذكر المرصد أنه "يتم قصف حي الرمل من زوارق حربية واقتحام الحي يتم من عدة محاور"، موضحا أنه "يصعب التحقق من عدد الشهداء والجرحى بسبب استمرار اطلاق النار الكثيف".

وأضاف: "يتم اطلاق نار كثيف جدا من مختلف أنواع الاسلحة الرشاشة الخفيفة والثقيلة في الحي، مشيرا الى "وجود للقناصة على الابنية المحيطة".

كما أشار الى دوي "انفجارات قوية في حيي مسبح الشعب والرمل المتجاورين".

وأوضح المرصد ان "اطلاق نار كثيفا سمع في حي سكنتوري"، فضلا عن "اطلاق قذائف ار بي جي".

وفي الوقت نفسه، تحدث المرصد عن "اطلاق نار كثيف عند مداخل الاحياء المحاصرة والمتاخمة للرمل، مثل عين التمرة وبستان السمكة وبستان الحميمي".

وأفاد أن "حي بستان الصيداوي الذي يقع بين سكنتوري والاشرفية يشهد اطلاق نار كثيفا جدا، وسمعت انفجارات شديدة، وتحدثت أنباء عن اصابة طفل حتى الآن"، بحسب المرصد.

من جهته، أشار اتحاد تنسيقيات الثورة السورية الى "اطلاق نار في حي القلعة وكذلك اطلاق نار متقطع في الصليبة" مضيفا ان "الاحرار يتجمعون في الاشرفية ويسدون احد المنافذ بحاويات القمامة لمنع الامن من الوصول الى الصليبة".

كما أعلن الاتحاد أنه "تم ايقاف حركة القطارات من والى اللاذقية".

ويأتي ذلك بالتزامن مع حملة أمنية وعسكرية في ضاحيتين في ريف دمشق فجر اليوم، حيث جرت اعتقالات رافقها اطلاق كثيف للرصاص وقطع للاتصالات.

وتشهد سوريا حركة احتجاجية لا سابق لها، أسفرت عن سقوط 2185 قتيلا منذ اندلاع الاحتجاجات المناهضة للرئيس بشار الاسد، بينهم 1775 مدنيا و410 من عناصر الامن، حسب المرصد.

التعليقات 12
Thumb Marc 16:32 ,2011 آب 14

And the massacres continue.....

Default-user-icon wow (ضيف) 17:47 ,2011 آب 14

@ mansour, hope your wish never comes true as this would mean that Lebanon will remain the messy country we have today.
Unlike you i do not blame the Palestinians nor the Syrians for where our country is today; we only have to blame ourselves.

Default-user-icon leb_atheist (ضيف) 19:01 ,2011 آب 14

i wouldn't go so far mansour. i agree with you about some syrians committing crimes against lebanon. and the same applies to the palestinians. but you can't paint them all with the same brush. the average syrian citizen is very much like you and me. they just want to live in peace and dignity. just think what the population of syria is and how many soldiers were stationed in lebanon. it's a very small percentage. and you'll find that they're probably the same soldiers that are doing the shelling on their own people now. as lebanese people, we should feel with the syrian population that's suffering now how we suffered so many years ago and support them as much as we can. when it was happening to us, they didn't have the freedom to speak up. try and remember how they were informed of what was happening in lebanon through their state controlled television before the days of Jazeera and CNN.
it's time we overcame our narrow-mindedness...

Default-user-icon Le Phénicien (ضيف) 19:46 ,2011 آب 14

Bravo the Syrian brave army And the strong young President Bashar . Kill them And save humanity And civilization from these sunnis fundamentalists fanatics from the âge of Stone .

Missing realist 21:48 ,2011 آب 14

Hey Le Phoneician, why do you use the word "fundamentalist" when you say sunni fund. I think you should just say "Bashar kill the sunnis" because this is what you really want and your true colors shine every day: if the Syrian regime kills 100,000 sunnis tomorrow you will clap for them, you are just like the thugs that invaded and killed people in sabra and chatila and you are a disgrace to lebanon. You are like the Serbs that committed the genocides in bosnia and you are not an inch different. Just be a man and say it. And don't worry Bashar and his thugs and people full of racial hate like you are going to have a "sad ending", russians figured it out and still idiots like you and your GMA, who can't see beyond their nose, who are full of racial hate will drown in their hate.

Default-user-icon Le Phénicien (ضيف) 22:14 ,2011 آب 14

Don't get me wrong , I believe everything that SANA is reporting and every word president Assad says, everyone knows by now the Assad family is my favorite family in the wide world of sport , they always were . I've supported them since 1973 especially in Lebanon after 1977 but something keeps nagging me about the Salafis Wahhabis Sunnis fundamentalists fanatics terrorists , where are the suicide bombers that they usually use , we have yet to see one . Everywhere else in the world the Salafis Wahhabis Sunnis fundamentalists fanatics terrorists operate the suicide bombers are the most important part of their arsenal , but for some reason they don't use them in Syrian , I cant explain why . I hope the Salafis Wahhabis Sunnis fundamentalists fanatics terrorists don't start using the suicide bombers after they see my post , just to show that they are really the ones attacking the Syrian regime .

Missing realist 22:56 ,2011 آب 14

That is because it is largely a peaceful revolution, but you are too arrogant and too racist to see beyond your nose, your comment is self-evident, where are the fanatics?? where are the sucide bombers??? answer: your SANA (the equivalent of hitler's nazi propaganda) is full of shit, do you really think that there are thousands of armed people in Syria fighting the regime and the tanks can roll in just like that, have you ever seen one tank destroyed for instance !? all of a sudden they showed up in a country of 16 security organizations!? The matter is straightforward: protests against a brutal murderous dictator and the dictator is crushing the protests (nothing new in history). The truth is, that you so conveniently avoid, is that the likes of you have no problem in mass genocides.. and you would love to see your Bashar using chemical weapons against cities, Be a man and say it, you are a neo-nazi who would love to kill all the sunis and keep the ones alive slaves! this is the truth

Thumb bashir 23:17 ,2011 آب 14

The desperate Alawite minority regime enters it's death throes...

Missing realist 23:33 ,2011 آب 14

Hey Blind racist le-phonecian: this is the beginning of the end of the Assad dynasty, this is 2011 and not 1982, you can't just attack and kill 20,000: even christian europe did not accept slaughter of suni muslims in bosnia and they eventually attacked and ended milosovitch, it will be slow yet inevitable, the people are not going back home, period, and as the regime gets weaker you will see Damascus and Aleppo rise in full force. The irony is that the Russians can see that but neo-nazis-neo-serbian people here like le-phoneician can not see beyond their nose. You should also listen to the sermons of the shiekhs in Duma, and Damascus to see how mature and disciplined this peaceful revolution is, but i am sure you are too racist/blind to listen and you are simply motivated by hate: how did the christians survive in the suni muslim empire for hundreds of years if all your bullshit was valid? have you wondered. The personal doctor of mu3wiya of Damascus was christian, go do some readin

Thumb benzona 00:23 ,2011 آب 15

The Assad Regime keeps digging its grave. I wonder if they'll have enough time to flee to Tehran when the D day will come.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 01:32 ,2011 آب 15

it will take more time and blood as syria is becoming the vietnam of iran.
syria is draining the persians,moneywise and militarywise......

Default-user-icon Omar Akkari (ضيف) 04:55 ,2011 آب 15

Wow and leb atheist and realist. Im glad to see ur comments. Finally i hear lebanese speak the truth unlike the usual racism, hate and brain washing we usually see here. Nobody killed nor harmed more lebanese than the lebanese ourselfs and we also comitted horrible crimes and massacres against other people including against other leb sects, against palestinians, against syrians, against armenians and against kurds so we shouldnt blame others before we blame ourselfs nor be racist unless we are to be racist against ourselfs. Many ppl dont like the lebanese bcuz of the unfortunate arrogance and racizm so many of us have, i wish more lebz were like u guys instead.