موقف جنبلاط الأسبوعي لـ"الأنباء" يغيب: إنه زمن التضامن إلى جانب الشعوب المقهورة
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أعلنت مفوضيّة الإعلام في الحزب "التقدمي الإشتراكي" أن "الموقف الأسبوعي لرئيس الحزب "التقدمي الإشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط لجريدة "الأنباء" يغيب عدد الغد.
وأوضحت المفوضية أن " الزمن ليس زمن إلقاء خطابات أو إعطاء دروس ونصائح، وليس زمن الغرق في تفاصيل لبنانيّة مملة، بل زمن التضامن، ولو المعنوي، الى جانب الشعوب المقهورة".
His popular base is sympathizing with the Syrian people and its uprising.... He has to respond and comply with his followers and the grass roots of the PSP..... Be brave and come out with it ya Walid.... Say it, Bashar is . . . . . .

The Beyk's behaviour is very much like the market - ups and downs ad a real roller-coaster. He's "bearish" toward Syria this week...

@marc, Jumblat never cares about his people sympathy.. they sympathize with the opposite side.
The reality is, he needs to choose the right time to jump ships again, and things are not easy to predict, if he comes out again and call Bashar the murder like he did again, and the Bashar crushes the revolution, Walid will have to mend his ties again, like he did last year, and it will be even harder.
Walid will do it, when Walid is sure he will not regret it, and when Walid does it, you can tell it's a big sign that Bashar hit the rock bottom

What!! Mr. I switch sides to protect my own back side at all cost! Now you care ...LOL. Go get a job you loser...you are not a politician, you are masquerade as one.......

A few days his luniness Nasrallah called him over and told him to shut it. poor puppet