الراعي: الحقيقة هي وحدها التي تحرر ومن لا يعرف الحرية لا يعرف السلام
Read this story in Englishشدد البطريرك الماروني بشارة الراعي على ان للسلام اربعة عناصر، قائلا "ان الحقيقة هي اول عنصر، اذ لا يمكن ان نعيش بسلام اذا لم نعرف حقيقة الله".
ولفت الى ان "التاريخ ليس للحرب والدمار وان يعيش الناس مقهورين بل التاريخ هو مسرح يحقق عليه الشخص ذاته"، مشيرا الى ان "الكذب والازدواجية والتحايل ليسوا سلاماً، بل ان الحقيقة المطلقة هي وحدها التي تحرر".
واضاف في كلمة القاها خلال الزيارة الرعوية التي قام بها الى مسقط رأسه "حملايا" حيث ترأس ودشن كنيسة القديسة رفقا، ان "العنصر الثاني للسلام هو الحرية، فالانسان صاحب حرية وارادة، ولا يمكن ان يعيش بسلام اذا لم يكن حراً"، مشددا على ان "الحرية هي ان نقول ونختار ما هو الاحق والاصلح والافضل والاجمل، ومن لا يعرف الحرية لا يعرف السلام".
وذكر الراعي ان "العنصر الثالث هو الحب اذ ان لا سلام من دون حب، فمن لا يحب لا يعرف ان يقول الحقيقة ويسامح بل يبقى ميتاً بقديمه وغير سعيد".
ولفت الى ان "العنصر الرابع للسام والاخير هو العدالة، اي ان نعطي كل ذي حق حقه"، مشددا على انه "اذا لم نصل الى العدالة لا يمكن ان نعيش بسلام، فالعدالة تقتضي ان يصل للانسان حقه وان يكون محترماً".
Amen to that, but I am not sure if these messages will make it thru SANA as they have banned all foreign news.
The justice that the patriarch is talking about covers so much it includes the recovery of all land occupied by Hezbollah and protecting Christian land that Qabalan the vice declared would be invaded soon. How can there be justice with occupation? On the other hand the land occupied by Israel from Syria was addressed by the great GMA: "The Shebaa Farms is a big lie; I am fully responsible for what I am saying. We can't adjust the map in accordance to our mood. Shebaa Farms are not Lebanese." Too bad someone paid his to change his mind.
hahahha nice, nice! i see they hired a new one at hasbara.inc! we weren't accustomed to this level of trolling until now!
in just one small paragraph this one managed to speak for the patriarch, fill the blank with his propaganda, pretended to be christian, incited against muslims, whitewashed israel and suggested we offer lebanese shebaa as a present to zionists... as your colleague often says: you are somesing anazer figbill!!!
I add, we cannot live with the following:
A totally unqualified imbecile inheriting the office of PM
Collaborators with all of Lebanon's enemies, be it Syria during the occupation or Israel always
Hariri Mafia and his Christian Sunni idiots
Hariri's Al Qaeda - Akkar and Tripoli Brigades
Candy thieves
Have you seen Aoun today he was so proud to have replaced Lahoud as the hezb's Christian #1 brown nose. Like Lahoud Aoun is an ex-Lebanse Army commander that sold his soul and soldiers to the Syrians. Like Lahoud Aoun collaborated with the Syrians when he ran away the minute the Syrian invasion started (with his bags full of millions in Lebanese soldiers salaries) after many month slowly pushing the international community to lift the red lines from around the Christian areas making the invasion go smoothly. Like Lahoud Aoun is helping with the Islamization of Lebanon by replacing sensitive security positions belonging to Christians with Muslims following the wiches of the Syrians and the hezb. Like Lahoud Aoun covers for the Syria regime's crimes against civilians. But Lahoud was no coward and was president, Aoun will always be remembered for being a coward but never a president and that's so sad.
NO he is not talking about Israel and Israel is not on ANY news these days killing its own people or neighbors, You guys hide behind Israel like it's the Bo3Bo3, the jews want peace and they will do whatever it takes even with blood to achieve a land of peace, get that into your thick head already.
What's on the news today is people being killed by live ammunition (you call them extremists) because every-time the people standup against the dictatorship regimes you are the first to call them Israelis.
We cannot live in peace if we do not find the true killers and achieve justice by throwing them in jail to teach them a lesson.
omg, you brought tears to my eyes, your little speech was so emotional! poor poor israel! they're like little kittens in a box being poked at by evil lizard-like goyims!
"Israel is not on ANY news these days killing its own people or neighbors"
ha ha ha ha... you too, are really somesing anazar!!
Tombolo, the theives are not the ones you are thinking about. The thieves are the one who stole the coffers ot the salvage money for the South, and rose from being a small irrelevent lawyer to becoming a billionnaire Istizz! The thieves are those who are stealing public and private property in Dahie and elsewhere, and who are robbing the treasury from unpaid electricity bills, unpaid customs duties, parallell telephone network. The teacher thief is the one who stole 23M dollars from public money and fled to France. But even then, assuming those guys you're describing as thieves have some taste for public funds, I would say that thieves get their hands chopped off, but criminals deserved to see their heads roll !
Are you serious bigdig? It is quite obvious what he is talking about! What is the number one topic in Lebanon? My god you will say anything.
Justice is a relative notion, each one understands it from him own point of view. For March 14, justice is the removal of Hezbollah weapons and to grant the citizenship for palestinian refugies in Lebanon. For Israel justice is the expulsion of all palestinians from their properties and the retrieval of the promised land. For Hezbollah justice is the killing of Hariri and of some leaders of March 14 taxed as collaborators. For Syrians justice is the control of Lebanon (ex. great Syria) politically and financially. And as you notice these justices are contradictories and cannot coexist. The main reason is that justice cannot be objective and does not have the same face for all. Even if the Hezb killed Hariri, it is justice for them, but how do they perceive the justice of the other camp, where the Hezb must be punished for his crimes? Lack of patriotism, multitude of cultures and traditions, confessionnalism these are our real problems.