جنبلاط يكتفي بكلمتين: "لا تعليق"
Read this story in Englishلم يدل رئيس الحزب "التقدمي الإشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط بالتصريح الأسبوعي الدوري إلى الصحيفة التابعة للحزب.
واكتفى جنبلاط في موقفه الأسبوعي لجريدة "الأنباء" الالكترونيّة بالقول: "لا تعليق".
وأتى سكوت جنبلاط بعد فشل سياسي في تأليف الحكومة وحفظ الأمن والجمود على المتسويين السياسي والإقتصادي.
وحتى الآن أتم الرئيس المكلف تمام سلام العشرة أشهر ولم يستطع تأليف حكومة جامعة رغم أنباء إيجابية يفترض أن تتبلور عمليا هذا الأسبوع.
وعلى المتسوى الأمني هزّ تفجير انتحاري بلدة الهرمل مساء السبت الفائت وأوقع قتيلين وأكثر من عشرين جريحا في سابع تفجير يضرب مناطق نفوذ حزب الله إضافية إلى تفجيرين استهدفا مسجدين في طرابلس آب الماضي.
I wish politicians like Aoun also adopted this "no comment" stance every once in a while and spare us the influx of BS and new excuses they have to come up with every week.
We should declare a politics-free month every year where the only news and "comments" are about cheerful events, food, entertainment and success stories !
Yes he's better of course, doesn't need any confirmation or questionning..at least he's not crazy!!!
I don't think Geagea is better, I think Aoun talks too much and constantly misteps and forgets to look in the mirror.
And FT, as much as we despise Geagea and his history as a murderer, he did pay more than anyone else. I was against his release from prison but I was also against Aouns return from his golden exile in Paris paid for by inexplicable sources of funding.
And to set things straight, if you only look at Geagea and Aoun's rhetoric post Hariri murder, Geagea has held a very very straight line of argumentation while Aoun has been more jumpy than jumby barking atrocities left and right! He has not walked a straight line since he came back and let go of all his principles. He has lost all credibility and the support of most of his original supporters (including people like myself).
We true Lebanese patriots do not switch positions and alliances. We stick to our beliefs no matter what.
Don't go thinking your feelings for Aoun and Nasrallah are common with your opponents. You're a very sick person. You are not a normal human being. It's time you realize that and understand others are not like you !
if there were money to be distributed and position to be gained there would be a comment
but since it s time to take a stance without bribes no comment