أردوغان للأسد: لا يمكنكم التحدث عن الإصلاح بينما الشعب السوري يقتل

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أعلن رئيس الوزراء التركي رجب طيب أردوغان أنَّ بلاده "ابلغت الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد ضرورة وقف العنف وإراقة الدماء" جازما أن "السلطات السورية تصوب السلاح تجاه شعبها".

وقال أردوغان خلال اجتماع لكوادر حزبه في انقرة أنه "لا يمكن للرئيس السوري بشار الأسد وللسلطات السورية التحدث عن الإصلاحات بينما الشعب السوري يقتل، فلن تضحكوا على الشعب السوري ولا على العالم، ولا تنسوا ان مشروعية الحكم تكمن في الإستماع إلى الشعب وفي تمثيله إرادته".

وأضاف أردوغان:"اليوم سمعنا خبراً فطلبنا من سفيرنا إن يذهب إلى حماه وقال لنا إنَّ الدبابات بدأت تخرج من حماه، وهذا تطور متمنياً على الأسد أن "يقوم بالإصلاحات التي وعد بها واتخاذ خطوات في خلال أسبوعين باتجاه عملية الإصلاح".

التعليقات 19
Thumb adam 16:49 ,2011 آب 10

this website is so stupid,
why are use lying for??
say the truth, i hate use so much, iwish i could take down your website cause all you do is lie lie lie, stop lying everyone knows the truth that there are terrorist in syria killing inocent people, and the army is trying to protect the people, yes the army is killing people, but these people are terrorist, which country would accept this kind of people in there country and let them do what they are doing in syria,
do you think that we are stupid or that if you write lies that we are going to belive you??/ well think again cause the truth is out there, and this wesite is going to be the big looser, this web is working for march 14 and we know that march 14 are against the syrian regime, and you will do whatever it takes to make the regime look bad, seriously shame on you shame on you shame on you, the people come to you to hear the truth and you give them lies, i wish you were keen on bahrain as you are on syria and libya , shame on uu

Default-user-icon jabaleh (ضيف) 16:58 ,2011 آب 10

Adam ! you are so stupid! with all my respect to your inteligents ! you are so stupid!

Default-user-icon Phoenicienne (ضيف) 17:16 ,2011 آب 10

So why u don’t go to a smart website and save us the lecture of your stupidity?

Thumb bashir 17:17 ,2011 آب 10

Adam the families of the martyrs of Syria are weeping over your stupidity.

Default-user-icon Vardashe (ضيف) 17:29 ,2011 آب 10

And who the heck is this parasite? THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE IS DEAD! The US empire is dying, too! Ask this parasite to tough it up with those who killed 9 of his own citizens in cold blood instead of making shady deals with their masters. What a coward and an opportunist!

Default-user-icon melkadri (ضيف) 17:37 ,2011 آب 10

Onwards and forward Mr. Prime Minister, the Syrian people are asking for your help!

Default-user-icon leb_atheist (ضيف) 17:41 ,2011 آب 10

First, learn how to spell. "use" instead of "you"? really? “belive”, “inocent”?
Second, President Al-Assad and his regime are doing a good job in making themselves look bad. No need for help from Naharnet or anyone in March 14. Look at the international community. Everyone is showing their disgust.
Third, The article isn’t by Naharnet. Look at the source before you bash the wrong website. Go to “Agence France Presse" and tell them that they’re “loosers”.

When Turkey speaks about this, we must all listen. Like Lebanon, Turkey shares a huge border with Syria. And unlike Lebanon, is a military force to be reckoned with. The Syrian people have finally found the courage to stand up for their rights. If you think that they’re living in paradise, I suggest you visit Syria like I did and judge for yourself what the average living conditions are like.

First time we agree!

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 17:57 ,2011 آب 10

Min d your own business Mr Turkish terrorist And Armenian killer . Tour Sunni plan And friends Will not succeed .

Thumb Marc 18:02 ,2011 آب 10

Syrian Regime has been good at one thing when dealing with other countries, buying time.... They always buy time and hope to get away with whatever they did. They did that in Lebanon for many years, they have been hoping the STL will get derailed and their name will never be mentioned, now they are pretending to reform until they get in a position to crush any opposition whatsoever.... The Syrian Revolution is like a snow ball that is going to keep growing as it rolls.

Assad should go and retire with his family somewhere else

Thumb adam 18:16 ,2011 آب 10

you bunch of doggs

Default-user-icon leb_atheist (ضيف) 19:02 ,2011 آب 10

That's it adam. When you run out of things to say, just start swearing at everyone.

Default-user-icon Eve (ضيف) 19:03 ,2011 آب 10

Ya Adam, this website is working for no one other than the Lebanese and free Arabs, not for March 14, not against March 8 ... if you don't like it, you can go read fairy tales on any syrian news site of your choice.

You remind me of kids that do not want to believe Santa Claus does not exist. The fact is you're either blind, deaf and illiterate or you're part of the Syrian propaganda goons that do nothing but accuse people rather than debate. If what you claim is true, give us arguments, and proof ! Any videos, confessions about these alleged terrorists ? Are there millions of terrorists in Syria ? Where they all trained at the last minute ? Did they just all magically appear ?

Bite the apple and wake up ya Adam... you will finally see the light !

Thumb shab 19:03 ,2011 آب 10

Looks like Turkey will in the end be the saviour of Muslims in the Middle East
to "Adam" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rma76poA3iQ&feature=share

Default-user-icon Phoenicienne (ضيف) 19:13 ,2011 آب 10

@ Eve
Like it Eve, and smart name.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 20:55 ,2011 آب 10

And who the heck is this parasite? THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE IS DEAD! The US empire is dying, too! Ask this parasite to tough it up with those who killed 9 of his own citizens in cold blood instead of making shady deals with their masters. What a coward and an opportunist!

Default-user-icon Sigmabond (ضيف) 01:10 ,2011 آب 11

The Armenians are still waiting for an apology. Perhaps they will get it before this punk gets his from Israel. Tough bull

Default-user-icon Habib (ضيف) 02:42 ,2011 آب 11

من اسیر سیاسی فی ایران تقدم الی شعب السوری البطل

یا شعب دمشق
یاسکان حمص
یا اهل لاذقیه و درعا و بانیاس
یا شعب حما
یا معروف لنا
یا شام
یا بلد الثوره
ایها البطل
رسالتنامن مشهد و طهران و اصفهان
من مرکز ایران حضاره القدم
و من محبس اوین
رساله استقامه و دعوه مقاومه
ان باقتلکم الدیکتاتورقد امر
و الان الثعلب نظار حراکلم
ماذا الان تفعلون
«استسلام ام القیام»؟
یا وارثین دما شهدا لاحصادلها
فی دم الشهدا الثمین ماذاستفعلون ؟
فی ضجیج امهات ماذاستفعلون ؟
هل حیله العدو المصاص للدما
و هل بخدعه الرجل الظالم تخدعون؟
هل لقاتلال رجال الاصفیا
تستسلمون ؟و تکافئون ؟
ها و خیارین امام عیونکم
«استسلام ام القیام ؟»
و هیهات ان للاستسلام تخصعوا
ذره استقامه
قلیل مقاومه
هانسمه الفتح الان قادمه
من تونس و طرابلس
من الشرق و من الغرب آتیه
و نحن الشائبین فی ساحه الصراح
تحت ضغط الظالم لسنابخاضعین
نحن ایضا کما کم
عین علی ساحه الفتح السعید و ناطرین
ان انتصار کم
مقدمه فتحنایکون
و الان قدم صوت الظفر لاذن قد وصل
و الان فتحکم السفیر من المسیر قد وصل
فی اهتزاز ریح
حضرا رایه قیامکم قد وصل

من اسیر سیاسی فی ایران-تهران -اوین

Thumb adam 06:45 ,2011 آب 11

im sure nothing i show you will change your mind,
and i think you should take your own advice miss eve.
and go bit something else while i bite the apple.

Thumb adam 06:50 ,2011 آب 11

im sure nothing i show you will change your mind,
and i think you should take your own advice miss eve.
and go bit something else while i bite the apple.