تركيا تصادر اسلحة مهربة من إيران إلى سوريا و"حزب الله"

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أفادت مصادر ديبلوماسية أن "السلطات التركية صادرت اسلحة مهربة من ايران وموجهة الى سوريا"، مشيرة الى ان "وجهة الاسلحة المصادرة هي على الارجح "حزب الله" اللبناني، من غير أن تحدد تاريخ مصادرتها".

واضافت المصادر عينها الى صحيفة "سودويتشه تسايتونغ" التركية، أن "السلطات التركية اوقفت في 30 نيسان شاحنة واحدة على الاقل تنقل كميات كبيرة من الاسلحة والذخائر عند معبر كيليس الحدودي".

ولفتت الى أن "انقرة رفضت والسلطات المحلية الادلاء بتفاصيل في حين تتهم الدول الغربية ايران بانتهاك العقوبات التي اقرتها الامم المتحدة في شأن برنامجها النووي غالبا بمساعدة سوريا".

التعليقات 13
Default-user-icon Muhamad (ضيف) 09:39 ,2011 آب 04

War criminals and radical terrorists

Thumb shab 09:41 ,2011 آب 04

Good work. Ridiculous picture

Thumb bipartisan 09:55 ,2011 آب 04

Well some may feel happy and some others may feel deception, but again this is a proof that the party of god can not stand alone against the global community, neither can wield the resistance for its sectarian-demographic ambitions. Once again this is a proof that the resistance needs a bipartisan pact; it needs to change its nature, it needs to be composed of all lebanese by means of military service, it needs a leadership composed of all the lebanese puzzle, and it needs a legal origin of weapon cash that should come out of the lebanese pockets through legal taxes. The resistance should abide to lebanese sovereignty and the will of the parliament. The resistance should not be a tool to be used for demographic cleansing, wether in Dahieh or in lassa or in the Bekaa Valley or anywhere in lebanon. Today there is still an opportunity to save the resistance because lebanon needs it but if the shiite group decide to persist on the sectarian path it will soon face destruction

Missing viktorgoc 09:57 ,2011 آب 04

Great bipartisan, you just described the Lebanese Army, which should be the only entity authorized to defend Lebanon.

Thumb bipartisan 10:11 ,2011 آب 04

This is a new question to General Aoun. In his last speech he said that lebanese army can not afford alone the burden of protecting lebanon. Well i am not going to contest this stance as the military man has knowledge in this field which is far more than mine, with modesty i acknowledge there is a high probability that according to the current circumstances he must be right. But this article proves that the resistance is pursuing its military means from Iran. Excuse my naivety but i think that everything has price. And the big question is what is the price lebanon is going to pay for those billions of dollars of Iranian investment. More of a question, why does Iran invest that amount in lebanon when it is under international isolation and when it beats its domestic starving demonstration. i believe that Lebanon is facing adhesion plans of ambitious Iran with greedy leaders; Samir geagea is investing in the fear of the resistance and Aoun is counting on its gowing numbers in election

Default-user-icon ASSAAD123 (ضيف) 10:26 ,2011 آب 04

لا لزوم لنخترع البارود أو ألمي السخني كما في كل بلاد العالم وكما في إيران الجيش والدولة يحميان البلد -

Default-user-icon Chi Fekhem (ضيف) 13:37 ,2011 آب 04

it's Funny how in such situations like this one now U will not see foolish people lile "le phenicien" or whatever the hell is his name commenting cos there is nothing in benefit to comment on.... Shame on such Lebanese people, followers of such parties and so called leaders. Leaders that hides under the excuses of rebuilding OUR nation and facing the enemy just for the sake of being noticed and for the sake of their exsistance. Like aoun, wahhab and co.... TFOU!

Default-user-icon Sassan (ضيف) 15:13 ,2011 آب 04

The only good news is that Turkey seems to be splitting from the Islamic Republic. The Islamic Republic of Terror is the root of all evil and when Iranians rise again in approximately 2-years during the next round of fake elections - Iranians need the international community by their sides in overthrowing this illegal and barbaric regime.

Default-user-icon eli (ضيف) 15:14 ,2011 آب 04

Viktorgoc, you are correct that the army should be the only institiution with weapons. the question is an army to do what? To defend Lebanon from Israel?that's a joke. If Lebanon spent it's intire GDP on equiping it's army it will not be enough to face off with Israel. Spending money on the army is fruitless to say the least. Our strength comes throgh our weakness only when we are united as a nation. Unfortunately, we are devided as a nation along these ugly sectrian lines.

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 16:53 ,2011 آب 04

Do they know musa Sadr wouldn't approve of this, right?

Thumb dust 22:22 ,2011 آب 04

That's really funny! Since when ottomans are playing the role of guardians of peace?, saving the world from the hands of evil and protecting innocent people... destiny has really a sense of humor. Turks are just a bunch of savages, rapists and murderers. Their day will come, nothing remains, it's just a matter of time... but let me tell you one thing: fanaticism, either christian or Islam will not get you anywhere.

Default-user-icon WOW (ضيف) 02:33 ,2011 آب 05

I'm so tired of you losers who just hating on Hizballah. Why dont you just sit
back and bask in the freedom that they got you. I wonder if your true'ly stupid enough to think America likes you or cares about you. Anyhow, hizballah is the best thing to ever happen to lebanon and since you either follow geagea or fatfat the killers, get lost. As for harrari he is in france living the good life and does not care for you.

Default-user-icon LadyGaGa (ضيف) 02:51 ,2011 آب 05

Please get this ugly picture off Naharnet website, those with arms and claiming to be a party of god are nothing but slaves of Satan.
God Bless Shah Iran when this latter country was prosperous, Good Job Turkey.