الراعي: نأمل أن تصبح السلطة مسؤولة عن كل السلاح في لبنان
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أمل البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي "أن تتمكن السلطة السياسية من توحيد القوة والقرار وتصبح مسؤولة عن كل السلاح في لبنان"، مؤكدا أن " لا ضمان لأي شعب الا عبر المؤسسات الدستورية".
وأثنى الراعي خلال استقباله في الديمان وفدا من موارنة قبرص،على التضحيات التي قدمها الجيش ولا يزال في سبيل استقرار لبنان واستقلاله".
وقال: "في هذا اليوم نهنئ الجيش فيعيده قيادة وضباطا وأفرادا، الذين يحمون الوطن وشرفه ويشكلون سياجا لحدوده، وإننا نتطلع الى الجيش والقوى الامنية كقوة وحيدة أساسية تعطي الضمان لكل اللبنانيين".
وأوضح أن " لا ضمان لأي شعب الا عبر المؤسسات الدستورية والقوى الامنية والعسكرية وفي طليعتها الجيش الذي هو تحت أمرة السلطة السياسية، حتى ينعم المواطنون بالاستقرار".
كما شدد الراعي أن " انتشار السلاح خارج المؤسسة العسكرية لا يرتاح اليه كل الشعب اللبناني".

"constitutional institutions, the security forces, and army" no mr abou samir it's "the people, the resistance and the army"

Did you hear that the so called hezb Allah and their tool Hajj Hassan Naiim Aoun and his Dhimmi Christians?

Those who believe only in their own words will not listen to Al Rahi or any other peaceful suggestions.
Their ideology is built on repressive violence and they will yield only to power. Once all who oppose Hezbollah understand this fact we will be in a better position to confront these extremists.

the time has come to unite the christians in lebanon and outside to build beautiful Holy Land and spread Christ Message that he is the Bread of life and the Door to heaven and eternal life, not the other guy who can't even make on small miracle but rule them by the sword.
come people compare and see between your god and Christ, and see the Son of God is the SAVIOR of your souls and HE bought-ed all by spreading His Precious Hands on the Holy Cross and took your place. You see how Jesus Christ God how much he loves us, He left His Glory just to became a Man to save mankind from sin and satan illusion lies.
look if still not convinced that Christ is the True God then Him and ask your god (allah ) and the one answer your prayers follow.
Chirst is the Living God, just ask and see for yourself, choose eternal life no one can give that except Jesus Christ Savior who raised people from death. Read the Word of God in the Holy Bible.
Its time to preached the message of Christ from lebano

Slowly but surely he is becoming like Sfeir; the voice of reason which ALL Christians should respect and honor.