الاسد: الدور الروسي يسهم في رسم "عالم متعدد الاقطاب"

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صرح الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد الاربعاء ان الدور المهم الذي تقوم به روسيا، ابرز الحلفاء الدوليين لنظامه، على الساحة الدولية يسهم في رسم "خريطة جديدة لعالم متعدد الاقطاب"، وذلك خلال استقباله وفدا روسيا نقل له رسالة من نظيره الروسي فلاديمير بوتين.

ونقلت وكالة الانباء الرسمية (سانا) عن الاسد تأكيده "ان الدور المهم الذي تقوم به روسيا على الساحة الدولية اليوم يسهم بشكل جلي في رسم خريطة جديدة لعالم متعدد الاقطاب يحقق العدالة الدولية ويصب في مصلحة الدول والشعوب المتمسكة بسيادتها واستقلالية قرارها".

واعرب الاسد "عن تقديره لمواقف روسيا الراسخة والداعمة لسورية، وعن ارتياحه لمستوى التعاون والتنسيق القائم بين البلدين الصديقين".

ويتهم النظام السوري دولا اقليمية وغربية ابرزها الولايات المتحدة والمملكة العربية السعودية وتركيا، بدعم المعارضة المطالبة برحيله في النزاع المستمر منذ نحو ثلاثة اعوام، بالمال والسلاح، وان دمشق تخوض "حربا ضد الارهاب" ناتجة عن هذا الدعم.

واكد الاسد امام الوفد "انه لا خيار امام الشعب السوري سوى الانتصار في حربه على الارهاب والفكر الظلامي المتطرف الدخيل على مجتمعنا، وذلك من خلال الثبات والتمسك بما ميز هذا المجتمع عبر قرون طويلة من التنوع والاعتدال والتنور الفكري".

وذكرت الوكالة ان الاسد استقبل صباح اليوم وفد الجمعية الامبراطورية الارثوذكسية الفلسطينية برئاسة سيرغي ستياشين الذي نقل له رسالة شفهية من نظيره الروسي "اكد فيها تصميم بلاده على مواصلة دعمها صمود الشعب السوري في جميع المجالات في مواجهة الحرب التي تخوضها ضد الارهاب الدولي المدعوم من بعض الدول الغربية والاقليمية".

ونقلت الوكالة ان ستيباشين عبر "عن ادانة بلاده لما تقوم به المجموعات الارهابية من اعمال قتل وترويع تستهدف الشعب السوري بمختلف مكوناته والتي كان اخرها الاعتداء الارهابي على منطقة كسب" في محافظة اللاذقية (غرب)، احد ابرز معاقل النظام السوري.

وتراس ستيباشتين في 1999 الحكومة الروسية قبل ان يتولى بين 2000 و2013 رئاسة غرفة مراجعة الحسابات الروسية، ويعتبر من الوسط الذي يحظى بثقة الكرملين.

التعليقات 14
Thumb saturn 16:14 ,2014 نيسان 02

Yes President Assad, Russia cares about you as much as it cares about North Korea and other "polarized" dumps.

Thumb .mowaten. 16:22 ,2014 نيسان 02

lol... you really didnt get the point did you?

Thumb .mowaten. 17:29 ,2014 نيسان 02

lol, what a smartie. i must say i'm impressed, must be the first time you use google! i understand your excitement, but dont get too carried away! a couple of figures (GDP and def expenditure) are far from enough to grasp the full picture.

but first, try googling "multipolar", and compare the results to those of "bipolar". yes, bravo! you did it! it takes more than 2 powers to be "multi". so china if china is n2, it takes a n3 to have a multipolar world.

also, as i said above, it's not a question you can answer with a couple of numbers and a childish bragging about "who's got the biggest".
the world being "multipolar" depends on a zillion other things, like the involvement or not in world matters, the will and ability to challenge and oppose established powers, the attitude and strategic flair of other powers etc etc etc...

Thumb .mowaten. 17:33 ,2014 نيسان 02

if there are many powers but they all collude into the same plan, or if one power makes all the decisions on the global level while the others remain neutral, no matter how big their weiner is, then the world wouldn't be multipolar.

whether you like it or not, russia is playing a major role around the globe, including south america, asia, the middle east and europe, and they ARE challenging the US, more than China actually.

Thumb Mystic 17:36 ,2014 نيسان 02

That your masters in the US, doesn't see Russia as a super power, proves how blind they are Mr. American. It's your beloved west that gets weaker, while the Eastern countries gets stronger. What did NATO when Crimea rejoined Russia? Other than no important sanctions and big words.

Thumb Mystic 18:11 ,2014 نيسان 02

You seem very self confident in your country. So let's talk about economy, what makes you think the west EU etc. Has anything to offer Ukraine? They do not have gas lines or anything going through Ukraine, they do not even let Ukraine become an EU country. Russia just stopped giving discounts on their Gas, just like Syria did when they left Lebanon. Nothing good will happend to the Ukrainian people, other than Far right groups, chaos and empty western promises.

Thumb Mystic 18:17 ,2014 نيسان 02

Ukraine rely on Russia, Russia didn't rely on Ukraine. Just like EU needs Russias natural resources. Their sanctions only backclashed, and now the West seeks new diplomatic solutions with Russia, US economies are dead. You wasted them on wars you didn't belong in.

Thumb Mystic 18:48 ,2014 نيسان 02

Well would've been nicer if the US. Didn't interfeer in Ukraine themselves then it wouldn't have been so bloody. Just like they destroyed Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yugoslavia, they destroyed Ukraine.

So what is the West going to do? Ukraine has billions of dollars in dept. Just like the USA themselves have, what are you going to do Mr. American? Lend more money, so you can save Ukraine from bankruptcy?

Thumb Mystic 19:08 ,2014 نيسان 02

Well i saw the American Marines roll over Iraq with their heavy tanks and bombs, and i Saw the Russian marines "Invade" without firing a single bullet or bomb anywhere on the peninsula. You Americans were always the agressors, there is millions of Russians in Ukraine, how many Americans lived in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya? You Americans are indeed real hypocrites.

Thumb Mystic 19:09 ,2014 نيسان 02

Peaceful protestors? They were armed to the teeth, and beated up Police officers with sticks and knives, American propaganda once again, just like with Syria. You should take a look at some pictures and videos from the protests there, I don't think you really know what happend.

Thumb Mystic 19:13 ,2014 نيسان 02

Mr. American, your whole history is build on the blood of African American slaves, and the unarmed native Americans you massacred.

Thumb Mystic 19:55 ,2014 نيسان 02

American, I am not an Iraqi, but i do know many Shi3a in Iraq, were against the American Invasion, and so was i. America went into Iraq to suck it's oil out, not to get rid of Saddam, because you were the ones that put him on the seat to begin with, just like you financed and armed him against Iran in the 80's, don't give me this garbage that people give baklawas, or that we throw rice at Israel tanks, I heard this Western Takfirism before, you forget many groups in Iraq, fought against both Saddam & the American invaders, such as Jaysh Al Mahdi, and other Shi3a groups too.

Thumb Mystic 19:56 ,2014 نيسان 02

Many Sunnis and Shias actually joined forces against the Americans doing the Iraqi war era.

Thumb Maxx 18:17 ,2014 نيسان 02

Baschar then added, "And we support Putin's re-establishment of shipments of multi-headed missiles which is helping us murder our own people with greater efficiency". He then further added, "And as Russia has shown by blatantly defecating on International Law and annexed Crimea using the "historical" alibi, so shall we. Lebanon, I'm looking at you. Get back to becoming a back-province of Syria like you were in the Ottoman era." At which point he turned back to his TV screen and masturbated to the point of injury while watching footage of dead Syrian children.