لبنان يبلغ المحكمة عن تعذر إبلاغ المتهمين الأربعة مذكرات التوقيف بحقهم

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سلّم النائب العام التمييزي في لبنان القاضي سعيد ميرزا وفداً من مكتب المدعي العام في المحكمة الدولية القاضي دانيال بلمار في بيروت، جواب القضاء اللبناني عن ما آلت إليه تحقيقاته عن مكان وجود المتهمين الأربعة في قضية اغتيال الرئيس السابق للحكومة اللبنانية رفيق الحريري لإبلاغهم مضابط الاتهام الصادرة بحقهم عن المحكمة.

وأوضحت مصادر مطلعة أن القاضي ميرزا أجاب أنه "تعذر إبلاغ المتهمين الأربعة مذكرات التوقيف بحقهم لعدم العثور عليهم، على رغم عمليات البحث والتحري التي قام بها عناصر من قسم المباحث الجنائية المركزية التابعة لقوى الأمن الداخلي".

كما ضمن جوابه لائحة بحركة دخول وخروج المتهمين الأربعة الصادرة عن الأمن العام اللبناني.

وكشفت المصادر أن فريقاً من المحققين الدوليين استمع في اليومين الماضيين الى إفادات عدد من الشهود في بيروت، لكنها رفضت كشف أسباب هذا الإجراء في هذه المرحلة من التحقيق باغتيال الحريري، واكتفت بالإشارة إلى أن المستمع إليهم هم أشخاص غير مدنيين.

التعليقات 15
Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 10:54 ,2011 آب 03

Bye Bye Mahkama + Bye Bye Hariri + Bye Bye corruption + soon Bye Bye Solidere & Co .

Default-user-icon Voyager (ضيف) 10:58 ,2011 آب 03

I wonder how they left Lebanon and to Where and When?

Default-user-icon Blue (ضيف) 11:06 ,2011 آب 03

Where are the "Saints"?

Default-user-icon may 7 (ضيف) 17:12 ,2011 آب 03

all four them were seen with Le Phenicien MUM

Default-user-icon pong lenis (ضيف) 17:46 ,2011 آب 03

No Witness he was having a latte with Elvis!

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 18:25 ,2011 آب 03

The saint are long gone; having their way with 70 virgins

Missing leb4all 19:37 ,2011 آب 03

You wrote this in a previous post " Phenicien: you have 0 respect. Respect lebanon's plurality you racist". And you follow it, with this post above. It turned out you are not only retarded buy hypocritical as well, super-characteristics of a M14 supporter. Much nicer to be called a thug :)

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 21:38 ,2011 آب 03

Leb4all: there's no need for the language. Hypocritical? These are 4 murderers dude, not a religious leader! How, in the words of the wise leb4all, "retarded" are you?

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 22:49 ,2011 آب 03

Leb4all: these men aren't saints. They were appointd saints by a crazed lunatic. There names aren't in the Quran or the Bible. They are neither followers of Mohammad nor Jesus. They do not have wings they do not or had not committed miracles. They Are nit peaceful they Are not holy in any sense.They are killers. Hezbollah appointed these men as saints, if these men, as Hezbollah furiously claims are innocent, are not behind the killing if rafic Hariri, then why, sir, are they saints ??? I respect religious plurality yes, but I do NOT respect those who cause trouble and commit crimes in the name of Allah, who kill for Allah, who distort the truth about Allah. Those who do so aren't holy, and aren't true followers of Allah

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 22:54 ,2011 آب 03

Additionally: nobody embarrasses themselves more than u. Ur mouth is as dirty as yur leaders. Talk and discuss politics in a respectable and civilized manner. Is that so hard?

Default-user-icon moallek (ضيف) 22:59 ,2011 آب 03

TO : leb4all
Ithinkthere14iam has only discussed about facts. Everyone was asking about the whereabouts of the 4 saints. It happens that they disappeared and one can presume that there are now, somewhere in heaven, 4 saints entangled between the legs of as much as 280 virgins.
Where is the harm?
It is only a matter of recording a fact with all our respect for the religious beliefs of all. If you assume that his statement is harming, you are insulting yourself your own religion.

Thumb shab 00:15 ,2011 آب 04

These 4 are hiding in Israel

Default-user-icon moallek (ضيف) 00:53 ,2011 آب 04

I have a scoop for you
The 4 saints could not breathe anymore between so many legs. They asked their previous chief to send them the almighty General to help them devise a strategy for their way out of Heaven.

Missing leb4all 01:21 ,2011 آب 04

You made a religious inference didn't you? That religion happens to be one that you don't believe in, am I right? Is that behavior that supports religious pluralism? When mentioned in the sense above, it is considered mockery of another belief. Moving on, you have labeled them "murderers". Has their sentencing been issued or are you the judge who already labelled them guilty? The article even states they are "suspects" so wait, from what I understand here, you've come up with your own conclusion about them before you even hear the proof of their sentencing. Irrational, disrespectful and stupid. Naharnet, please, send me a smart M14 supporter to embarass, this has become too easy.

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 08:41 ,2011 آب 04

Leb4all:you're embarrassing yourself, Khalas shut up. U make no sense. Nshallah for u u will meet them in ur demented heaven as well