جنبلاط: العاصمة للجميع وتحويل بعض مناطقها الى امنية لا يفيد احدا

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اكد رئيس "جبهة النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط، على ان "ان تحويل بعض شوارع أو أحياء أو مناطق بيروت الى مربعات امنية لا يفيد أحدا، مشددا على ان "العاصمة لكل اللبنانيين، وتحتضن كل الاتجاهات والتيارات السياسية والفكرية المتنوعة".

ولفت جنبلاط في بيان صادر عنه، الى وجوب "إحترام وسائل الاعلام خلال تأدية مهامها ودورها في تغطية الاحداث السياسية الذي يفترض ان يكون من المسلمات"، قائلا "لذلك قد يكون مفيدا لبعض الشخصيات الوزارية ان تتذكر هذا المبدأ، فالحريات الاعلامية توازي بأهميتها الحريات السياسية والعامة والشخصية، والحفاظ عليها وصيانتها مسؤولية القوى السياسية مجتمعة".

وشدد على "بقاء حق التظاهر السلمي ضمن الاصول القانونية المرعية الاجراء، وان تبقى مساحة حرية التعبير عن الرأي مصانة لانها تتلازم مع التعددية والتنوع الذي تميز به لبنان".

التعليقات 18
Thumb sasi 12:58 ,2011 آب 03

ya bon dieu baram baram we reji3 now 3ala el democracy. shou ma 3ajbeto tehran tere? yalla balki hayde el marra byerja3 we byefham imit el horiye.

3anjad el denye douleb!

Default-user-icon TB (ضيف) 13:57 ,2011 آب 03

Mr. Jumblat
This is what we are saying from 2005 till now & you were with us (14 march) & now you are highlighting on this subject !!!
What Happened?
Are you trying to reinstatement your decisions.

Default-user-icon Citizen-1 (ضيف) 14:14 ,2011 آب 03

Jumblat .... did u just wake up or were you sleeping for the last 15 years? These security zones are not new as you well know, so why raise the issue now? Are you signaling yet another shift?

Default-user-icon s ab (ضيف) 14:39 ,2011 آب 03

jumblat will always remain like this the problem is with all the lebanese people who beleive him & ally with him

Default-user-icon ASSAAD123 (ضيف) 14:41 ,2011 آب 03

إذا لازم مقاومه كلنا مقاومه مش بس الشيعة ويلي ما بيحمل سلاح وبقول نعم للمقاومه كذاب ليش ما بيعمل متلون ؟؟

Thumb mrbrain 15:04 ,2011 آب 03

Anyone who wants to understand the political dynamism in the region he should refer to Mr. joumblat .This latter has the capability to feel and identify the major shifts and reposition accordingly....
Keep an eye on him he can navigate well in a turbulent sea..

Default-user-icon Fuziyad (ضيف) 15:05 ,2011 آب 03

He turns with the wind and is somehow follwoing the tendency among the Syrian druze who are turning too. This was enough for him to regain his place on listet el charaf, ie syria and hezbollah hit list.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 15:07 ,2011 آب 03

it dosnt need a genius ya walid to notice that the syrian regime is weakening by the day,yalla u can jump back,but there is no heroism in that.....the heroes of bilad el arz are people who didnt budge like HAKIM.
N.B. the syrian druze are joining the revolution,he feels bypassed.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 15:19 ,2011 آب 03

Jumblatt is again pointing to in the direction of the shifting winds. He had run to Syria for protection from Hezbollah and paid Assad's price of shifting Parliamentary allegiance from M14 to M8. Now, he sees Assad going down. It is inevitable. Jumblatt's lifeboat is sinking and Jumblatt is jumping out of it.

Plus, there are a significant number of fellow Druze who live in Syria and who are endangered, or will be so by a post-Assad Regime in Syria since Alawites, Christians and Druze have been in alliance with each other. Hezbollah and Iran will be persona non grata in the post-Assad Syria. Jumblatt is just trying to lay a marker for the future, as is the Turkish Regime. If there was any visionary in Washington DC, the US would be doing the same rather than waiting on this Assad murder to engage in reforms.

Default-user-icon BullsEye (ضيف) 16:16 ,2011 آب 03

Well, I hear you and I like what I hear. But I see you and I don't. It was you who brought thiese thugs to power in Lebanon. They couldn't have formed a gov without you. Is this a sign of remorse or just changing masks..

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 16:36 ,2011 آب 03

Mr turbulent, Jumblat hasnt got the capacity of anything exept saving his head when there is a major shift in the region, as usual, he is no sorcerer or sees the future, he is just an hypocrit without principles or convictions or courage, that changes sides just to stay boss of his people and to save his own life. He is a coward and will always be a coward, no matter what side he is on, his yo-yo play is going to be over soon, my advice to him would be just to get out of politics , go far far away and spare us his weekly bullshit as he has become irrelevant and worse than a bug trapped inside our ears, and of course he can take his 2122kg of cocaine, heroine, and marijuana with him

Thumb benzona 16:53 ,2011 آب 03

Sure wally, the march 14 alliance Will take you back. After all, bachar tried killing you when your brakes were neutralized on your way back from Damascus. However, yournreturn will come at a price. Surely!

Thumb bipartisan 17:01 ,2011 آب 03

What i like the most about Mr Jumblat is that he is a typical miniature of the lebanese situation, he suffers a self induced schizophrenia, he is in deep trouble but who is responsible? it is for sure the leaders of 14 march, mainly in the war of may 2008. They left the Druse Sect alone and did nothing. This minority is doing everything to ensure its survival

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 17:43 ,2011 آب 03

Geagea and Jumblat should stop their stupid and useless daily declarations .

Thumb Marc 18:11 ,2011 آب 03

Interesting article for you to read. It is true what someone says which is the little minority is basically trying to survice


Default-user-icon jabaleh (ضيف) 18:23 ,2011 آب 03

wellcome back jumblat the ceder of pride and freedom missed you

Thumb faridz 01:50 ,2011 آب 04

well all of you guys are criticizing walid beik because you have such a short memorie.. walid is the one who made march 14 and he was the leader and the arrowhead of the revolution... and when March 8 attacked The mountains he was left alone to fight.. non of the supposedly "other leaders" or non of the alies even thought about sending few peoples just to make sandwiches for the druze fighters who used anything they can to fight and defend the land.. so i dont blame him at all i think he is the smartest politician in lebanon and for sure he knows how to play on "whats good for the lebanese peoples.. he is a great leader and a great politician no one can ignore that..

Thumb ithinktherel4iam 04:50 ,2011 آب 04

Calm down guys. He means the security zones of Tripoli where the Salafis are arming.