مدير مدرسة في الجنوب يعنف تلاميذه عبر "الفلق"
Read this story in Englishانتشر مقطع فيديو على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي اليوم الثلاثاء، يظهر مدير لمدرسة في الجنوب يعاقب تلامي بطريقة همجية غير مسؤولة، عبر "الفلق".
ويظهر الفيديو المدير ويدعى (م.ض) وهو يستدعي عددا من الطلاب ويقوم بضربهم واحد تلو الاخر، فيما التلاميذ يبكون ويرتجفون خوفا، ويتوسلونه أن يتوقف عن الضرب.
والمدرسة تابعة لجمعية المقاصد الاسلامية في بلدة العرب قرب الصرفند في الجنوب.
وإثر الحادثة أكد وزير التربية الياس أبو صعب لقناة الـ LBCI أن "جمعية المقاصد قررت اغلاق المدرسة غدا استنكارا للحادثة"، مشيرا الى أنها اتخذت قرارا بطرد المدير.
وسبق أن تكررت مثل هذه الحوادث. إذ أقدمت معلمة في مدرسة رسمية بالميناء طرابلس على ضرب تلميذ "بهدف تهذيبه"، إذ طلبت حينها من تلامذة الصف الاعتداء بالضرب المبرح على التلميذ ايلي خ".
That sadistic SOB, if that was my son he can expect a visit from me to see how he likes it.
Then turn around and let few people start giving you few laches for a dose. Did you see the kids were screaming?
I have a better idea I think the students in this class should all beat him one after the other until he himself cries or collapse knowing the pain he has inflicted on these poor innocent kids. Then he goes to jail where I hope he will rot there
being fired is a very mild punishment. Watch him being hired by another school with his wasta
I can't believe what I am reading here. Some guys support corporal punishment?
Dudes we are not in the Taliban or Pakistan madrassa
get real
the Lebanese are savages, the 'fake' christians arabs, the 'fake' muslim jews, you're all savages. la khairy hal balad. back to the muzzies taliban yalla.
if its my kids i'll thank the teacher
he is not "beating of control"
he is disciplining them coz of you here what he say to them, seems they were being "cool" yseb/yesob" swear & cuss & its a physical "controlled acceptable discipline.
its hard to have physical punishment, but sometimes its needed to certain extant.
25-30 years ago it was almost acceptable to spank students at school, yet we would not accept for long. I have witnessed very hard reactions from parents at that time. So i cannot see how it could have the hint of tolerance in todays systems. Yet this can be an ever debated topic. But for us at home, we would never use violence with our kids, and accordingly would never tolerate anyone to use violence on them. we have chosen a more constructive approach with our kids, and it is working. After all, we all know that as grown ups, their are better ways to get what we want than with violence. thats my opinion
First, out of respect to those minors, the video should not be posted. This is an invasion of privacy. Second, in a civilized society, this teacher should not be beaten or tortured, he should face justice. He should be arrested and prosecuted and not just fired by the school.