نتنياهو عن قصف الحدود اللبنانية السورية: سنقوم بما يجب للحفاظ على أمن اسرائيل

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اكد رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو الثلاثاء بانه سيقوم "بكل ما هو ضروري" للدفاع عن امن اسرائيل عقب غارة جوية مساء الاثنين عند الحدود اللبنانية السورية ليل الاثنين استهدفت "هدفا لحزب الله" اللبناني.

وردا على سؤال حول تلك الغارة في مؤتمر صحافي مشترك مع المستشارة الالمانية انغيلا ميركل التي تزور القدس، قال نتانياهو "سنقوم بكل ما هو ضروري للدفاع عن امن اسرائيل".

وفي هذا السياق، يواصل المسؤولون الاسرائيليون صباح الثلاثاء صمتهم بعد غارة جوية عند الحدود اللبنانية السورية ليل الاثنين استهدفت "هدفا لحزب الله" اللبناني بينما اكدت وسائل الاعلام الاسرائيلية بانها عملية اسرائيلية.

ورفض الجيش الاسرائيلي الادلاء باي تعليق كما فعل في الاشهر الاخيرة عند تنفيذ غارات في سوريا يتم تحميل الدولة العبرية مسؤوليتها.

ولكن وسائل الاعلام الاسرائيلية نشرت تصريحات ادلى بها رئيس اركان الجيش الاسرائيلي الجنرال بني غانتز الاثنين محذرا من نقل الاسلحة من سوريا الى لبنان الى ايدي حزب الله الذي يقاتل الى جانب قوات نظام الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد ضد المتمردين ومقاتلي المعارضة.

وقال غانتز "نحن نراقب عن كثب نقل الاسلحة بجميع انواعها على كافة الجبهات. هذا امر سيء للغاية وحساس جدا ومن وقت لاخر واذا لزم الامر فان امرا قد يحدث" فيما اعتبر اشارة ضمنية الى تدخل اسرائيلي محتمل.

واتهم رئيس الاركان الاسرائيلي ايران حليفة الرئيس السوري وحزب الله بالتورط في عمليات نقل الاسلحة.

وقال غانتز انه "لا يوجد جبهة واحدة لا يشارك بها الايرانيون يوزعون بها المشاعل على مهووسي صنع الحرائق سواء أكانت اسلحة او صواريخ او مقاتلين".

وكرر المسؤولون الاسرائيليون الكبار ومنهم رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو تحذيراتهم مرارا من ان اسرائيل لن تسمح بان تزود سوريا حزب الله اللبناني باسلحة متطورة.

وقال معلق في اذاعة الجيش الاسرائيلي بان اسرائيل تريد تجنب ان يضعف حزب الله اللبناني-الذي اطلق الاف الصواريخ على الاراضي الاسرائيلية خلال حرب تموز عام 2006- تفوقها في المجال الجوي والبحري اللبناني.

واعلن مصدر امني لبناني بان الطيران الاسرائيلي قصف مساء الاثنين "هدفا لحزب الله" اللبناني عند الحدود اللبنانية السورية، من دون ان يتم التأكد مما اذا كان الهدف داخل الاراضي اللبنانية ام السورية.

وقال المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان ان القصف الاسرائيلي استهدف "مركز قاعدة صواريخ" تابعة لحزب الله.

الا ان تلفزيون "المنار" التابع لحزب الله قال "لا غارة اسرائيلية داخل الاراضي اللبنانية" من دون اعطاء تفاصيل اضافية.

وفي ايار الفائت، استهدفت اسرائيل مرتين شحنات اسلحة قالت الدولة العبرية انها كانت تنقل الى حزب الله قرب العاصمة السورية.

وفي الاول من تشرين الثاني، نقلت وسائل اعلام ان اسرائيل قصفت قاعدة جوية سورية كانت تحوي صواريخ مخصصة لحزب الله.

التعليقات 45
Missing un520 12:45 ,2014 شباط 25

"handing out torches to pyromaniacs" I like that anecdote...

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:52 ,2014 شباط 25

stick to insults samy, sarcasm is clearly not your cup of tea.

Thumb cedre 13:03 ,2014 شباط 25

So movaten, is Nasrat not going to shell Haifa or Tel Aviv ?
Too scared ? Khamenei told him Qusayr and Yabrud are more important to liberate jerusalem ? OK...

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:53 ,2014 شباط 25

cedre: your losers react rashly, acting rashly and blowing themselves up when they are unhappy with their goats.

HA doesnt operate like this. israelis can make some hit and run ops in isolated areas, but they cannot step into lebanon anymore, let alone dream of colonizing it. HA will respond when they want, it's not a sectarian hater like you, who dreams of slaughtering shias and alawite every night, who is going to be the reference for them.

Thumb cedre 13:59 ,2014 شباط 25

movatin, ur beloved khizbkhomeyni keeps its weapon under the pretext they protect Lebanon when they can't protect themselves.
I can't wait for Nasrat next speech.
Here's his mate that was killed, amy he be followed by hundreds more...

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:52 ,2014 شباط 25

enjoy cedre, i guess you have so little achievement of yourself to be proud about, that you need to cheer israel.
as for your patrick galley, i wonder where he got that info. sounds like bs to me, until confirmed.

Thumb Mystic 17:12 ,2014 شباط 25

Most salafis hates the Shia/Hezbollah and other sects, more than they hate Israel. We have the perfect example here, i'm glad there are still a few palestinians with honor such as PFLP-GC etc. But Hamas are all but traitors and their idealogy is takfirism. The salafis rather want a Wahabi caliphate than freeing Palestine, this is a true fact. Ask them

Thumb geha 17:56 ,2014 شباط 25

Israel is giving the excuse hizbushaitan needs: now (in their mind) they can justify again why the so called resistance is needed :)

well since 2006 this so called resistance has done nothing in spite of several incidents (among which the killing of moughnieh and others) and this terrorist Iranian militia did not shoot a single bullet back at Israel, so nothing qualifies it as a resistance, while their activities in Lebanon and in Syria qualifies them as terrorists.

Thumb Mystic 18:24 ,2014 شباط 25

There will be a new war Geha, both the Resistance and Zionists knows this well. Both are getting ready for a full blown war.

Thumb geha 18:46 ,2014 شباط 25

this farce of resistance is useless and should be disbanded especially as really it represents everything evil on this earth.

Thumb cedre 19:19 ,2014 شباط 25

'cedre, if salafis have their way, you'd be the first to be killed: they hate europeanized sunnis more than everything.'

prove or let me believe ur a stupid propagandist.
Define as well the concept of europeanized sunnis.
Are EU salafis in KSA killed ? Are non-salafis killed in salafi KSA ? Why does salafi KSA have good relationship and cooperate with non salafi countries, like sufi senegal, ibadi oman, ash3ari morroco ?
Did u just miss an opportuniy not to say a stupid thing ?

Thumb Abubakr 13:35 ,2014 شباط 25

Let both our enemies the zionists and persians destroy each other

Missing peace 13:38 ,2014 شباط 25

for hezbis no bombing from israel occured... good then they won't have to retaliate... difficult for them to liberate syria and jerusalem at the same time.... LOL

Thumb cedre 14:02 ,2014 شباط 25

Too busy bombing sunni mosques in yabrud

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:50 ,2014 شباط 25

i love the part where we see hezbollah firing that rocket. also the part where the supposedly hit mosque continues the prayer.
you were saying stuff about haram and halal yesterday, isnt it haram to lie in your religion?

Thumb cedre 14:18 ,2014 شباط 25

Years ago, u were an imperialist for criticizing Iran and Syria.
Then it was zionist.
Now it's takfiri. Just showing ur lack of arguments.
If u had a brain u would know that shias are bigger takfiris ever, what is biggest than takfir of sahabas ?
Ever heard a christian insulting the apostles or a jew the family and friends of Moses ? Au contraire...

Thumb kanaanljdid 16:17 ,2014 شباط 25

Maybe u will be deemed by argumentless people to be an imperialist zionist takfiri working for Klinkistan, the Mossad and the CIA lol

Thumb cedre 14:29 ,2014 شباط 25

Ya jaheel calling takfiris not sunnis or not muslims make u a takfiri.
What part of it dont u understand ?

However ur khomeynism and taqiya doesn't have anything to do with shiism:


Thumb cedre 14:32 ,2014 شباط 25

May all ur days be sorrow and mourning ya moujrimin...


Thumb _mowaten_ 14:58 ,2014 شباط 25

and who mourns your nameless, faceless terrorists? even their own families renounce them, refuse to take their bits and pieces, and spit on their graves.

Thumb cedre 16:10 ,2014 شباط 25

my terrorists ? u're the one cheering terrorists here all day long...

Default-user-icon Hisham (ضيف) 14:32 ,2014 شباط 25

Hasan are you going out today from your hole for some fresh air ? As you know the residents of the Galilee cant wait wait to see you ,the prepared for you even coffee, but you are disapointing them ,chou nater hassouna ? Or may be you are getting too old ya ta3ban ??? I suggest you should take one way trip to teheran and stay there ,raw7a bala raj3a

Missing peace 14:51 ,2014 شباط 25

it would be interesting to hear from the hezbi lovers here why hezbollah denies that anything happened yesterday....

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:58 ,2014 شباط 25

it would be interesting to hear where you heard a denial.

Missing peace 15:41 ,2014 شباط 25

just have a look at elmanar: nowhere are they talking about it... just like they try to hide the news...

stop twisting facts mooowaten

Missing peace 15:42 ,2014 شباط 25

but thx for not answering the question, it says a lot....

Missing peace 15:47 ,2014 شباط 25

in case you forgot the link : http://www.almanar.com.lb/

nothing about this raid... meaning they are hiding it and are embarassed to talk about it or it never happened.... LOL

Missing peace 16:50 ,2014 شباط 25

Just look at the homepage... where do you see that elmanar focuses on this raid? as if nothing happened... like i said, they want to minimze or even avoid talking about it...

guess why? LOL

Thumb beiruti 15:27 ,2014 شباط 25

When Syrian fighter jets, with impunity, can strike on Lebanese sovereign territory and suffer no sanction, why should the Israelis refrain? Syria has interests, Israel has interests. But what of the interests of the Lebanese to preserve and protect their sovereignty???

When Hezbollah preaches that its okay for Syria to engage in attacks against "tikfiri" wherever they find them, even in Lebanon, is this not giving everyone else, especially Israel, a card blanche to do the same thing with regard to their perceived enemies found in Lebanon?

Thumb beiruti 15:27 ,2014 شباط 25

This is why Lebanon must have a non-interference policy with regard to Syria. If for no other reason than to deny Israel pretext to engage in violations of Lebanese sovereignty.

Thumb thepatriot 15:48 ,2014 شباط 25

No southy! Hezb has only a political role to play now. No more weapons, provocations, wars, and pathetic excuses for a so called resistance...

Thumb kanaanljdid 16:14 ,2014 شباط 25

So sad he hasn't killed before, indeed

Thumb kanaanljdid 16:14 ,2014 شباط 25

been killed I meant (he killed a lot I am sure, and certainly innocents civilians)

Thumb cedre 16:14 ,2014 شباط 25

they have to, if wali al faqi said so...

Missing phillipo 16:20 ,2014 شباط 25

One of these days, the world, including Lebanon, will wake up and thank Israel for its lifesaving efforts.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:07 ,2014 شباط 25

israelis thanking themselves. lol thank god ridicule doesnt kill, or we'd have another holocaust on our hands.

Thumb geha 18:48 ,2014 شباط 25

Zionists and Iranians are not welcome in Lebanon.

Thumb popeye 16:48 ,2014 شباط 25

He always preaches good manners) but obviously he does not apply his preachings!

Missing peace 16:52 ,2014 شباط 25

don't worry thefact: hezbi will always find a good lie to keep their weapons... they are the most hypocrit people in Lebanon....

Thumb amatoury114 17:07 ,2014 شباط 25

Popey you didn't not welcome the roar back...come on man he came baack from retirement

Thumb amatoury114 17:08 ,2014 شباط 25

Did bassilo finish taking photos with all the ambassadors?

Missing youssefhaddad 17:54 ,2014 شباط 25

Lebanon could have been out of this mess a long time ago. Regretfully, some Lebanese blinded by empty sectarian posturing insisted on staying in the line of fire.
For whom and for what does the Lebanese blood continue to be spilled.

Thumb geha 18:08 ,2014 شباط 25

and who are you exactly to label people as takfiris southern?
you are just a stupid boy who understands nothing as denoted by all your posts.

Thumb shab 22:01 ,2014 شباط 25

Anything against the filthy miitia is fine. More please

Thumb Loubnani 23:31 ,2014 شباط 25

Reading through your comments all I hear is the Sunnis calling the Shiia takfiris or the Shiia calling the Sunnis takfiris! What is wrong with you people? Surely not all Sunnis are takfiris and not all Shiia are takfiris. None of you can deny that takfiris exist in both sects.
If this is all you talk about on a forum I don't even want to know what happens in your real lives. Are you guys obsessed or something?
And please could you both please stop using the oppressed card. It is getting boring. In Lebanon it seems every few decades a different sect starts perceiving itself as oppressed. The Christians had a go then the Shiias and now the Sunnis. To be honest with you the whole bloody country is oppressed by your ridiculous sectarian ideologies. For once, please for once, be Lebanese only.